Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Unveiling the Hidden Properties of Tomato Peels: Cutin Ester Derivatives as Bio-Based Plasticizers for Polylactic Acid
2023 G.I.C. Righetti, R. Nasti, G. Beretta, M. Levi, S. Turri, R. Suriano
Buparlisib and paclitaxel in patients with platinum-pretreated recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (BERIL-1) : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial
2017 D. Soulières, S. Faivre, R. Mesía, É. Remenár, S.H. Li, A. Karpenko, A. Dechaphunkul, S. Ochsenreither, L.A. Kiss, J.C. Lin, R. Nagarkar, L. Tamás, S.B. Kim, J. Erfán, A. Alyasova, S. Kasper, C. Barone, S. Turri, A. Chakravartty, M. Chol, P. Aimone, S. Hirawat, L. Licitra
From hydrostratigraphy to numerical models of water flow in the aquifer groups of the Quaternary Lombardy alluvial plain : integrating geophysical, geological and geotechnical methods for efficient mathematical modelling
2009 R. Bersezio, A. Bini, F. Felletti, M. Giudici, M. Baio, E. Cavalli, D. Dell'Arciprete, M. Mele, A.G.A. Strini, S. Turri, C. Vassena, I. Zembo, M. Cantone, L. Cattaneo, D. Gastaldo, E. Losi, D. Lupis, M. Marrazzo, F. Pavia, E. Piazza
Geological setting of a Pleistocenic glacier marginal area: an example from the northern Po Plain (Lombardia)
2007 A.G.A. Strini, A. Bini, S. Turri
Quaternary hydrostratigraphy of the Po plain foredeep in Lombardy: controls on aquifer architecture in the San Colombano al Lambro thrust-fold area.
2007 R. Bersezio, E. Cavalli, M. Baio, S. Turri
Dinamica ed evoluzione climatologica delle grotte ghiacciaie : geomorfologia e geologia del quaternario
2006 S. Turri
Landscape history in the subalpine karst region of Moncodeno (Lombardy Prealps, Northern Italy)
2005 M. Santilli, M. Pelfini, M. Citterio, S. Turri
Lo "Stefan problem" utilizzato per interpretare le condizioni di congelamento di un lago ipogeo nella ghiacciaia LO LC 1650 (Moncodeno, Lecco - Italia)
2005 S. Turri, M. Citterio, A. Bini, V. Maggi
Some observations on the structure and morphology of an ice deposit in the "Abisso sul margine dell'Alto Bregai" Cave (Grigna Settentrionale, Italian Alps)
2003 M. Citterio, S. Turri, A. Bini, V. Maggi