Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Campanula bergomensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from Bergamo Prealps (Northern Italy)
2024 B. Valle, E. Eustacchio, G.R. Gallo, M. Beretta, M. Bonelli, A. Zanzottera, L. Gianfranceschi, G. Federici, F. Mangili, L. Mangili, G. Perico, M. Traini, M. Caccianiga
Plastics shape the black soldier fly larvae gut microbiome and select for biodegrading functions
2023 F. De Filippis, M. Bonelli, D. Bruno, G. Sequino, A. Montali, M. Reguzzoni, E. Pasolli, D. Savy, S. Cangemi, V. Cozzolino, G. Tettamanti, D. Ercolini, M. Casartelli, S. Caccia
Pollen and floral morphology of Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Ces. (Primulaceae), a vulnerable narrow endemic plant of the Southern European Alps
2023 E. Eustacchio, M. Bonelli, M. Beretta, I. Monti, M. Gobbi, M. Casartelli, M. Caccianiga
Valorization of the municipal solid waste by Hermetia illucens larvae for the production of protein-based biomaterials
2023 D. Bruno, M. Bonelli, M. Orlando, M. Miceli, E. Testa, M. Stefano Galimberti, M. Casartelli, G. Tettamanti
Insect-mediated bioconversion for organic waste valorization: understanding and exploiting the digestion capability of Hermetia illucens larvae
2023 M. Bonelli, D. Bruno, M.G. Pellegrino, M.C. Valoroso, D. Roma, A. Montali, G. Molla, L. Pollegioni, M. Stefano Galimberti, S. Caccia, G. Tettamanti, M. Casartelli
Bacterial biota composition in gut regions of black soldier fly larvae reared on industrial residual streams: revealing community dynamics along its intestinal tract
2023 D. Vandeweyer, D. Bruno, M. Bonelli, F. Ijdema, B. Lievens, S. Crauwels, M. Casartelli, G. Tettamanti, J. De Smet
Human Dimensions and Visitors’ Perspective in Freshwater Crayfish Conservation: The Case of a Protected Area in Italy
2023 E. Mercugliano, V. Messina, M. Bonelli, R. Manenti, D. Scaccini, L. Ferrante, P. Biasetti, B. de Mori
A soil fungus confers plant resistance against a phytophagous insect by disrupting the symbiotic role of its gut microbiota
2023 I. Di Lelio, G. Forni, G. Magoga, M. Brunetti, D. Bruno, A. Becchimanzi, M.G. De Luca, M. Sinno, E. Barra, M. Bonelli, S. Frusciante, G. Diretto, M.C. Digilio, S.L. Woo, G. Tettamanti, R. Rao, M. Lorito, M. Casartelli, M. Montagna, F. Pennacchio
Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the Central Southern Alps: the first alpine record of the alien parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) and new species for Italy
2023 Ž. Tomanović, V. Žikić, F. Pietra, E. Eustacchio, M. Bonelli
Biodiversity and ecology of plants and arthropods on the last preserved glacier of the Apennines mountain chain (Italy)
2022 B. Valle, M. di Musciano, M. Gobbi, M. Bonelli, E. Colonnelli, G. Gardini, M. Migliorini, P. Pantini, A. Zanetti, E. Berrilli, A. Rita Frattaroli, D. Fugazza, A. Invernizzi, M.S. Caccianiga
Insect-mediated bioconversion: from organic waste to biobased materials. Digestion capability and lipid valorization
2022 M. Bonelli, D. Bruno, M.G. Pellegrino, M.C. Valoroso, A. Aldrigo, E. Gussoni, D. Roma, G. Molla, L. Pollegioni, M.S. Galimberti, S. Caccia, G. Tettamanti, M. Casartelli
The Early Season Community of Flower-Visiting Arthropods in a High-Altitude Alpine Environment
2022 M. Bonelli, E. Eustacchio, D. Avesani, V. Michelsen, M. Falaschi, M. Caccianiga, M. Gobbi, M. Casartelli
Plant-insect interactions in mountain areas: insights for an analysis of pollen loads comparing light microscopy and ITS2 metabarcoding
2022 E. Eustacchio, M. Bonelli, A. Chirico, D. Debiasi, F. Pietra, D. Sciandra, L. Pedrotti, M. Casartelli, M. Gobbi, M. Caccianiga
Insect-mediated bioconversion: from organic waste to biobased materials. Conversion efficiency and protein valorization
2022 D. Bruno, M. Bonelli, M. Orlando, G. Molla, L. Pollegioni, E. Testa, E. Fasoli, M.S. Galimberti, V. Torretta, A. Vezzulli, U. Giese, M. Casartelli, G. Tettamanti
A possible endophytic symbiotic bacterium of endemic species Androsace brevis (Primulaceae)
2021 E. Dinatale, M. Bonelli, E. Eustacchio, M. Casartelli, A. Minici, M. Caccianiga, L. Gianfranceschi
Unravelling biology and ecology of the endangered endemic alpine plant Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Cesati (Primulaceae) by a multidisciplinary approach
2021 M. Bonelli, E. Eustacchio, A. Minici, E. Dinatale, A. Melotto, F. Mangili, M. Gobbi, M. Beretta, E. Gatti, E. Onelli, L. Gianfranceschi, M. Casartelli, M. Caccianiga
High mountain plant-pollinator interactions: the case study of the narrow endemic alpine plant Androsace brevis (Hegetschw.) Ces. (Primulaceae)
2021 E. Eustacchio, M. Bonelli, A. Minici, A. Melotto, E. Dinatale, M. Gobbi, L. Gianfranceschi, M. Casartelli, M. Caccianiga
Video analysis as an innovative approach to investigate plant-arthropod interactions in high mountain environments: the case study of Androsace brevis (Primulaceae)
2021 A. Minici, A. Melotto, M. Bonelli, E. Eustacchio, E. Dinatale, A. Conti, M. Gobbi, L. Gianfranceschi, M. Casartelli, M. Caccianiga
Distribuzione, consistenza delle popolazioni e sinecologia di Androsace brevis (Primulaceae)
2021 F. Mangili, M. Graziani, E. Tonini, V. di Michele, E. Eustacchio, M. Bonelli, M. Caccianiga
Autumn and night: the neglected side of plant-arthropod interactions
2021 E. Legoratti, E. Eustacchio, A. Minici, M. Gobbi, M. Caccianiga, M. Casartelli, M. Bonelli