Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Paleoceanographic changes across OAE 2 inferred from resilient foraminifera and XRF data at southern high latitudes (IODP Sites U1513 and U1516, Mentelle Basin, SW Australia)
2025 G. Amaglio, M.R. Petrizzo, E. Wolfgring, A. Holbourn, W. Kuhnt
Population dynamics and palaeoenvironmental inferences of Turonian planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from SE Tanzania and ODP Site 762 (Exmouth Plateau, eastern Indian Ocean)
2024 B.T. Huber, M.R. Petrizzo, K.G. Macleod
Oxygen rise in the tropical upper ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
2024 S. Moretti, A. Auderset, C. Deutsch, R. Schmitz, L. Gerber, E. Thomas, V. Luciani, M.R. Petrizzo, R. Schiebel, A. Tripati, P. Sexton, R. Norris, R. D’Onofrio, J. Zachos, D.M. Sigman, G.H. Haug, A. Martínez-García
The fossil collections of the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra 'Ardito Desio' move their steps into the virtual world of palaeontology
2024 F. Mongiovi, L. Angiolini, M. Balini, F. Bona, C. Bottini, G. Crippa, E. Erba, R. Marchesi, M.R. Petrizzo, D.A. Iurino
Upper Cretaceous benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy at IODP Site U1513, Mentelle Basin, SE Indian Ocean
2024 E. Wolfgring, M.R. Petrizzo
Response of microfossils to the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at southern high latitudes
2023 M.R. Petrizzo, G. Amaglio, E. Wolfgring, D.K. Watkins, K.G. Macleod, B.T. Huber, T. Hasegawa
Benthic foraminiferal response to the paleoenvironmental changes during the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at Clot Chevalier (Vocontian Basin, SE France)
2023 G. Amaglio, M.R. Petrizzo, A. Holbourn, W. Kuhnt, E. Wolfgring
Mode and timing of the Early Cretaceous transgression in Iran: Insights from the stratigraphic evidence of sea-level changes and geodynamic events
2023 F. Berra, V. Randazzo, A. Zanchi, M.R. Petrizzo, F. Schlagintweit, S. Zanchetta, H. Reza Javadi
Age, depositional history and tectonics of the Indo-Myanmar Ranges, Myanmar
2023 T.T. Naing, S.A. Robinson, M.P. Searle, C.K. Morley, I. Millar, O.R. Green, P.R. Bown, T. Danelian, M.R. Petrizzo, G.M. Henderson
Cretaceous southern high latitude benthic foraminiferal assemblages during OAE 2 at IODP Site U1516, Mentelle Basin, Indian Ocean
2023 E. Wolfgring, G. Amaglio, M.R. Petrizzo
Benthic foraminiferal response to the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretaceous) and evidence of bottom water re‐oxygenation during the Plenus Cold Event at Clot Chevalier (Vocontian Basin, SE France)
2023 G. Amaglio, M.R. Petrizzo, A. Holbourn, W. Kuhnt, E. Wolfgring
Benthic foraminifera across the Albian–Cenomanian transition and their paleoceanographic significance during OAE1d in the western Tethys (Umbria–Marche Basin, Italy)
2023 V.M. Giraldo-Gomez, M.R. Petrizzo, G. Gambacorta, C. Bottini, S.E. Gilardoni, E. Erba
2023 I. Walaszczyk, A. Gale, M.R. Petrizzo, A. Zylinska
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Campanian Stage at Bottaccione (Gubbio, Italy) and its Auxiliary Sections: Seaford Head (UK), Bocieniec (Poland), Postalm (Austria), Smoky Hill, Kansas (U.S.A), Tepayac (Mexico)
2023 A. Gale, S. Batenburg, R. Coccioni, Z. Dubicka, E. Erba, F. Falzoni, J. Haggart, T. Hasegawa, C. Ifrim, I. Jarvis, H. Jenkyns, A. Jurowska, J. Kennedy, M. Maron, G. Muttoni, M. Pearce, M.R. Petrizzo, I. Premoli-Silva, N. Thibault, S. Voigt, M. Wagreich, I. Walaszczyk
Evidence for changes in sea-surface circulation patterns and ~20° equatorward expansion of the Boreal bioprovince during a cold snap of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretaceous)
2022 F. Falzoni, M.R. Petrizzo
Biostratigraphy, paleobathymetry and paleobiogeography of Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifera from Shatsky Rise (ODP Leg 198) in the central Pacific Ocean
2022 V. Giraldo-Gomez, M. Petrizzo, E. Erba, C. Bottini
Magnetobiochronology of ponded turbidites (Castagnola Fm.) from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin of NW Italy: implications for turbidite deposition
2022 M. Marini, M. Maron, F.B. Felletti, G. Muttoni, M.R. Petrizzo
Paleoceanographic inferences from benthic foraminifera across the early Aptian Ocean Anoxic Event 1a in the western Tethys
2022 G. Victor, M.R. Petrizzo, E. Erba, C. Bottini
Biotic and paleoceanographic changes across the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the southern high latitudes (IODP Sites U1513 and U1516, SE Indian Ocean)
2022 M.R. Petrizzo, G. Amaglio, D.K. Watkins, K.G. Macleod, B.T. Huber, T. Hasegawa, E. Wolfgring
Santonian deep sea benthic foraminifera from IODP Site U1513, Mentelle Basin (SW Australia): Reactions of benthic foraminiferal assemblages to surface water cooling at southern high latitudes
2022 E. Wolfgring, M.R. Petrizzo, K.G. Macleod, B.T. Huber, D.K. Watkins