Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
Radiographic evaluation of marginal bone levels around implants supporting splinted fixed bridges: A retrospective study on 412 implants
2024 M. Manfredini, P.P. Poli, M. Beretta, F. Rossi, M. Rigoni, V. Veronesi, C. Maiorana
Correlation between Accuracy in Computer-Guided Implantology and Peri-Implant Tissue Stability: A Prospective Clinical and Radiological Pilot Study
2023 P.P. Poli, M. Manfredini, C. Maiorana, F.E. Salina, M. Beretta
Computer Aided Full Arch Restoration by Means of One-Piece Implants and Stackable Guide: A Technical Note
2023 M. Manfredini, P.P. Poli, C. Maiorana, F. Eugenia Salina, M. Tandurella, M. Beretta
The efficacy of a porcine collagen matrix in keratinized mucosa width augmentation: a 10-year follow-up clinical prospective study
2023 M. Manfredini, P.P. Poli, P. Guerrieri, M. Beretta, C. Maiorana
Polydeoxyribonucleotides Pre-Clinical Findings in Bone Healing: A Scoping Review
2023 M. Manfredini, P.P. Poli, M. Beretta, M. Pellegrini, F.E. Salina, C. Maiorana
Effectiveness of Adjunctive Hyaluronic Acid Application in Surgical Treatment of Gingival Recession Sites
2023 M. Manfredini, M. Beretta, C. Maiorana, M. Tandurella, F.E. Salina, P.P. Poli
Full Digital Model-Free Maxillary Prosthetic Rehabilitation by Means of One-Piece Implants: A Proof of Concept Clinical Report with Three-Years Follow Up
2022 M. Beretta, M. Manfredini, P.P. Poli, S.M.P. Tansella, C. Maiorana
Adjunctive use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the surgical treatment of periapical lesions: A case series
2022 P.P. Poli, F.A. Souza, G. Damiani, H. Hadad, C. Maiorana, M. Beretta
Therapeutic strategies in the management of nonresorbable membrane and titanium mesh exposures following alveolar bone augmentation : a systematic scoping review
2022 P.P. Poli, M. Beretta, C. Maiorana, F.A. Souza, A. Bovio, M. Manfredini
Computer-guided implant placement associated with computer-aided bone regeneration in the treatment of atrophied partially edentulous alveolar ridges : A proof-of-concept study
2021 P.P. Poli, A.K. Muktadar, F.A. Souza, C. Maiorana, M. Beretta
Cast-free digital workflow for implant-supported rehabilitation in a completely edentulous patient: A clinical report
2021 M. Beretta, P.P. Poli, S. Tansella, M. Aguzzi, A. Meoli, C. Maiorana
Simplified Digital Protocol for Fully Edentulous Immediate Implant Placement and Loading: A Report of 10 Consecutive Cases
2021 T. Testori, F. Goker, R. Scaini, M. Beretta, M. Nanni, H. Wang, M. Del Fabbro
Comparative risk of bleeding of anticoagulant therapy with vitamin k antagonists (Vkas) and with non-vitamin k antagonists in patients undergoing dental surgery
2021 M. Manfredini, P.P. Poli, L. Creminelli, A. Porro, C. Maiorana, M. Beretta
Buccal peri-implant soft tissue augmentation by means of a porcine collagen matrix: A proof of concept technical note
2021 M. Beretta, C. Maiorana, M. Manfredini, S. Ferrario, P.P. Poli
Regenerative treatment of peri-implantitis following implant surface decontamination with titanium brush and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: A case series with reentry
2020 P.P. Poli, F.A. Souza, M. Manfredini, C. Maiorana, M. Beretta
Clinical and radiographic evaluation of simultaneous alveolar ridge augmentation by means of preformed titanium meshes at dehiscence-type peri-implant defects: A prospective pilot study
2020 C. Maiorana, M. Manfredini, M. Beretta, F. Signorino, A. Bovio, P.P. Poli
Marginal Bone Resorption Around Dental Implants Placed in Alveolar Socket Preserved Sites: A 5 Years Follow-up Study
2020 M. Beretta, C. Maiorana, M. Manfredini, F. Signorino, P.P. Poli, R. Vinci
Are dental implants the first option in case of severely compromised teeth associated with radicular cyst? A critical case report
2020 C. Maiorana, P.P. Poli, F. Signorino, L. Runza, M. Beretta
Dental implants placed in resorbed alveolar ridges reconstructed with iliac crest autogenous onlay grafts : A 26-year median follow-up retrospective study
2019 C. Maiorana, P.P. Poli, A. Mascellaro, S. Ferrario, M. Beretta
Long-term retrospective observational cohort study on the survival rate of stepped-screw titanium implants followed up to 20 years
2019 F. Lini, P.P. Poli, M. Beretta, I. Cortinovis, C. Maiorana