Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Dosage analysis of the 7q11.23 Williams region identifies BAZ1B as a major human gene patterning the modern human face and underlying self-domestication
2019 M. Zanella, A. Vitriolo, A. Andirko, P.T. Martins, S. Sturm, T. O'Rourke, M. Laugsch, N. Malerba, A. Skaros, S. Trattaro, P. Germain, M. Mihailovic, G. Merla, A. Rada-Iglesias, C. Boeckx, G. Testa
Multi-omic measurements of heterogeneity in HeLa cells across laboratories
2019 Y. Liu, Y. Mi, T. Mueller, S. Kreibich, E.G. Williams, A. Van Drogen, C. Borel, M. Frank, P. Germain, I. Bludau, M. Mehnert, M. Seifert, M. Emmenlauer, I. Sorg, F. Bezrukov, F.S. Bena, H. Zhou, C. Dehio, G. Testa, J. Saez-Rodriguez, S.E. Antonarakis, W. Hardt, R. Aebersold
KMT2B Is Selectively Required for Neuronal Transdifferentiation, and Its Loss Exposes Dystonia Candidate Genes
2018 G. Barbagiovanni, P. Germain, M. Zech, S. Atashpaz, P. Lo Riso, A. D'Antonio-Chronowska, E. Tenderini, M. Caiazzo, S. Boesch, R. Jech, B. Haslinger, V. Broccoli, A.F. Stewart, J. Winkelmann, G. Testa
YY1 Haploinsufficiency Causes an Intellectual Disability Syndrome Featuring Transcriptional and Chromatin Dysfunction
2017 M. Gabriele, A.T. Vulto van Silfhout, P. Germain, A. Vitriolo, R. Kumar, E. Douglas, E. Haan, K. Kosaki, T. Takenouchi, A. Rauch, K. Steindl, E. Frengen, D. Misceo, C.R.J. Pedurupillay, P. Stromme, J.A. Rosenfeld, Y. Shao, W.J. Craigen, C.P. Schaaf, D. Rodriguez Buritica, L. Farach, J. Friedman, P. Thulin, S.D. Mclean, K.M. Nugent, J. Morton, J. Nicholl, J. Andrieux, A. Stray Pedersen, P. Chambon, S. Patrier, S.A. Lynch, S. Kjaergaard, P.M. Tørring, C. Brasch Andersen, A. Ronan, A. van Haeringen, P.J. Anderson, Z. Powis, H.G. Brunner, R. Pfundt, J.H.M. Schuurs Hoeijmakers, B.W.M. van Bon, S. Lelieveld, C. Gilissen, W.M. Nillesen, L.E.L.M. Vissers, J. Gecz, D.A. Koolen, G. Testa, B.B.A. de Vries
The European politics of animal experimentation : from Victorian Britain to 'Stop Vivisection'
2017 P. Germain, L. Chiapperino, G. Testa
Systematic proteome and proteostasis profiling in human trisomy 21 fibroblast cells
2017 Y. Liu, C. Borel, L. Li, T. Müller, E.G. Williams, P. Germain, M. Buljan, T. Sajic, P.J. Boersema, W. Shao, M. Faini, G. Testa, A. Beyer, S.E. Antonarakis, R. Aebersold
Taming Human Genetic Variability : Transcriptomic Meta-Analysis Guides the Experimental Design and Interpretation of iPSC-Based Disease Modeling
2017 P. Germain, G. Testa
7q11.23 dosage-dependent dysregulation in human pluripotent stem cells affects transcriptional programs in disease-relevant lineages
2015 A. Adamo, S. Atashpaz, P. Germain, M. Zanella, G. D'Agostino, V. Albertin, J. Chenoweth, L. Micale, C. Fusco, C. Unger, B. Augello, O. Palumbo, B. Hamilton, M. Carella, E. Donti, G. Pruneri, A. Selicorni, E. Biamino, P. Prontera, R. Mckay, G. Merla, G. Testa
Living instruments and theoretical terms : Xenografts as measurements in cancer research
2014 P. Germain
2014 P. Germain
Junk or functional DNA? ENCODE and the function controversy
2014 P. Germain, E. Ratti, F. Boem
Cell reprogramming requires silencing of a core subset of polycomb targets
2013 G. Fragola, P. Germain, P. Laise, A. Cuomo, A. Blasimme, F. Gross, E. Signaroldi, G. Bucci, C. Sommer, G. Pruneri, G. Mazzarol, T. Bonaldi, G. Mostoslavsky, S. Casola, G. Testa
What mechanisms can't do : explanatory frameworks and the function of the p53 gene in molecular oncology
2013 A. Blasimme, P. Maugeri, P. Germain
Germinal center dysregulation by histone methyltransferase EZH2 promotes lymphomagenesis
2013 M. Caganova, C. Carrisi, G. Varano, F. Mainoldi, F. Zanardi, P. Germain, L. George, F. Alberghini, L. Ferrarini, A.K. Talukder, M. Ponzoni, G. Testa, T. Nojima, C. Doglioni, D. Kitamura, K. Toellner, I. Su, S. Casola
Cancer cells and adaptive explanations
2012 P. Germain