Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Chirurghi in grigioverde. Baldo Rossi, lo Zonda e gli ospedali chirurgici mobili nella Grande guerra
2022 C. Vergani
The Big Game: hunting for retained bullets and foreign bodies in Great War radiology
2022 C. Vergani, M. Venturi, E. Melada, A. Porro
Mostra fotografica : Chirurghi in prima linea. Gli ospedali chirurgici mobili italiani sono nati in Policlinico
2021 C. Vergani
Is it possible to reduce recurrences after Altemeier's procedure for complete rectal prolapse? Twenty-year experience in 130 consecutive patients
2021 P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, S. Agradi, G. Calabrò, L. Bordoni, C. Missaglia, U. Favetta, C. Vergani
A Minimally Invasive Technique for the 1-Stage Treatment of Complex Pelvic Floor Diseases: Laparoscopic-Pelvic Organ Prolapse Suspension
2021 P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, S. Agradi, C. Vergani, G. Calabrò, C. Missaglia, L. Bordoni, A. Longo
The Italian mobile surgical units in the Great War: the modernity of the past
2020 C. Vergani, M. Venturi
Mucopexy-Recto Anal Lifting (MuRAL) in managing obstructed defecation syndrome associated with prolapsed hemorrhoids and rectocele : preliminary results
2020 C. Pagano, M. Venturi, G. Benegiamo, E. Melada, C. Vergani
Short and long-term results of managing 386 mucohemorrhoidal prolapse cases with mucopexy-recto anal lifting (Mural), a minimally invasive and standardized treatment
2019 C. Pagano, M. Venturi, C. Bertani, C. Vergani
Diffuse Melanosis in Pericolic Lymph Nodes Associated With Laxative Abuse and Colorectal Cancer
2018 A. Renda, C. Vergani, M. Venturi, S. Ferrero, A. Del Gobbo
An incredibly dilated Wirsung mimicking a sero-cystic neoplasm of the pancreatic head
2018 C. Vergani, M.E. Messina, I. Giusti, M. Venturi
The evolution of transanal surgery for obstructed defecation syndrome : mid-term results from a randomized study comparing double TST 36 HV and Contour TRANSTAR staplers
2018 P. Boccasanta, S. Agradi, C. Vergani, G. Calabrò, L. Bordoni, C. Missaglia, M. Venturi
Mucopexy-recto anal lifting: a standardized minimally invasive method of managing symptomatic hemorrhoids, with an innovative suturing technique and the HemorPex System®
2018 C. Pagano, C. Vergani, C. Invernizzi, M. Bussone, G. Benegiamo, M. Venturi
Pulmonary aspiration in adjustable gastric banding carriers undergoing a second surgical procedure : considerations on personal experience and review of the literature
2018 C. Vergani, V. Marco, S. Badiali, C. Barbara, E.S.M. Mozzi
Stapled anopexy versus transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialization for haemorrhoidal disease: a three-year follow-up from a randomized study
2016 M. Venturi, G. Salamina, C. Vergani
Pudendal Neuralgia: a new option for treatment? Preliminary results on feasibility and efficacy
2015 M. Venturi, P. Boccasanta, B. Lombardi, M. Brambilla, E. Contessini Avesani, C. Vergani
Videothoracoscopic approach to stage I non-small cell lung cancer
2014 C. Vergani, F. Varoli, L. Despini, G. Fratus, M. Venturi, G. Roviaro
A new cure for pudendal neuralgia: preliminary results
2014 M. Venturi, P. Boccasanta, C. Vergani, G.C. Roviaro
Tumore mammario in donne ultraottantenni: presentazione clinica, caratteristiche istopatologiche e trattamento chirurgico. Studio osservazionale retrospettivo di casistica monocentrica
2014 C. Blundo, D. Gambini, M. Giroda, R. Visintin, L. Despini, F.R. Campagna, M.S. Sfondrini, S. Bianco, C. Vergani, L. Runza, L.S. Renoldi, M. Tomirotti, I. Sosnovskikh
Video-thoracoscopic staging and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
2011 C. Vergani, L. Despini, F. Varoli, M.S. Scalambra, G. Fratus, C. Gerosa, G.E. Nita, G.C. Roviaro
Il dolore addominale acuto
2011 G.C. Roviaro, C. Vergani