Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Consistency and Reliability Analyses of a Comprehensive Index for the Evaluation of Teeth Alignment Performance
2022 A. Mapelli, M. Serafin, C. Dolci, D. Gibelli, A. Caprioglio, C. Sforza, G.M. Tartaglia
Direct 3D printing of clear orthodontic aligners: Current state and future possibilities
2021 G.M. Tartaglia, A. Mapelli, C. Maspero, T. Santaniello, M. Serafin, M. Farronato, A. Caprioglio
Stampa 3D di allineatori : attuali possibilità metodologiche per il laboratorio odontotecnico
2019 C.M.N. Maspero, A. Mapelli
Three-dimensional longitudinal evaluation of facial mimicry in orthognathic class III surgery
2019 F. Cullati, F.M.E. Rusconi, A. Mapelli, M. Zago, G.A. Beltramini, A.B. Giannì, C. Sforza
Kinematic analysis of mandibular motion before and after orthognathic surgery for skeletal Class III malocclusion : a pilot study
2017 A. Ugolini, A. Mapelli, M. Segù, D. Galante, F.V. Sidequersky, C. Sforza
Surface electromyography before and after orthognathic surgery and condylectomy in active laterognathia: a case report
2017 F. Cullati, A. Mapelli, G. Beltramini, M. Codari, C.L. Pimenta Ferreira, A. Baj, A.B. Giannì, C. Sforza
Three-dimensional mandibular motion in skeletal Class III patients
2017 A. Ugolini, A. Mapelli, M. Segù, M. Zago, M. Codari, C. Sforza
Assessment of electromyographic activity in patients with temporomandibular disorders and natural mediotrusive occlusal contact during chewing and tooth grinding
2017 A.D. Fuentes, C. Sforza, R. Miralles, C.L. Ferreira, A. Mapelli, G. Lodetti, C. Martin
Evaluation of a 3D stereophotogrammetric method to identify and measure the palatal surface area in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate
2016 M. De Menezes, A.M. Ceron Zapata, A.M. Lopez Palacio, A. Mapelli, L. Pisoni, C. Sforza
Three-dimensional analysis of jaw kinematic alterations in patients with chronic TMD - disc displacement with reduction
2016 A. Mapelli, B.C.Z. Machado, D.M. Garcia, M.A.M. Rodrigues Da Silva, C. Sforza, C.M. de Felício
Reorganization of muscle activity in patients with chronic temporomandibular disorders
2016 A. Mapelli, B.C. Zanadrea Machado, L. Dantas Giglio, C. Sforza, C.M. De Felicio
Three-dimensional motion analysis of facial movement during verbal and nonverbal expressions in healthy subjects
2016 F.V. Sidequersky, A. Mapelli, I. Annoni, M. Zago, C.M. De Felício, C. Sforza
Normalizing surface electromyographic measures of the masticatory muscles : Comparison of two different methods for clinical purpose
2016 A. Mapelli, G.M. Tartaglia, S.T. Connelly, V.F. Ferrario, C.M. De Felicio, C. Sforza
Rapid palatal expansion effects on mandibular transverse dimensions in unilateral posterior crossbite patients : a three-dimensional digital imaging study
2016 A. Ugolini, T. Doldo, L.T. Huanca Ghislanzoni, A. Mapelli, R. Giorgetti, C. Sforza
Three-dimensional analysis of balance control strategies in elite karateka
2015 D. Ciprandi, M. Zago, A. Mapelli, V.F. Ferrario, C. Sforza
Evaluation of three-dimensional mandibular movements after reconstruction with free fibula flap
2015 A. Bolzoni, A. Mapelli, A. Baj, F.V. Sidequersky, A.B. Giannì, C. Sforza
Double powered free gracilis muscle transfer for smile reanimation: a longitudinal optoelectronic study
2015 C. Sforza, A. Frigerio, A. Mapelli, F. Tarabbia, I. Annoni, V. Colombo, M. Latiff, C.L. Pimenta Ferreira, D. Rabbiosi, F.V. Sidequersky, M. Zago, F. Biglioli
Dynamic balance in elite karateka
2015 M. Zago, A. Mapelli, Y.F. Shirai, D. Ciprandi, N. Lovecchio, C. Galvani, C. Sforza
Stair ascent and descent in assessing donor site morbidity following osteocutaneous free fibula transfer : a preliminary study
2015 A. Baj, N. Lovecchio, A. Bolzoni, A. Mapelli, A.B. Giannì, C. Sforza
Masticatory muscles coordination index of healthy children and with malocclusion
2014 A.P.M. Medeiros, L.D. Giglio, J.T.L. Ferreira, D.A. Alves, A. Mapelli, C. Sforza, C.M. de Felício