DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOLOGIA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Local climate modulates the development of soil nematode communities after glacier retreat
2024 A. Guerrieri, I. Cantera, S. Marta, A. Bonin, A. Carteron, R. Ambrosini, M. Caccianiga, F. Anthelme, R.S. Azzoni, P. Almond, P. Alvizgazitua, S. Cauvy-Fraunie, J.L. Ceballoslievano, P. Chand, M. Chandsharma, J. Clague, J.A. Cochachinrapre, C. Compostella, R. Cruzencarnacion, O. Dangles, P. Deline, A. Eger, S. Erokhin, A. Franzetti, L. Gielly, F. Gili, M. Gobbi, S. Hagvar, N. Khedim, R.I. Meneses, G. Peyre, F. Pittino, A. Proietto, A. Rabatel, N. Urseitova, Y. Yang, V. Zaginaev, A. Zerboni, A. Zimmer, P. Taberlet, G.A. Diolaiuti, J. Poulenard, D. Fontaneto, W. Thuiller, G.F. Ficetola
The development of terrestrial ecosystems emerging after glacier retreat
2024 G.F. Ficetola, S. Marta, A. Guerrieri, I. Cantera, A. Bonin, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, R. Ambrosini, M. Caccianiga, F. Anthelme, R.S. Azzoni, P. Almond, P. Alviz Gazitúa, J.L. Ceballos Lievano, P. Chand, M. Chand Sharma, J.J. Clague, J.A. Cochachín Rapre, C. Compostella, R.C. Encarnación, O. Dangles, P. Deline, A. Eger, S. Erokhin, A. Franzetti, L. Gielly, F. Gili, M. Gobbi, S. Hågvar, R. Kaufmann, N. Khedim, R.I. Meneses, M.A. Morales-Martínez, G. Peyre, F. Pittino, A. Proietto, A. Rabatel, K. Sieron, L. Tielidze, N. Urseitova, Y. Yang, V. Zaginaev, A. Zerboni, A. Zimmer, G.A. Diolaiuti, P. Taberlet, J. Poulenard, D. Fontaneto, W. Thuiller, A. Carteron
Dynamics of Ecological Communities following Current Retreat of Glaciers
2021 G.F. Ficetola, S. Marta, A. Guerrieri, M. Gobbi, R. Ambrosini, D. Fontaneto, A. Zerboni, J. Poulenard, M. Caccianiga, W. Thuiller
Fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of invertebrates within cryoconite holes
2019 K. Zawierucha, J. Buda, D. Fontaneto, R. Ambrosini, A. Franzetti, M. Wierzgoń, M. Bogdziewicz
Barcoding of Chrysomelidae of Euro-Mediterranean area : efficiency and problematic species
2018 G. Magoga, D.C. Sahin, D. Fontaneto, M. Montagna
Alien species in italian freshwater ecosystems : a macroecological assessment of invasion drivers
2017 P. Colangelo, D. Fontaneto, A. Marchetto, A. Ludovisi, A. Basset, L. Bartolozzi, I. Bertani, A. Campanar, A. Cattaneo, F. Cianferoni, G. Corriero, G.F. Ficetola, F. Nonnis-Marzano, C. Pierri, G. Rossetti, I. Rosati, A. Boggero
DATAPAPER : a geographic distribution data set of biodiversity in italian freshwaters
2016 A. Boggero, C. Pierri, R. Alber, M. Austoni, E. Barbone, L. Bartolozzi, I. Bertani, A. Campanaro, A. Cattaneo, F. Cianferoni, P. Colangelo, G. Corriero, A.M. Dorr, A.C. Elia, G.F. Ficetola, D. Fontaneto, E. Gaino, E. Goretti, L. Kamburska, G.L.A. Porta, R. Lauceri, M. Lorenzoni, A. Ludovisi, M. Manca, G. Morabito, F.N. Marzano, A. Oggioni, N. Riccardi, G. Rossetti, P. Tagliolato, B. Thaler, N. Ungaro, P. Volta, S. Zaupa, I. Rosati, N. Fiore, A. Basset, A. Marchetto
Nematodes and rotifers on two Alpine debris-covered glaciers
2015 R.S. Azzoni, A. Franzetti, D. Fontaneto, A. Zullini, R. Ambrosini
Weak effects of habitat type on susceptibility to invasive freshwater species : an Italian case study
2014 A. Boggero, A. Basset, M. Austoni, E. Barbone, L. Bartolozzi, I. Bertani, A. Campanaro, A. Cattaneo, F. Cianferoni, G. Corriero, A.M. Dörr, A..C. Elia, G.F. Ficetola, L. Kamburska, G. La Porta, S. Lauceri, A. Ludovisi, E. Gaino, E. Goretti, M. Lorenzoni, M. Manca, A. Marchetto, G. Morabito, F.N. Marzano, A. Oggioni, C. Pierri, N. Riccardi, G. Rossetti, N. Ungaro, P. Volta, S. Zaupa, D. Fontaneto
Integrating DNA and morphological taxonomy to describe diversity in poorly studied microscopic animals: new species of the genus Abrochtha Bryce, 1910 (Rotifera: Bdelloidea: Philodinavidae)
2011 C.W. Birky jr., C. Ricci, G. Melone, D. Fontaneto
Phylogenetic constraints in the muscular system of rotifer males: investigation on the musculature of males versus females of Brachionus manjavacas and Epiphanes senta (Rotifera, Monogononta)
2010 F. Leasi, D. Fontaneto, G. Melone
Spatial niche partitioning in epibiont rotifers on the waterlouse Asellus aquaticus
2010 D. Fontaneto, R. Ambrosini
The epidermis surface in rotifers: an SEM comparison
2009 G. Melone, D. Fontaneto
The importance of being a bdelloid : ecological and evolutionary consequences of dormancy
2009 C. Ricci, D. Fontaneto
Volume and morphology changes of a bdelloid rotifer species (Macrotrachela quadricornifera) during anhydrobiosis
2008 C. Ricci, M. Caprioli, D. Fontaneto, G. Melone
Identification key to the genera of marine rotifers worldwide
2008 D. Fontaneto, W.H. De Smet, G. Melone
Molecular evidence for broad-scale distributions in bdelloid rotifers: everything is not everywhere but most things are very widespread
2008 D. Fontaneto, T. Barraclough, K. Chen, C. Ricci, E.A. Herniou
Cryptic diversification in ancient asexuals: evidence from the bdelloid rotifer Philodina flaviceps
2008 D. Fontaneto, C. Boschetti, C. Ricci
Marine rotifers from the Northern Adriatic Sea, with description of Lecane insulaconae sp. nov. (Rotifera: Monogononta: Lecanidae)
2008 D. Fontaneto, H. Segers, G. Melone
Disentangling the morphological stasis in two rotifer species of the Brachionus plicatilis species complex
2007 D. Fontaneto, I. Giordani, G. Melone, M. Serra