Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Effectiveness of orally administered probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri in patients with peri-implant mucositis : A prospective clinical study
2021 F. Signorino, N.N. Zouri, G. Allocca, C. Maiorana, P.P. Poli
Marginal Bone Resorption Around Dental Implants Placed in Alveolar Socket Preserved Sites: A 5 Years Follow-up Study
2020 M. Beretta, C. Maiorana, M. Manfredini, F. Signorino, P.P. Poli, R. Vinci
Efficacy of a diagnostic real-time polymerase chain reaction test in the detection and quantification of periodontal and peri-implant pathogens: A pilot study
2020 P.P. Poli, A. Mascellaro, S. Campolo, F. Signorino, G. Allocca, C. Maiorana
Are dental implants the first option in case of severely compromised teeth associated with radicular cyst? A critical case report
2020 C. Maiorana, P.P. Poli, F. Signorino, L. Runza, M. Beretta
Clinical and radiographic evaluation of simultaneous alveolar ridge augmentation by means of preformed titanium meshes at dehiscence-type peri-implant defects: A prospective pilot study
2020 C. Maiorana, M. Manfredini, M. Beretta, F. Signorino, A. Bovio, P.P. Poli
Critical defect healing assessment in rat calvaria filled with injectable calcium phosphate cement
2019 L.E. Schmidt, H. Hadad, I.R. De Vasconcelos, L.T. Colombo, R.C. Da Silva, A.F.P. Santos, L.C.C. Cervantes, P.P. Poli, F. Signorino, C. Maiorana, P.S.P. De Carvalho, F.A. Souza
Effectiveness and compliance of an oscillating-rotating toothbrush in patients with dental implants: a randomized clinical trial
2018 G. Allocca, D. Pudylyk, F. Signorino, G.B. Grossi, C. Maiorana
Soft tissue enhancement combined with biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT) to correct volumetric bone defects: a case report
2017 F. Signorino, L. Pivetti, F. Lini, C. Maiorana
The use of a collagenated porcine cortical lamina in the reconstruction of alveolar ridge defects : a clinical and histological study
2017 L. Pivetti, C. Maiorana, F. Lini, F. Signorino
The use of invisalign® system in the management of the orthodontic treatment before and after Class III surgical approach
2016 R. Pagani, F. Signorino, P.P. Poli, P. Manzini, I. Panisi