Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Slow Maxillary Expansion with Leaf Expander vs. Rapid Maxillary Expansion in a Sample of Growing Patients: Direct Effects on Maxillary Arch and Spontaneous Mandibular Response
2020 G. Cossellu, A. Ugolini, M. Beretta, M. Farronato, A. Gianolio, C. Maspero, V. Lanteri
A bidirectional crosstalk between glioblastoma and brain endothelial cells potentiates the angiogenic and proliferative signaling of sphingosine-1-phosphate in the glioblastoma microenvironment
2018 L. Abdel Hadi, V. Anelli, L. Guarnaccia, S. Navone, M. Beretta, F. Moccia, C. Tringali, V. Urechie, R. Campanella, G. Marfia, L. Riboni
Modulation of Neuroinflammation in the Central Nervous System: Role of Chemokines and Sphingolipids
2017 R. Gualtierotti, L. Guarnaccia, M. Beretta, S.E. Navone, R. Campanella, L. Riboni, P. Rampini, G. Marfia
Effects of growth hormone on oocytes in vitro maturation and its localization in the canine cumulus-oocyte complexes
2008 S. Chigioni, C. Secchi, V. Borromeo, S. Modina, M.S. Beretta, G.C. Luvoni
L'acquisizione della competenza allo sviluppo nell'ovocita dei mammiferi domestici : ruolo dei fattori intraovarici : dottorato di ricerca in biotecnologie applicate alle scienze veterinarie e zootecniche : tesi di dottorato di ricerca
2007 M.S. Beretta
Effetto dell’ormone della crescita sulla maturazione in vitro degli oociti e sua localizzazione nei complessi cumulo oocita della specie canina
2007 S. Chigioni, C. Secchi, V. Borromeo, S. Modina, M.S. Beretta, G.C. Luvoni
Expression and localization of prolactin and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the bovine follicle: a morpho-functional study
2006 M.S. Beretta, A.M. Luciano, V. Borromeo, A. Lauria, S. Modina
Ovarian response and quality of retrieved oocytes following adminstration of p-FSH and Pregnyl preparation, and survival of cow oocytes after cryopreservation
2006 M. Slezakova, K. Freharova, A.M. Luciano, V. Lodde, M.S. Beretta, S. Modina, A. Lauria, J. Kubica
Banking of bovine germinal vesicle stage oocytes: comparison between cryopreservation protocols
2006 M. Slezakova, V. Lodde, M.S. Beretta, A. Lauria, S. Modina, A.M. Luciano
Bovine oocyte reconstruction following cryopreservation and germinal vesicle transplantation
2006 A.M. Luciano, F. Franciosi, F. Perazzoul, C. Galbusera, M.S. Beretta, V. Lodde, S. Modina
Ovarian response and quality of retrieved oocytes following adminstration of p-FSH and Pregnyl preparation, and survival of cow oocytes after cryopreservation. Hodnoceni odezvy ovarii a kvality ziskanych oocytu, posouzeni prezitelnosti oocytu po krykonzervaci u skotu
2006 M. Slezakova, K. Freharova, A.M. Luciano, V. Lodde, M.S. Beretta, S. Modina, A. Lauria, J. Kubica
Relationship between chromatin organization and oocyte-cumulus cell communications in germinal vesicle stage bovine oocytes
2005 V. Lodde, C. Galbusera, S. Modina, M.S. Beretta, A. Lauria, A.M. Luciano
Chromatin remodeling during final follicular growth phase: influence on gap-junctional coupling between oocyte and cumulus cell and developmental competence
2005 V. Lodde, A.M. Luciano, M.S. Beretta, F. Franciosi, A. Lauria, S. Modina
Relationship between oocyte-cumulus cell communications and chromatin morphology in growing and fully-grown bovine oocytes
2005 A.M. Luciano, V. Lodde, F. Franciosi, M.S. Beretta, A. Lauria, S. Modina
Bovine oocyte developmental deficiency and ovarian morphology: role of glutathione (GSH) and gap junctions
2005 M.S. Beretta, S. Modina, M. Aru, S. Pirani, V. Lodde, A. Lauria, A.M. Luciano
Developmental capability of denuded bovine oocyte in a co-culture system with intact cumulus-oocyte complexes: role of cumulus cells, cyclic adenosine 3 ',5 '-monophosphate, and glutathione
2005 A.M. Luciano, V. Lodde, M.S. Beretta, S. Colleoni, A. Lauria, S.C. Modina
Morphological and histochemical analysis of immature bovine oocytes denuded before vitrification and their meiotic competence after thawing
2004 S. Modina, A.M. Luciano, M.S. Beretta, U. Fascio, A. Lauria
Embryonic development of denuded bovine oocytes matured in the presence of intact cumulus-oocyte complexes
2004 A.M. Luciano, S. Modina, V. Lodde, M.S. Beretta, A. Lauria