Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Spontaneous Mandibular Dentoalveolar Changes after Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME), Slow Maxillary Expansion (SME), and Leaf Expander—A Systematic Review
2024 A. Ugolini, A. Abate, M. Donelli, F. Gaffuri, A. Bruni, C. Maspero, V. Lanteri
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Analysis of Mandibular Condyles’ Diameters in Patient with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Temporomandibular Joint Affection: A Cross-Sectional Investigation
2024 M. Donelli, V. Lanteri, A. Ugolini, A. Bruni, P. Cressoni, A. Abate, C. Maspero
Dental Implants and Orthodontic Mini-Screws in a Patient with Undiagnosed Von Willebrand’s Disease: A Case Report
2024 A. Bruni, F.G. Serra, A. Abate, A. Ugolini, C. Maspero, F. Silvestrini Biavati, V. Lanteri
Buccal Alveolar Bone changes and upper first molar displacement after maxillary expansion with RME, Ni-Ti leaf springs expander and Tooth- Bone-borne Expander. A CBCT based analysis
2023 M. Maschio, F. Gaffuri, A. Ugolini, V. Lanteri, A. Abate, A. Caprioglio
Comparison of the skeletal, dentoalveolar, and periodontal changes after Ni–Ti leaf spring expander and rapid maxillary expansion: a three‑dimensional CBCT based evaluation
2023 A. Abate, A. Ugolini, C.M.N. Maspero, F. Silvestrini‑biavati, A. Caprioglio, V. Lanteri
A CBCT based analysis of the correlation between volumetric morphology of the frontal sinuses and the facial growth pattern in caucasian subjects. A cross-sectional study
2022 A. Abate, F. Gaffuri, V. Lanteri, A. Fama, A. Ugolini, L. Mannina, C. Maspero
Cephalometric changes following maxillary expansion with ni-ti leaf springs palatal expander and rapid maxillary expander: A retrospective study
2021 V. Lanteri, A. Abate, D. Cavagnetto, A. Ugolini, F. Gaffuri, A. Gianolio, C. Maspero
Buccal Bone Changes Around First Permanent Molars and Second Primary Molars after Maxillary Expansion with a Low Compliance Ni–Ti Leaf Spring Expander
2020 V. Lanteri, D. Cavagnetto, A. Abate, E. Mainardi, F. Gaffuri, A. Ugolini, C. Maspero
Complex odontoma at the upper right maxilla: Surgical management and histomorphological profile
2020 A. Maltagliati, A. Ugolini, R. Crippa, M. Farronato, M. Paglia, S. Blasi, F. Angiero
Volumetric Changes in the Upper Airways after Rapid and Slow Maxillary Expansion in Growing Patients : A Case-Control Study
2020 V. Lanteri, M. Farronato, A. Ugolini, G. Cossellu, F. Gaffuri, F.M.R. Parisi, D. Cavagnetto, A. Abate, C. Maspero
Correlation between facial growth patterns and cortical bone thickness assessed with cone-beam computed tomography in young adult untreated patients
2020 F. Gaffuri, G. Cossellu, C. Maspero, V. Lanteri, A. Ugolini, G. Rasperini, I.O. Castro, M. Farronato
Assessment of the Stability of the Palatal Rugae in a 3D-3D Superimposition Technique Following Slow Maxillary Expansion (SME)
2020 V. Lanteri, G. Cossellu, M. Farronato, A. Ugolini, R. Leonardi, F. Rusconi, S. De Luca, R. Biagi, C. Maspero
Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Slow Maxillary Expansion with Leaf Expander vs. Rapid Maxillary Expansion in a Sample of Growing Patients: Direct Effects on Maxillary Arch and Spontaneous Mandibular Response
2020 G. Cossellu, A. Ugolini, M. Beretta, M. Farronato, A. Gianolio, C. Maspero, V. Lanteri
Correlation between Dental Vestibular–Palatal Inclination and Alveolar Bone Remodeling after Orthodontic Treatment : a CBCT Analysis
2019 C. Maspero, F. Gaffuri, I.O. Castro, V. Lanteri, A. Ugolini, M. Farronato
Long-term effects of functional appliances in treated versus untreated patients with Class II malocclusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2019 G. Cacciatore, A. Ugolini, C. Sforza, O. Gbinigie, A. Plüddemann
Kinematic analysis of mandibular motion before and after orthognathic surgery for skeletal Class III malocclusion : a pilot study
2017 A. Ugolini, A. Mapelli, M. Segù, D. Galante, F.V. Sidequersky, C. Sforza
Three-dimensional mandibular motion in skeletal Class III patients
2017 A. Ugolini, A. Mapelli, M. Segù, M. Zago, M. Codari, C. Sforza
Rapid palatal expansion effects on mandibular transverse dimensions in unilateral posterior crossbite patients : a three-dimensional digital imaging study
2016 A. Ugolini, T. Doldo, L.T. Huanca Ghislanzoni, A. Mapelli, R. Giorgetti, C. Sforza
Dental arch response to Haas-type rapid maxillary expansion anchored to deciduous vs permanent molars : a multicentric randomized controlled trial
2015 A. Ugolini, C. Cerruto, L. Di Vece, L.T. Huanca Ghislanzoni, C. Sforza, T. Doldo, A. Silvestrini Biavati, A. Caprioglio
Three-dimensional mandibular motion after closed and open reduction of unilateral mandibular condylar process fractures
2011 C. Sforza, A. Ugolini, D. Sozzi, D. Galante, A. Mapelli, A. Bozzetti