EUREKA algorithm predicts obstetric risk and response to treatment in women with different subsets of anti-phospholipid antibodies
2021 F. Pregnolato, M. Gerosa, M.G. Raimondo, C. Comerio, F. Bartoli, P.A. Lonati, M.O. Borghi, B. Acaia, M.W. Ossola, E. Ferrazzi, L. Trespidi, P.L. Meroni, C.B. Chighizola
Impact of different stages of intrauterine inflammation on outcome of preterm neonates: Gestational age-dependent and-independent effect
2019 C. Pietrasanta, L. Pugni, D. Merlo, B. Acaia, D. Consonni, A. Ronchi, M.W. Ossola, B. Ghirardi, I. Bottino, F.M. Cribiù, S. Bosari, F. Mosca
Obstetric risk factors for poor neonatal adaptation at birth
2018 F. Crovetto, M. Fumagalli, A.M. De Carli, G.M. Baffero, S. Nozza, F.P. Dessimone, P. Vergani, L. Fedele, F. Mosca, B. Acaia
The Efficacy of Treatment with Low Dose Aspirin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Pregnant Women with Criteria Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies
2018 C. Chighizola, F. Pregnolato, M. Raimondo, C. Comerio, L. Trespidi, M. Borghi, M. Gerosa, B. Acaia, W. Ossola, E. Ferrazzi, A. Bulfoni, P. Meroni
The Risk of Obstetric Complications and the Effects of Treatment in Women with Low Titer and Medium-High Titer Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies
2016 C.B. Chighizola, M.G. Raimondo, C. Comerio, F. Pregnolato, C. Sobrino, L. Trespidi, B. Acaia, M. Gerosa, W. Ossola, P.L. Meroni
Obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome: Lobsters only? or should we also look for selected red herrings?
2015 P.L. Meroni, C.B. Chighizola, M. Gerosa, L. Trespidi, B. Acaia
Treatment of pregnancy complications
2015 B. Acaia, F. Rossi, C.B. Chighizola
Exposure to Intrauterine Inflammation Is Associated with an Increased Need for Resuscitation at Birth
2013 L. Pugni, C. Pietrasanta, B. Acaia, M.W. Ossola, D. Merlo, L. Maffeis, B. Ghirardi, D. Consonni, F. Mosca
Risk Factors for Acidosis or Difficult Clinical Presentation at Birth and Correlation with Unfavorable Early Neonatal Outcomes : A Hospital-Based Study
2013 M. Fumagalli, S. Passera, D. Consonni, I. Sirgiovanni, L. Bassi, A. De Carli, S. Pisoni, P. Schiavolin, B. Acaia, F. Mosca, L.A. Ramenghi
Depleted mitochondrial DNA content in peripheral blood of women with a history of HELLP syndrome
2013 D. Lattuada, F. Crovetto, L. Trespidi, S. Mangano, B. Acaia, E. Somigliana, L. Fedele, G. Bolis
Predictive factors for neonatal survival in women with periviable preterm rupture of the membranes
2013 B. Acaia, F. Crovetto, M.W. Ossola, S. Nozza, G.M. Baffero, E. Somigliana, C. Pietrasanta, L. Pugni, F. Mosca, L. Fedele
Elevated prepartum fibrinogen levels are not associated with a reduced risk of postpartum hemorrhage
2012 F. Peyvandi, E. Biguzzi, F. Franchi, P. Bucciarelli, B. Acaia, B. Zaina, K.M. Musallam
The genetics of the alternative pathway of complement in the pathogenesis of HELLP syndrome
2012 F. Crovetto, N. Borsa, B. Acaia, C. Nishimura, K. Frees, R.J. Smith, F. Peyvandi, R. Palla, M. Cugno, S. Tedeschi, P. Castorina, E. Somigliana, G.L. Ardissino, L. Fedele
Predicting factors for emergency peripartum hysterectomy in women with placenta previa
2012 E. Giambattista, M.W. Ossola, S.F. Duiella, F. Crovetto, B. Acaia, E. Somigliana, L. Fedele
Risk factors for emergency postpartum hysterectomy : the neglected role of previous surgically induced abortions
2011 M.W. Ossola, E. Somigliana, M. Mauro, B. Acaia, L. Benaglia, L. Fedele
Immunotherapy and recurrent abortion : a randomized clinical trial
1994 M.T. Illeni, G. Marelli, F. Parazzini, B. Acaia, L. Bocciolone, M. Bontempelli, D. Faden, L. Fedele, A. Maffeis, E. Radici
Risk factors for spontaneous abortion
1991 F. Parazzini, L. Bocciolone, L. Fedele, E. Negri, C. La Vecchia, B. Acaia
Antiphospholipid antibodies and recurrent abortion
1991 F. Parazzini, B. Acaia, D. Faden, M. Lovotti, G. Marelli, S. Cortelazzo
L'epidemiologia dell'aborto spontaneo: una revisione della letteratura
1989 L. Bocciolone, F. Parazzini, L. Fedele, B. Acaia, G.B. Candiani
Ectopic pregnancy and recurrent spontaneous abortion : two associated reproductive failures
1989 L. Fedele, B. Acaia, F. Parazzini, O. Ricciardiello, G.B. Candiani