Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Corrections and Additions to Descriptions of Some Species of the Subgenus Orthocladius s. str. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)
2022 B. Rossaro, L. Marziali, G. Magoga, M. Montagna, A. Boggero
DNA barcoding of Chironomidae from the Lake Skadar region: Reference library and a comparative analysis of the European fauna
2022 P. Gadawski, M. Montagna, B. Rossaro, W. Gilka, V. Pesic, M. Grabowski, G. Magoga
Factors Controlling Morphotaxa Distributions of Diptera Chironomidae in Freshwaters
2022 B. Rossaro, L. Marziali, M. Montagna, G. Magoga, S. Zaupa, A. Boggero
First insights into the diversity and ecology of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the unique ancient Skadar Lake basin (Montenegro/Albania)
2021 P. Gadawski, B. Rossaro, W. Giłka, M. Montagna, A. Zawal, M. Grabowski
The Atopy Index Inventory: A Brief and Simple Tool to Identify Atopic Patients
2020 F. Di Berardino, D. Zanetti, D. Monzani, B. Rossaro, G. Cantarella, P. Dejonckere, L. Pignataro
An updated list of chironomid species from Italy with biogeographic considerations (Diptera, Chironomidae)
2019 B. Rossaro, N. Pirola, L. Marziali, G. Magoga, A. Boggero, M. Montagna
Revision of the genus Chaetocladius Kieffer (Diptera, Chironomidae), 1st note : description of four new species from Italy
2017 B. Rossaro, G. Magoga, M. Montagna
Revision of type and non-type material assigned to the genus Orthocladius by Goetghebuer (1940–1950), deposited in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Diptera: Chironomidae)
2017 G. Magoga, M. Montagna, L. Marziali, B. Rossaro
The molecular effects of pesticides employed in organic agriculture (Copper and azadirachtin) on a wild population of Chironomus Riparius (Diptera Chironomidae)
2016 V. Lencioni, V. Grazioli, M. Gaglio, F. Bellamoli, B. Rossaro, P. Bernabò
Alien species among Chironomids: a new topic on which direct our interest
2016 A. Boggero, V. Lencioni, B. Rossaro
Environmental traits affect chironomid communities in glacial areas of the Southern Alps : evidence from a long-lasting case study
2016 B. Rossaro, M. Montagna, V. Lencioni
Chironomids taxocenosis in glacial areas, a long term study
2016 B. Rossaro, G. Magoga, M. Montagna, V. Lencioni
A review of Spinosyns, a derivative of biological acting substances as a class of insecticides with a broad range of action against many insect pests
2016 L. Bacci, D. Lupi, S. Savoldelli, B. Rossaro
Integrated Taxonomy and DNA Barcoding of Alpine Midges (Diptera: Chironomidae)
2016 M. Montagna, V. Mereghetti, V. Lencioni, B. Rossaro
Transcriptional profiling induced by pesticides employed in organic agriculture in a wild population of Chironomus riparius under laboratory conditions
2016 V. Lencioni, V. Grazioli, B. Rossaro, P. Bernabò
Hypoxia and anoxia effects on alcohol dehydrogenase activity and hemoglobin content in Chironomus riparius Meigen, 1804
2016 V. Grazioli, B. Rossaro, P. Parenti, R. Giacchini, V. Lencioni
The species of the genus Diamesa (Diptera, Chironomidae) known to occur in Italian Alps and Apennines
2016 M. Montagna, S. Urbanelli, B. Rossaro
A key to larvae of species belonging to the genus Diamesa from Alps and Apennines (Italy)
2015 B. Rossaro, V. Lencioni
A key to larvae of Diamesa Meigen, 1835 (Diptera, Chironomidae), well known as adult males and pupae from Alps (Europe)
2015 B. Rossaro, V. Lencioni
Pseudosmittia fabioi Boggero, Zaupa & Rossaro, 2014 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae) a new junior synonym of Prosmittia verae Krasheninnikov & Makarchenko, 2008
2015 B. Rossaro, S. Zaupa, A. Boggero