Food choice of Eurasian red squirrels and concentrations of anti-predatory secondary compounds
2012 F.M. Rubino, A. Martinoli, M. Pitton, D. Di Fabio, E. Caruso, S. Banfi, G. Tosi, L.A. Wauters, A. Martinoli
Measurement of S-methylcysteine and S-methyl-mercapturic acid in human urine by alkyl-chloroformate extractive derivatization and isotope-dilution gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
2011 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, D. Di Fabio, G. Meroni, E. Santaniello, E. Caneva, M. Pappini, A.L.P. Colombi
Serum levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochorinated pesticides (OCPs) among individuals of general population in three Italian geographic regions
2011 E.J. Mrema, R. Turci, F. Rubino, L. Fugnoli, M. Pitton, S. Mandic-Rajcevic, C. Colosio, C. Minoia
La S-Metil Cisteina quale potenziale biomarker di attività proliferativa cellulare
2010 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, D. Di Fabio, C. Colosio, R. Gelmini, F. Maffei Facino, A. Colombi
Prospettive nell'applicazione della misura di amminoacidi metilati quali bioindicatori di attività prolifertaiva cellulare
2009 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, D. Di Fabio, G. Meroni, E. Santaniello, C. Colosio, A. Colombi
Toward an "Omic" physiopathology of reactive chemicals: Thirty years of mass spectrometric study of the protein adducts with endogeneous and xenobiotic compouns
2009 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, D. DI FABIO, A. Colombi
Thiol-disuplhide redox equilibria of glutahione metaboloma compounds investigated by tandem mass spectrometry
2008 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, E. Caneva, M. Pappini, A. Colombi
Electrospray Ionization and Triple Quadrupole Tandem Mass Spectrometry Study of Some Biologically Relevant Homo- and Heterodimeric Cadmium Thiolate Conjugates
2006 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, G. Brambilla, A. Colombi
A study of the glutathione metaboloma peptides by energy-resolved mass spectrometry as a tool to investigate into reference of toxic heavy metals with their metabolic processes
2006 F.M. Rubino, M. Pitton, G. Brambilla, A.L.P. Colombi
The application of olfactometric techniques to limit the olfactive nuisance caused by industrial plants with a high environmental impact
2005 A. Colombi, F.M. Rubino, R.E.P. Giampiccolo, S.M.A. Pulvirenti, C.M. Verduci, M. Pitton, A. Papale
Citobase, un database unificato per la prevenzione dei rischi da manipolazione di chemioterapici antiblastici in ambito ospedaliero: compilazione e validazione iniziale
2005 F.M. Rubino, C. Verduci, M. Pitton, L. Neri, L. Brena, F. Naldi, G. Brambilla, A. Colombi