Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Clinical pharmacology of filgotinib in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: current insights
2021 M.G. Raimondo, M. Biggioggero, L.A. Coletto, A. Ramming, R. Caporali, E.G. Favalli
EUREKA algorithm predicts obstetric risk and response to treatment in women with different subsets of anti-phospholipid antibodies
2021 F. Pregnolato, M. Gerosa, M.G. Raimondo, C. Comerio, F. Bartoli, P.A. Lonati, M.O. Borghi, B. Acaia, M.W. Ossola, E. Ferrazzi, L. Trespidi, P.L. Meroni, C.B. Chighizola
Sex and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
2019 E.G. Favalli, M. Biggioggero, C. Crotti, A. Becciolini, M.G. Raimondo, P.L. Meroni
The Efficacy of Treatment with Low Dose Aspirin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Pregnant Women with Criteria Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies
2018 C. Chighizola, F. Pregnolato, M. Raimondo, C. Comerio, L. Trespidi, M. Borghi, M. Gerosa, B. Acaia, W. Ossola, E. Ferrazzi, A. Bulfoni, P. Meroni
The role of concomitant methotrexate dosage and maintenance over time in the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with adalimumab or etanercept : Retrospective analysis of a local registry
2018 E.G. Favalli, A. Becciolini, M. Biggioggero, I. Bertoldi, C. Crotti, M.G. Raimondo, A. Marchesoni
Beyond thrombosis: Anti-β2GPI domain 1 antibodies identify late pregnancy morbidity in anti-phospholipid syndrome
2018 C.B. Chighizola, F. Pregnolato, L. Andreoli, C. Bodio, L. Cesana, C. Comerio, M. Gerosa, C. Grossi, R. Kumar, M.G. Lazzaroni, M. Mahler, E. Mattia, C. Nalli, G.L. Norman, M.G. Raimondo, A. Ruffatti, M. Tonello, L. Trespidi, A. Tincani, M.O. Borghi, P.L. Meroni
Cutaneous Manifestations of ANCA-Associated Small Vessels Vasculitis
2017 A.V. Marzano, M.G. Raimondo, E. Berti, P..L. Meroni, F.A. Ingegnoli
Management of Thrombotic Antiphospholipid Syndrome
2017 C.B. Chighizola, M.G. Raimondo, P.L. Meroni
A review of the literature analyzing benefits and concerns of infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 for the treatment of rheumatologic diseases: Focus on interchangeability
2017 A. Becciolini, M.G. Raimondo, C. Crotti, E. Agape, M. Biggioggero, E.G. Favalli
The management of first-line biologic therapy failures in rheumatoid arthritis : current practice and future perspectives
2017 E.G. Favalli, M.G. Raimondo, A. Becciolini, C. Crotti, M. Biggioggero, R. Caporali
Does APS Impact Women’s Fertility?
2017 C.B. Chighizola, M.G. Raimondo, P.L. Meroni
Spotlight on mavrilimumab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis : Evidence to date
2017 C. Crotti, M.G. Raimondo, A. Becciolini, M. Biggioggero, E.G. Favalli
The Risk of Obstetric Complications and the Effects of Treatment in Women with Low Titer and Medium-High Titer Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies
2016 C.B. Chighizola, M.G. Raimondo, C. Comerio, F. Pregnolato, C. Sobrino, L. Trespidi, B. Acaia, M. Gerosa, W. Ossola, P.L. Meroni
Impact of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations on sustained virologic response in HCV-infected patients: Results from the GUARD-C Cohort
2016 G.R. Foster, C. Coppola, M. Derbala, P. Ferenci, A. Orlandini, K.R. Reddy, L. Tallarico, M.L. Shiffman, S. Ahlers, G. Bakalos, T. Hassanein, J. Basho, G. Shabanaj, A. Harxhi, N. Debzi, N. Afredj, N. Guessab, N. Mahindad, H. Mahiou, M. Aissaoui, J. Al Qameesh, Z. Al Ghandoor, C. Assene, B. Bastens, C. Brixko, M. Cool, C. De Galocsy, J. Delwaide, C. George, P. Laukens, V. Lefebvre, J.-. Mulkay, F. Nevens, B. Servais, H. Van Vlierberghe, Y. Horsmans, J. Henrion, D. Sprengers, P. Michielsen, S. Bourgeois, L. Lasser, P. Langlet, G. Robaeys, J.