Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Dairy Cow Behavior Is Affected by Period, Time of Day and Housing
2022 L. Leliveld, E. Riva, G. Mattachini, A. Finzi, D. Lovarelli, G. Provolo
Assessing the effect of barns structures and environmental conditions in dairy cattle farms monitored in Northern Italy
2021 D. Lovarelli, E. Riva, G. Mattachini, M. Guarino, G. Provolo
A Survey of Dairy Cattle Behavior in Different Barns in Northern Italy
2020 D. Lovarelli, A. Finzi, G. Mattachini, E. Riva
Le indicazioni del Progetto LaStaBen : la cuccetta giusta per le tue bovine
2020 E. Riva, G. Provolo, G. Mattachini, A. Finzi
Technical, economic, and environmental assessment of a collective integrated treatment system for energy recovery and nutrient removal from livestock manure
2020 A. Finzi, G. Mattachini, D. Lovarelli, E. Riva, G. Provolo
Effects of Feeding Frequency on the Behavior Patterns of Dairy Cows in an Automatic Feeding System
2020 G. Mattachini, A. Finzi, E. Riva, G. Provolo
Relating Lying Behavior With Climate, Body Condition Score, and Milk Production in Dairy Cows
2020 D. Lovarelli, A. Tamburini, G. Mattachini, M. Zucali, E. Riva, G.M. Provolo, M. Guarino
Relationships among lying and standing behaviour, body condition score and milk production in primiparous cows
2020 G. Mattachini, A. Tamburini, M. Zucali, L. Bava, E. Riva, G. Provolo, A. Sandrucci
Relationships among behavior, climate and milk production in a dairy cattle farm in Northern Italy
2020 D. Lovarelli, A. Tamburini, G. Mattachini, M. Zucali, E. Riva, G. Provolo, M. Guarino
Microclima ideale in stalla : aria fresca in tutte le stagioni
2019 E. Riva, G. Provolo, G. Mattachini, A. Finzi
Valutiamo il benessere dai dati delle nostre stalle
2019 E. Riva, G. Mattachini, A. Finzi, V. Guido, G. Provolo
Monitoring dairy cow behaviour to assess the effect of the housing and management system on animal welfare
2019 G. Mattachini, E. Tullo, E. Riva, A. Finzi, G. Provolo, M. Guarino
Effects of Feeding Frequency on the Lying Behavior of Dairy Cows in a Loose Housing with Automatic Feeding and Milking System
2019 G. Mattachini, J. Pompe, A. Finzi, E. Tullo, E. Riva, G.M. Provolo
Effects of climatic conditions on the lying behavior of a group of primiparous dairy cows
2019 E. Tullo, G. Mattachini, E. Riva, A. Finzi, G. Provolo, M. Guarino
Global warming and acidification potential assessment of a collective manure management system for bioenergy production and nitrogen removal in Northern Italy
2018 G. Provolo, G. Mattachini, A. Finzi, M. Cattaneo, V. Guido, E. Riva
Nitrogen removal from digested slurries using a simplified ammonia stripping technique
2017 G. Provolo, F. Perazzolo, G. Mattachini, A. Finzi, E. Naldi, E. Riva
Nutrient losses during winter and summer storage of separated and unseparated digested cattle slurry
2017 F. Perazzolo, G. Mattachini, E. Riva, G. Provolo
Effects of feed delivery frequency in different environmental conditions on time budget of lactating dairy cows
2017 G. Mattachini, L. Bava, A. Sandrucci, A. Tamburini, E. Riva, G. Provolo
Come deve essere una stalla? Realtà e teoria a confronto
2016 G. Provolo, A.A. Sandrucci, E. Riva, G. Mattachini, L. Ceresa, D. Fantini, E. Scotto di Vattimo, V. Zordan
Nitrogen recovery from a pig slurry and a digestate using a simplified stripping technology
2016 F. Perazzolo, A. Alberio, G. Mattachini, M. Cattaneo, E. Riva, E. Naldi, G. Provolo