DIPARTIMENTO DI FISIOLOGIA E BIOCHIMICA GENERALI (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 01/06/2003)
Electroneutral Na+ and Cl- coupled transport across the apical membrane of epithelial cells (rabbit gallbladder)
2002 D. Cremaschi, C.E.H. Porta
Further analysis of transcitosis of free polypeptides and polipeptide-coated nanobeads in rabbit nasal mucosa
2001 D. Cremaschi, S. Dossena, C. Porta, V. Rossi, M. Pinza
Increase in intrinsic anion conductance upon inhibition of the electroneutral Cl-/HCO3- exchanger: effect of CO2/HCO3-
2001 D. Cremaschi, C.E.H. Porta, C.M.E. Sironi
Inhibitors of the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger activate an anion channel with similar features in the epitelial cells of rabbit gallbladder : patch-clamp analysis
2001 G. Meyer, C. Porta, M.L. Garavaglia, D. Cremaschi
Electrical resistance and ion diffusion through mesothelium
2001 F. Bodega, L. Zocchi, D. Cremaschi, E. Agostoni
Diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (DPC), usually an inhibitor of Cl- and non selective cation channels, inhibits Cl-/HCO3- exchange and opens Cl- and cation conductances in rabbit gallbladder epithelium
2001 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta, G. Meyer, C. Sironi, M. Garavaglia
Inhibitors of the Cl-/ HCO3- exchanger activate an apical anion conductance with similar features in the epitelial cells of rabbit gallbladder : analysis in intact epithelium
2001 D. Cremaschi, P. Vallin, C. Sironi, C. Porta
Rabbit nasal mucosa: nanospheres coated with polypeptides bound to specific anti-polypeptide IgG are better transported than nanospheres coated with polypeptides or IgG alone
2000 C. Porta, S. Dossena, V. Rossi, M. Pinza, D. Cremaschi
Apical Na+-Cl- symport in rabbit gallbladder epithelium: a thiazide sensitive cotransporter (TSC)
2000 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta, G. Bottà, C. Bazzini, M. D. Baroni, M. Garavaglia
Different kinds of polypeptides and polypeptide-coated nanoparticles are accepted by the selective transcytosis shown in the rabbit nasal mucosa
1999 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta, R. Ghirardelli
Identification of particular epithelial areas and cells that transport polypeptide-coated nanoparticles in the nasal respiratory mucosa of the rabbit
1999 R. Ghirardelli, F. Bonasoro, C. Porta, D. Cremaschi
Uso di microparticelle su cui sono stati adsorbiti una proteina ed un anticorpo per preparare una composizione farmaceutica somministrabile per via intranasale
1998 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta
Use of microparticles having a protein and an antibody adsorbed thereon for preparing a pharmaceutical composition for intranasal administration
1998 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta
Relationship between polypeptide transcytosis and lymphoid tissue in the rabbit nasal mucosa
1998 D. Cremaschi, R. Ghirardelli, C. Porta
Endocytosis of polypeptides in the nasal respiratory mucosa of the rabbit
1997 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta, R. Ghirardelli
Endocytosis inhibitors abolish the active transport of polypeptides in the mucosa of the nasal upper concha of the rabbit
1996 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta, R. Ghirardelli, C. Manzoni, I. Caremi
The active transport of polypeptides in the rabbit nasal mucosa is supported by a specific vesicular transport inhibited by cytochalasin D
1996 D. Cremaschi, C. Porta, R. Ghirardelli
Apical Cl- backflux in rabbit gallbladder epithelium: hydrochlorothiazide effects
1995 C. Porta, D. Cremaschi
Selective transport of microparticles across Peyer's patch follicle-associated M cells
1995 M.W. Smith, N.W. Thomas, P.G. Jenkins, N.G.A. Miller, D. Cremaschi, C. Porta
Hydrochlorothiazide action on the apical Cl−, Ca2+ and K+ conductances in rabbit gallbladder epithelium. Presence of an apamin-sensitive, Ca2+-activated K+ conductance
1995 D. Cremaschi, P. Vallin, C. Porta