-. Martinet, P. Warzee, P. Hoste, H. Reynaert, I. Juriens, J. Decaestecker, F. Van Der Meersch, F. Janssens, S. Ahmetagic, A. Verhaz, M. Bevanda, L. Calkic, N. Ibrahimpasic, R. Mesihovic, C.E. Mello, F.J. Ruiz, E.M. Junior, M.L. Ferraz, G. Silva, C. Mendes, A. Lyra, M.H. Silva, G. Gomide, J.C. Fernandes, P. Pereira, M.C. Correa, R. Teixeira, A. Yousry, A. Hanno, M. Gabr, A. Omar, G. Esmat, S. Karatapanis, V. Nikolopoulou, G. Giannoulis, S. Manolakopoulos, I. Elefsiniotis, C. Drakoulis, D. Dimitroulopoulos, S. Kanatakis, I. Ketikoglou, K. Mimidis, N. Evgenidis, E. Akriviades, I. Vafiadi-Zoubouli, E. Tsianos, M. Mela, E. Orfanou, G. Mousoulis, I. Karagiannis, E. Manesis, M. Varga, E. Nemesanszky, K. Fried, J. Schuller, F. Szalay, G. Lengyel, I. Tornai, T. Banyai, M. Lesch, I. Nagy, J. Gervain, A. Tusnadi, F. Schneider, L. Szentgyorgyi, B. Hunyady, A. Vincze, G. Tolvaj, I. Varkonyi, E. Makkai, J. Enyedi, I. Racz, P. Hausinger, Z. Vaczi, A. Patai, Z. Ozsvar, L. Lakner, P. Ribiczey, A. Bhalla, S. Somani, R. Luaia, P. Rao, M. Philip, P. Lawate, A. Nagral, A. Sood, S. Parikh, S. Merat, M. Nassiri-Toosi, S.-. Alavian, M.R. Zali, N.E. Daryani, D. Drenaggi, A.F. Attili, F. Bandiera, P. Bassi, G. Bellati, S. Bellantani, M. Brunetto, S. Bruno, F. Castelli, R. Castellacci, A.M. Cattelan, M. Colombo, A. Craxi, S. D'Angelo, S. Colombo, L. Demelia, G. Di Perri, A. Di Giacomo, C. Ferrari, D. Francisci, K. Casinelli, R. Ganga, C. Costa, A. Mangia, F.P. Russo, F. Matarazzo, G. Mazzella, M. Mazzeo, M. Memoli, M. Montalbano, G. Montalto, A. Pieri, N. Passariello, A. Picciotto, A. Pietrangelo, M. Pirisi, T. Quirino, G. Raimondo, G.L. Rapaccini, G. Rizzardini, M. Rizzetto, M. Russello, G. Sabusco, T. Santantonio, G. Soardo, A. Amedea, G. Verucchi, F. Vinelli, A.L. Zignego, M. Zuin, A. Ascione, M. Vinci, M.G. Pigozzi, P. Tundo, G.M. Saracco, P. Amoroso, M. Andreoni, C. Colletta, E. Erne, A.S. Megna, A. Biglino, P. Chiriaco, G. Foti, G. Spinzi, E. D'Amico, S.W. Paik, S.-. Ahn, Y.N. Lee, Y. Kim, J. Yang, S.Y. Han, R. Varghese, A. Al Gharabally, H. Askar, A. Sharara, C. Yaghi, A. Abou Rached, Z. Houmani, F. Zaarour, A. Dohaibi, L. Ivanovski, N. Joksimovic, Z. Abbas, S. Memon, A. Mohsin, S. Masood, Z. Hashmi, W. Halota, Z. Deron, W. Mazur, R. Flisiak, A. Lipczynski, J. Musialik, A. Piekarska, K. Augustyniak, B. Baka-Cwierz, K. Simon, A. Gietka, H. Berak, J. Sieklucki, D. Radowska, B. Szlauer, T. Piekos, I. Olszok, M. Jablkowski, G. Orszulak, I. Warakomska, M.J. Aleixo, C. Valente, G. Macedo, R. Sarmento-Castro, F. Roxo, T. Faria, K. Mansinho, J. Velez, J.P. Ramos, H. Guerreiro, S. Alberto, C. Monteverde, F. Serejo, P. Peixe, J. Malhado, M. Curescu, A. Streinu-Cercel, F. Caruntu, H. Livia, L. Preotescu, V. Arama, I. Ancuta, L. Gheorghe, C. Stanciu, A. Trifan, M. Acalovschi, V. Andreica, O. Pascu, M. Lencu, I. Sporea, D. Olteanu, F. Ionita-Radu, C. Fierbinteanu-Braticevici, A. Motoc, R. Silaghi, M. Musat, F. Coman, M. Stan, C. Cijevschi, E. Miftode, D. Delic, R. Jesic, D. Nozic, P. Svorcan, M. Fabri, L. Konstantinovic, M. Pelemis, G. Jankovic, Z. Todorovic, A. Nagorni, V. Kupcova, L. Skladany, M. Szantova, D. Krkoska, P. Jarcuska, I. Schreter, M. Oltman, J. Bocakova, I. Bunganic, J. Holoman, A. Giguere, A.M.S. Abdou
Antibodies Against Domain 1 and Domain 4/5 of β2 Glycoprotein I : Clinical Relevance in Obstetric Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome
2016 C.B. Chighizola, L. Andreoli, M. Tonello, M.G. Raimondo, F. Pregnolato, C. Nalli, E. Mattia, L. Cesana, R. Kumar, C. Comerio, C. Grossi, F. Mombelli, M. Gerosa, M.O. Borghi, A. Ruffatti, A. Tincani, P.L. Meroni
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation, copy number variation, and gene expression in monozygotic twins discordant for primary biliary cirrhosis
2014 C. Selmi, F. Cavaciocchi, A. Lleo, C. Cheroni, R. De Francesco, S.A. Lombardi, M. De Santis, F. Meda, M.G. Raimondo, C. Crotti, M. Folci, L. Zammataro, M.J. Mayo, N. Bach, S. Shimoda, S.C. Gordon, M. Miozzo, P. Invernizzi, M. Podda, R. Scavelli, M.R. Martin, J.M. Lasalle, M.E. Gershwin