Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
From Clinical Specimen to Whole Genome Sequencing of A(H3N2) Influenza Viruses: A Fast and Reliable High-Throughput Protocol
2022 C. Galli, E. Ebranati, L. Pellegrinelli, M. Airoldi, C. Veo, C. DELLA VENTURA, A. Seiti, S. Binda, M. Galli, G. Zehender, E. Pariani
Sofosbuvir selects for drug-resistant amino acid variants in the zika virus RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase complex in vitro
2021 A. Boccuto, F. Dragoni, F. Picarazzi, A. Lai, C.D. Ventura, C. Veo, F. Giammarino, F. Saladini, G. Zehender, M. Zazzi, M. Mori, I. Vicenti
2020 C. Veo
Time-scaled phylogeography of complete Zika virus genomes using discrete and continuous space diffusion models
2019 E. Ebranati, C. Veo, V. Carta, E. Percivalle, F. Rovida, E.R. Frati, A. Amendola, M. Ciccozzi, E. Tanzi, M. Galli, F. Baldanti, G. Zehender
Evolutionary Dynamics of the Lineage 2 West Nile Virus That Caused the Largest European Epidemic : Italy 2011-2018
2019 C. Veo, C. Della Ventura, A. Moreno, F. Rovida, E. Percivalle, S. Canziani, D. Torri, M. Calzolari, F. Baldanti, M. Galli, G. Zehender
Bayesian reconstruction of the evolutionary history and cross-species transition of variola virus and orthopoxviruses
2018 G. Zehender, A. Lai, C. Veo, A. Bergna, M. Ciccozzi, M. Galli
Reconstructing the recent West Nile virus lineage 2 epidemic in Europe and Italy using discrete and continuous phylogeography
2017 G. Zehender, C. Veo, E. Ebranati, V. Carta, F. Rovida, E. Percivalle, A. Moreno, D. Lelli, M. Calzolari, A. Lavazza, C. Chiapponi, L. Baioni, G. Capelli, S. Ravagnan, G. Da Rold, E. Lavezzo, G. Palù, F. Baldanti, L. Barzon, M. Galli
Ricostruzione filogenetica dell’origine e dispersione geografica di WNV2 in Italia
2016 C. Veo, E. Ebranati, L. Fiaschi, V. Carta, A.M. Martin, D. Lelli, A. Lavazza, F. Rovida, E. Percivalle, M. Ciccozzi, G. Zehender
Spatial and temporal phylogeny of border disease virus in pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. Pyrenaica)
2016 C. Luzzago, E. Ebranati, O. Cabezón, L. Fernández Sirera, S. Lavín, R. Rosell, C. Veo, L. Rossi, S. Cavallero, P. Lanfranchi, I. Marco, G. Zehender
Phylogenetic analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 group B
2016 E. Cella, A. Lo Presti, M. Giovanetti, C. Veo, A. Lai, G. Dicuonzo, S. Angeletti, M. Ciotti, G. Zehender, M. Ciccozzi
Distribution of Marburg virus in Africa: An evolutionary approach
2016 G. Zehender, C. Sorrentino, C. Veo, L. Fiaschi, S. Gioffrè, E. Ebranati, E. Tanzi, M. Ciccozzi, A. Lai, M. Galli
Hepatitis B virus genotype and subgenotype prevalence and distribution in Montenegro
2015 Z. Vratnica, G. Zehender, E. Ebranati, C. Sorrentino, A. Lai, D. Vujošević, C. Veo, A.L. Presti, E. Cella, M. Giovanetti, D. Laušević, M. Galli, M. Ciccozzi, B. Mugoša
Reconstruction of the evolutionary dynamics of A(H3N2) influenza viruses circulating in Italy from 2004 to 2012
2015 E. Ebranati, E. Pariani, A. Piralla, M. Gozalo Margüello, C. Veo, L. Bubba, A. Amendola, M. Ciccozzi, M. Galli, A.R. Zanetti, F. Baldanti, G. Zehender
Reliable timescale inference of HBV genotype A origin and phylodynamics
2015 G. Zehender, V. Svicher, E. Gabanelli, E. Ebranati, C. Veo, A. Lo Presti, E. Cella, M. Giovanetti, L. Bussini, R. Salpini, C. Alteri, A. Lai, E. Tanzi, C.F. Perno, M. Galli, M. Ciccozzi
WNV in Italia : probabili multiple introduzioni di ceppi differenti
2014 C. Veo, E. Ebranati, C. Sorrentino, A.L. Presti, M. Ciccozzi, M. Galli, G. Zehender