Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Clinically oriented patient maintenance protocol : a clinical consensus of experts
2018 M. Del Fabbro, M. Nevins, D. Venturoli, R.L. Weinstein, T. Testori
Efficacy of platelet concentrates in bone healing: A systematic review on animal studies - Part B: Large-size animal models
2018 S. Marcazzan, S. Taschieri, R.L. Weinstein, M. Del Fabbro
Coronally advanced flap with or without subepithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of single recession : 5-year outcomes from a comparative study
2018 L. Francetti, R. Weinstein, S. Taschieri, S. Corbella
Is periodontitis a risk indicator for cancer? A meta-analysis
2018 S. Corbella, P. Veronesi, V. Galimberti, R. Weinstein, M.D. Fabbro, L. Francetti
Osseointegration of Titanium Implants with Different Rough Surfaces : a Histologic and Histomorphometric Study in an Adult Minipig Model
2017 M. Del Fabbro, S. Taschieri, E. Canciani, A. Addis, F. Musto, R. Weinstein, C. Dellavia, M. Del Fabbro
Efficacy of platelets in bone healing: A systematic review on animal studies
2017 S. Marcazzan, R.L. Weinstein, M. Del Fabbro
Histomorphometric results after postextraction socket healing with different biomaterials: A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
2017 S. Corbella, S.L.M. Taschieri, L.A. Francetti, R.L. Weinstein, M. DEL FABBRO
Antibiofilm activity of sandblasted and laser-modified titanium against microorganisms isolated from peri-implantitis lesions
2016 L. Drago, M. Bortolin, E. De Vecchi, S. Agrappi, R.L. Weinstein, R. Mattina, L. Francetti
A fusion between domains of the human bone morphogenetic protein-2 and maize 27 kD γ-Zein accumulates to high levels in the endoplasmic reticulum without forming protein bodies in transgenic tobacco
2016 V. Ceresoli, D. Mainieri, M. Del Fabbro, R. Weinstein, E. Pedrazzini
Analysis of the 100 most-cited articles in periodontology
2016 S. Corbella, L. Francetti, S. Taschieri, R. Weinstein, M. Del Fabbro
Antimicrobial properties of platelet-rich preparations : a systematic review of the current pre-clinical evidence
2016 M. Del Fabbro, M. Bortolin, S. Taschieri, C. Ceci, R.L. Weinstein
Periodontal regeneration in aggressive periodontitis patients: a systematic review of the literature
2016 S. Corbella, R. Weinstein, L. Francetti, S. Taschieri, M. Del Fabbro
Autologous platelet concentrates in head and neck cancer surgery : Are such bio-adjuvants really safe?
2016 M. Del Fabbro, S. Marcazzan, S. D'Antico, R.L. Weinstein
Adverse pregnancy outcomes and periodontitis : a systematic review and meta-analysis exploring potential association
2016 S. Corbella, S. Taschieri, M. Del Fabbro, L. Francetti, R. Weinstein, E. Ferrazzi
Autologous platelet concentrates for pulp and dentin regeneration: a literature review of animal studies
2016 M. Del Fabbro, A. Lolato, C. Bucchi, S. Taschieri, R.L. Weinstein
Maxillary sinus floor elevation using platelet-rich plasma combined with either biphasic calcium phosphate or deproteinized bovine bone
2016 S. Taschieri, S. Corbella, R. Weinstein, A. Di Giancamillo, C. Mortellaro, M. Del Fabbro
Histomorphometric outcomes after lateral sinus floor elevation procedure: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
2016 S. Corbella, S. Taschieri, R. Weinstein, M. Del Fabbro
Erythritol-Enriched Air-Polishing Powder for the Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implantitis
2015 S. Taschieri, R. Weinstein, M. Del Fabbro, S. Corbella
Magnification devices for endodontic therapy
2015 M. Del Fabbro, S. Taschieri, G. Lodi, G. Banfi, R.L. Weinstein
Platelet-rich plasma and deproteinized bovine bone matrix in maxillary sinus lift surgery : a split-mouth histomorphometric evaluation
2015 S. Taschieri, T. Testori, S. Corbella, R. Weinstein, L. Francetti, A. Di Giancamillo, M. Del Fabbro