Surviving starvation: changes accompanying starvation tolerance in a bdelloid rotifer
2012 R. Marotta, A. Uggetti, C. Ricci, F. Leasi, G. Melone
Integrating DNA and morphological taxonomy to describe diversity in poorly studied microscopic animals: new species of the genus Abrochtha Bryce, 1910 (Rotifera: Bdelloidea: Philodinavidae)
2011 C.W. Birky jr., C. Ricci, G. Melone, D. Fontaneto
Dry and Survive : morphological changes during anhydrobiosis in a Bdelloid Rotifer
2010 R. Marotta, F. Leasi, A. Uggetti, C. Ricci, G. Melone
Musculature of two bdelloid rotifers, Adineta ricciae and Macrotrachela quadricornifera: organisation in a functional and evolutionary perspective
2010 F. Leasi, C. Ricci
2010 M. Balsamo, G. Bavestrello, R. Bertolani, M.D. Candia Carnevali, G. Corriero, B. D'Aniello, F. De Bernardi, A.M. Deiana, A.G. Foà, A. Giangrande, B.M. Lombardo, B. Mantovani, N. Parrinello, C. Pinelli, R. Pronzato, R.K. Rastogi, C. Ricci, B. Rossaro, B. Sabelli, F. Verni, M.T. Vinciguerra
Starve and survive: morphological changes accompanying starvation tolerance in a bdelloid rotifer.
2009 R. Marotta, A. Uggetti, C. Ricci, G. Melone
First description of the serotonergic nervous system in a bdelloid rotifer: Macrotrachela quadricornifera Milne 1886 (Philodinidae)
2009 F. Leasi, R. Pennati, C. Ricci
The evolutionary nature of diversification in sexuals and asexuals.
2009 T.G. Barraclough, D. Fontaneto, E. Herniou, C. Ricci
La risposta dei nematodi e dei rotiferi bdelloidei a stress dell’ambiente spaziale: radiazioni cosmiche e microgravità.
2009 C. Ricci
The importance of being a bdelloid : ecological and evolutionary consequences of dormancy
2009 C. Ricci, D. Fontaneto
Bdelloid rotifers : progress in understanding the success of an evolutionary scandal
2009 D.B. Mark Welch, C. Ricci, M. Meselson
Rotarad: a Biopan 6 Experiment Run in Sept 2007
2008 C. Ricci, G. Cornelli, F. Leasi
Serotonergic nervous system in macrotrachela quadricornifera milne, 1886 (Rotifera, Bdelloidea)
2008 F. Leasi, C. Ricci, R. Pennati
Morphological changes accompanying anhydrobiosis in the rotifer Macrotrachela quadricornifera (Rotifera, Bdelloidea)
2008 R. Marotta, F. Leasi, C. Ricci, G. Melone
Moon-Next : a proposed ESA lunar lander mission selected for phase-a study.
2008 I.A. Crawford, B. Houdou, S. Kempf, D. Koschny, P. Lognonné, A. Pradier, C. Ricci, P.D. Vaujour
Serotonina e ciclo vitale in un rotifero bdelloideo
2008 F. Leasi, C. Ricci
Muscle disposition and locomotion of rotifers
2008 F. Leasi, C. Ricci
Molecular evidence for broad-scale distributions in bdelloid rotifers: everything is not everywhere but most things are very widespread
2008 D. Fontaneto, T. Barraclough, K. Chen, C. Ricci, E.A. Herniou
Anhydrobiosis as a strategy for transferring nematodes in ISS experiment
2008 C. Ricci, G. Cornelli, E. Forasacco
Volume and morphology changes of a bdelloid rotifer species (Macrotrachela quadricornifera) during anhydrobiosis
2008 C. Ricci, M. Caprioli, D. Fontaneto, G. Melone