Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e di Comunità
Difficult-to-treat psoriatic arthritis: refining the definition using a statistical model in a real-life cohort
2024 E.G. Favalli, G. Biganzoli, G. Cincinelli, M. Ferrito, E. Luconi, M. Manara, M. Biggioggero, P. Boracchi, R. Caporali
The impact of EMA recommendations on the real-life use of Janus kinases inhibitors for rheumatoid arthritis: the Expanded Risk Score in RA as a tool to quantify the risk of cardiovascular events
2023 E.G. Favalli, G. Cincinelli, S. Germinario, R. Di Taranto, F. Orsini, G. Maioli, M. Biggioggero, M. Ferrito, R. Caporali
The Impact of Anti-rheumatic Drugs on the Seroprevalence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in a Cohort of Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: The MAINSTREAM Study
2022 E.G. Favalli, A. Gobbini, M. Bombaci, G. Maioli, M. Biggioggero, E. Pesce, A. Favalli, M. Martinovic, T. Fabbris, E. Marchisio, A. Bandiera, A. Gori, S. Abrignani, R. Grifantini, R. Caporali
Immunosuppressant Treatment in Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Diseases Does Not Inhibit Elicitation of Humoral Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Preserves Effector Immune Cell Populations
2022 A. Favalli, E.G. Favalli, A. Gobbini, E. Zagato, M. Bombaci, G. Maioli, E. Pesce, L. Donnici, P. Gruarin, M. Biggioggero, S. Curti, L. Manganaro, E. Marchisio, V. Bevilacqua, M. Martinovic, T. Fabbris, M.L. Sarnicola, M. Crosti, L. Marongiu, F. Granucci, S. Notarbartolo, A. Bandera, A. Gori, R. De Francesco, S. Abrignani, R. Caporali, R. Grifantini
Clinical management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis during the COVID-19 pandemic
2021 E.G. Favalli, G. Maioli, M. Biggioggero, R. Caporali
Clinical pharmacology of filgotinib in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: current insights
2021 M.G. Raimondo, M. Biggioggero, L.A. Coletto, A. Ramming, R. Caporali, E.G. Favalli
Retention rate of a second line with a biologic DMARD after failure of a first-line therapy with abatacept, tocilizumab, or rituximab : results from the Italian GISEA registry
2021 M. Sebastiani, V. Venerito, S. Bugatti, C. Bazzani, M. Biggioggero, L. Petricca, R. Foti, A. Bortoluzzi, S. Balduzzi, E. Visalli, B. Frediani, A. Manfredi, E. Gremese, E. Favalli, F. Iannone, G. Ferraccioli, G. Lapadula
Personalized medicine in rheumatoid arthritis: How immunogenicity impacts use of TNF inhibitors
2020 C. Bodio, C. Grossi, F. Pregnolato, E.G. Favalli, M. Biggioggero, A. Marchesoni, A. Murgo, M. Filippini, P. Migliorini, R. Caporali, R. Pellerito, F. Ciccia, P. Sarzi-Puttini, F. Perosa, G. Paolazzi, I. Hollan, K. Bendtzen, P.L. Meroni, M.O. Borghi
Is there really room for anti-rheumatic drugs in the treatment of COVID-19?
2020 E.G. Favalli, F. Ingegnoli, M. Biggioggero, R. Caporali
Role of antimalarials in COVID-19 : observational data from a cohort of rheumatic patients
2020 E.G. Favalli, O. De Lucia, M. Biggioggero, N. Del Papa, R. Caporali
Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
2020 E.G. Favalli, M. Biggioggero, G. Maioli, R. Caporali
Impact of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapies on symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in a large cohort of patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis
2020 E.G. Favalli, S. Bugatti, C. Klersy, M. Biggioggero, S. Rossi, O. De Lucia, F. Bobbio-Pallavicini, A. Murgo, S. Balduzzi, R. Caporali, C. Montecucco
Retrospective evaluation of patient profiling and effectiveness of apremilast in an Italian multicentric cohort of psoriatic arthritis patients
2020 E.G. Favalli, F. Conti, C. Selmi, F. Iannone, R. Bucci, F. D'Onofrio, G. Carlino, L. Santo, A. Semeraro, C. Zuccaro, S. D'Angelo, F. Atzeni, F. Marino, S. Monti, G.M. Guidelli, F.R. Spinelli, M. Biggioggero, R. Caporali
Targeting Granulocyte-Monocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Signaling in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Future Prospects
2019 C. Crotti, E. Agape, A. Becciolini, M. Biggioggero, E.G. Favalli
Mavrilimumab: a unique insight and update on the current status in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
2019 C. Crotti, M. Biggioggero, A. Becciolini, E. Agape, E.G. Favalli
Sex and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
2019 E.G. Favalli, M. Biggioggero, C. Crotti, A. Becciolini, M.G. Raimondo, P.L. Meroni
Tocilizumab in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis : An evidence-based review and patient selection
2019 M. Biggioggero, C. Crotti, A. Becciolini, E.G. Favalli
The Use of Rheumatic Disease Comorbidity Index for Predicting Clinical Response and Retention Rate in a Cohort of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Receiving Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitors
2019 M. Biggioggero, F. Mesina, E.G. Favalli
Upadacitinib and filgotinib: The role of JAK1 selective inhibition in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
2019 M. Biggioggero, A. Becciolini, C. Crotti, E. Agape, E.G. Favalli
Sarilumab : patient-reported outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis
2018 C. Crotti, M. Biggioggero, A. Becciolini, E.G. Favalli