Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Lethal cardiac amyloidosis: Modification of the Congo Red technique on a forensic case
2018 A. Rancati, S. Andreola, P. Bailo, M. Boracchi, P. Fociani, G. Gentile, R. Zoja
Death due to non-traumatic hemoperitoneum in Milan 2002–2016, with focus on two cases of abdominal apoplexy (idiopathic spontaneous hemoperitoneum) and review of the literature
2017 A. Battistini, M. Marchesi, A. Amadasi, A. Rancati, G. Gentile, R. Zoia
Characterisation of the weapon used in a patricide by SEM/EDS analysis of a microscopic trace from the object
2016 E. Muccino, G.F. Giovanetti, G.D.L. Crudele, G. Gentile, M. Marchesi, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
Macroscopic and histopathological aspects of chemical damage to human tissues depending on the survival time
2016 A. Amadasi, G. Gentile, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
Apoplessia addominale o emorragia intraperitoneale spontanea idiopatica: un caso di morte improvvisa da emoperitoneo massivo associato a cirrosi epatica
2016 A. Battistini, A. Rancati, A. Amadasi, R. Zoja
The medico-legal observation of an aggressive urogenital fibromatosis with isolated development not related to any traumatic event
2016 E. Muccino, G. Gentile, S. Mantero, M. Marchesi, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
The toll of traffic-related fatalities in a metropolitan Italian area through the experience of the Department of Legal Medicine
2016 A. Amadasi, E. Cerutti, L. Spagnoli, A. Blandino, A. Rancati, C. Gallo, E. Mancini, V. Rizzi, C. Cattaneo
One hundred and one cases of plastic bag suffocation in the Milan area between 1993 and 2013 - correlations, circumstances, pathological and forensic evidences and literature review
2016 G.D.L. Crudele, D. Di Candia, G. Gentile, M. Marchesi, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
A case report of lethal post-viral lymphocytic myocarditis with exclusive location in the right ventricle
2016 G.D.L. Crudele, A. Amadasi, L. Marasciuolo, A. Rancati, G. Gentile, R. Zoja
Suicide drowning in the non-coastal territory of Milan
2015 E. Muccino, G.D.L. Crudele, G. Gentile, M. Marchesi, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
Valutazione dell’efficacia delle tecniche istochimiche a fini medico-legali nel rilievo di quadri patologici su tessuti cadaverici dopo diversi tempi di sepoltura
2014 A. Rancati, G. Gentile, M. Marchesi, E. Muccino, E. Palazzo, R. Zoja
The case of a prosthetic limb used to cause lethal intravaginal injuries : forensic medical aspects in a case of intimate partner violence
2014 A. Rancati, G.D.L. Crudele, G. Gentile, R. Zoja
Histopathological findings of medico-legal significance in delayed death from ethylene glycol poisoning
2013 R. Zoja, S. Andreola, G. Gentile, E. Palazzo, M. Piga, A. Rancati
Lethal Bochdalek hernia in a three-year-old : pathological findings and medicolegal investigation in accusation of malpractice
2013 F. Mobilia, S. Andreola, G. Gentile, E. Palazzo, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
2013 G.D.L. Crudele, G. Gentile, L.R. Marasciuolo, A. Rancati, R. Zoja
Analysis of 16 Years of Homicides and Suicides Involving the Use of Weapons Recorded at the Milan Medicolegal Bureau
2013 G. Gentile, C. Clerici, A. De Micheli, I. Merzagora, E. Palazzo, A. Rancati, L. Veneroni, R. Zoja
Contributo istopatologico alla displasia aritmogena del ventricolo destro come causa di morte improvvisa
2012 A. Rancati, G. Gentile, A. Lazzaro, E. Palazzo, A. Taborelli, R. Zoja
Sudden death from systemic sarcoidosis : a case of legal medicine
2012 R. Zoja, S. Andreola, G. Gentile, A. Rancati