Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Videothoracoscopic approach to stage I non-small cell lung cancer
2014 C. Vergani, F. Varoli, L. Despini, G. Fratus, M. Venturi, G. Roviaro
A new cure for pudendal neuralgia: preliminary results
2014 M. Venturi, P. Boccasanta, C. Vergani, G.C. Roviaro
Preoperative changes of forced vital capacity due to body position do not correlate with postoperative respiratory function in obese subjects
2013 F. Valenza, S. Froio, S. Coppola, F. Vagginelli, A. Tiby, M. C. Marenghi, E.S.M. Mozzi, G. C. Roviaro, L. Gattinoni
Increased insulin receptor substrate 2 expression is associated with steatohepatitis and altered lipid metabolism in obese subjects
2013 R. Rametta, E. Mozzi, P. Dongiovanni, B.M. Motta, M. Milano, G. Roviaro, S. Fargion, L. Valenti
Chirurgia post-bariatrica : il ruolo del chirurgo plastico nella chirurgia dell’ obesità
2012 A. Dorigo, B. Lombardi, E. Mozzi, G. Roviaro
il pallone endogastrico nei pazienti minorenni
2012 F. Porro, E. Mozzi, E. Lattuada, M.A. Zappa, P. Granelli, F. De Ruberto, M.P. Giusti, F. Albani, G. Roviaro
Utilizzo della plicatura gastrica per migliorare l’ outcome di un bendaggio gastrico con insufficiente calo ponderale
2012 M.P. Giusti, E. Mozzi, E. Lattuada, M.A. Zappa, F. Porro, S. Badiali, G. Roviaro
Trans-obturator colonic suspension during Altemeier’s operation for full-thickness rectal prolapse : preliminary results with a new technique
2012 P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, M. Spennacchio, G. Fratus, L. Despini, G. Roviaro
Inflammatory and prothrombotic parameters in normotensive non-diabetic obese women : effect of weight loss obtained by gastric banding
2012 M. Cugno, R. Castelli, D. Mari, E. Mozzi, M.A. Zappa, M. Boscolo-Anzoletti, G. Roviaro, P.M. Mannucci
The i148m Pnpla3 polymorphism influences serum adiponectin in patients with fatty liver and healthy controls
2012 L. Valenti, R. Rametta, M. Ruscica, P. Dongiovanni, L. Steffani, B.M. Motta, E. Canavesi, A.L. Fracanzani, E. Mozzi, G. Roviaro, P. Magni, S. Fargion
What is the benefit of a new stapler device in the surgical treatment of obstructed defecation? Three-year outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
2011 P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, G. Roviaro
Treatment of band erosion : feasibility and safety of endoscopic band removal
2011 E. Mozzi, E. Lattuada, M.A. Zappa, P. Granelli, F. De Ruberto, A. Armocida, G. Roviaro
Laparoscopic gastric plication in patients with poor outcome after adjustable gastric banding: technical feasibility and preliminary results
2011 E. Mozzi, E. Lattuada, M.A. Zappa, G. Roviaro
Video-thoracoscopic staging and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
2011 C. Vergani, L. Despini, F. Varoli, M.S. Scalambra, G. Fratus, C. Gerosa, G.E. Nita, G.C. Roviaro
Il dolore addominale acuto
2011 G.C. Roviaro, C. Vergani
Roux-En-Y gastric bypass on vertical banded gastroplasty via laparoscopic approach: surgical technique and outcome
2011 E. Mozzi, E. Lattuada, M.A. Zappa, G. Roviaro
The APOC3 T-455C and C-482T promoter region polymorphisms are not associated with the severity of liver damage independently of PNPLA3 I148M genotype in patients with non-alcoholic fatty live
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, V. Nobili, A. Al-Serri, R. Rametta, J.B. Leathart, M.A. Zappa, P. Dongiovanni, A.L. Fracanzani, A. Alterio, G. Roviaro, A.K. Daly, S.R. Fargion, C.P. Day
Prospective clinical and functional results of combined rectal and urogynecologic surgery in complex pelvic floor disorders
2010 P. Boccasanta, M. Venturi, M. Spennacchio, A. Buonaguidi, A. Airoldi, G.C. Roviaro
Minimally invasive techniques for early lung cancer
2010 C. Vergani, L. Despini, G.C. Roviaro
Moderatore al 1° Simposio di Chirurgia Colorettale Funzionale - Le disfunzioni del pavimento pelvico, seconda sessione su : trattamento