DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA, CHIRURGIA E ODONTOIATRIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 26/04/2012)
Disruption of retinoic acid receptor alpha reveals the growth promoter face of retinoic acid
2007 G. Somenzi, G. Sala, S. Rossetti, M. Ren, R. Ghidoni, N. Sacchi
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 induces angiogenesis through IGF-I- and SphK1-dependent mechanisms
2007 Riccarda Granata, Letizia Trovato, Enrico Lupia, Giuseppina Sala, Fabio Settanni, Giovanni Camussi, Riccardo Ghidoni, Ezio Ghigo
Is autophagy the key mechanism by which the sphingolipid rheostat controls the cell fate decision?
2007 Gregory Lavieu, Francesca Scarlatti, Giusy Sala, Thierry Levade, Riccardo Ghidoni, Joel Botti, Patrice Codogno
Resveratrol sensitization of DU145 prostate cancer cells to ionizing radiation is associated to ceramide increase
2007 F. Scarlatti, G. Sala, C. Ricci, C. Maioli, F. Milani, M. Minella, M. Botturi, R. Ghidoni
Regulation of autophagy by sphingosine kinase 1 and its role in cell survival during nutrient starvation
2006 G. Lavieu, F. Scarlatti, G. Sala, S. Carpentier, T. Levade, R. Ghidoni, J. Botti, P. Codogno
Synthesis of a resveratrol analogue with high ceramide-mediated proapoptotic activity on human breast cancer cells
2005 F. Minutolo, G. Sala, A. Bagnacani, S. Bertini, I. Carboni, G. Placanica, G. Prota, S. Rapposelli, N. Sacchi, M. Macchia, R. Ghidoni
Ceramide mediated macroautophagy involves inhibition of protein kinase B and up-regulation of beclin 1
2004 F. Scarlatti, C. Bauvy, A. Ventruti, G. Sala, F. Cluzeaud, A. Vaudevalle, R. Ghidoni, P. Codogno
Dual effects of IGFBP-3 on endothelial cell apoptosis and survival: involvement of the sphingolipid signaling pathways
2004 R. Granata, L. Trovato, G. Garbarino, M. Taliano, R. Ponti, G. Sala, R. Ghidoni, E. Ghigo
Resveratrol structure and ceramide-associated growth inhibition in prostate cancer cells
2003 G. Sala, F. Minutolo, M. Macchia, N. Sacchi, R. Ghidoni
Resveratrol induces growth inhibition and apoptosis in metastatic breast cancer cells via de novo ceramide signaling
2003 F. Scarlatti, G. Sala, G. Somenzi, P. Signorelli, N. Sacchi, R. Ghidoni
Increase in ceramide levels alters the lysosomal targeting of cathepsin D prior to onset of apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cells
2002 Daniela De Stefanis, Patrizia Reffo, Gabriella Bonelli, Francesco Baccino, Giuseppina Sala, Riccardo Ghidoni, Patrice Codogno, Ciro Isidoro
Increased biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids in CDG-Ia fibroblasts
2002 G. Sala, T. Dupre, N. Seta, P. Codogno, R. Ghidoni