Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali
Salivary IgG and IgA in newborn calves and the possible role in the assessment of passive immunity transfer
2024 G.V. Berteselli, J. Filipe, A. Martelli, G. Vezzaro, E. Canali, P. Dall'Ara
A survey of colostrum management practices in dairy farms of Piedmont region (Italy): a pilot study
2023 G.V. Berteselli, P. Rossi, G. Vezzaro, D. Costa, S. Barbieri, E. Canali
Measuring dairy cow welfare with real-time sensor-based data and farm records: a concept study
2023 A.H. Stygar, L. Frondelius, G.V. Berteselli, Y. Gómez, E. Canali, J.K. Niemi, P. Llonch, M. Pastell
Flat-Faced or Non-Flat-Faced Cats? That is the Question
2023 G.V. Berteselli, C. Palestrini, F. Scarpazza, S. Barbieri, E. Prato-Previde, S. Cannas
Effect of immunocastration on body lesions in heavy pigs: preliminary results
2022 E. Dalla Costa, G. Pesenti Rossi, A. Motta, M. Borciani, A. Gastaldo, G. Berteselli, E. Canali, M. Minero, S. Barbieri
A Systematic Review on Commercially Available and Validated Sensor Technologies for Welfare Assessment of Dairy Cattle
2021 A.H. Stygar, Y. Gómez, G.V. Berteselli, E. Dalla Costa, E. Canali, J.K. Niemi, P. Llonch, M. Pastell
A pilot study to develop an assessment tool for dogs undergoing trap-neuter-release (Tnr) in italy. an overview on the national implementation of tnr programmes
2021 G.V. Berteselli, C. Rapagna, R. Salini, P. Badagliacca, F. Bellucci, F. Iannino, P. Dalla Villa
Il canile rifugio, procedure e protocolli
2020 F. Iannino, E. Finocchi Mahne, P. Dalla Villa, E. Ruggieri, S. Salucci, G. Berteselli, C. Rapagnà, M.L. Danzetta, F. Bellucci
The use of precision livestock farming (PLF) technology to monitor and improve welfare of dairy cows
2020 G. Berteselli, E. Dalla Costa, P. Llonch, X. Manteca, A. Stygar, J. Niemi, M. Pastell, R. Wijma, S.P. Van Gosliga, A. Baxter, I. Arbel, E. Canali
Interobserver agreement and sensitivity to climatic conditions in sheltered dogs' welfare evaluation performed with welfare assessment protocol (Shelter Quality protocol)
2019 G.V. Berteselli, L. Arena, L. Candeloro, P. Dalla Villa, F. De Massis
Development of a questionnaire to evaluate the occupational stress in dog's shelter operators
2019 M. Nardoia, L. Arena, G. Berteselli, P. Migliaccio, L. Valerii, L. Di Giustino, P.D. Villa
Application of a welfare assessment tool (Shelter Quality Protocol) in 64 Italian long-term dogs' shelters: Welfare hazard analysis
2019 L. Arena, G.V. Berteselli, F. Lombardo, L. Candeloro, P. Dalla Villa, F. De Massis
Risk factors' evaluation for dogs' welfare housed in long-term shelters
2018 G. Berteselli, L. Arena, L. Candeloro, P. Dalla Villa, F. De Massis
Animal welfare in italian lomg-term shelters : benchmark against an “Ideal Shelter”
2018 G. Berteselli, L. Arena, L. Candeloro, P. Dalla VIlla, F. De Massis
European wildcat and domestic cat: Do they really differ?
2017 G.V. Berteselli, B. Regaiolli, S. Normando, B. De Mori, C.A. Zaborra, C. Spiezio
Stress and cancer in dogs : Comparison between a population of dogs diagnosed with cancer and a control population : a pilot study
2016 S. Cannas, G.V. Berteselli, P. Piotti, Z. Talamonti, E. Scaglia, D. Stefanello, M. Minero, C. Palestrini
Using a Delphi· method to estimate the relevance of a set of indicators for the evaluation of shelter dog welfare
2016 G. Berteselli, S. Messori, L. Arena, P. Dala Villa, F. De Massis
Efficacia della L-Teanina nel trattamento delle fobie specifiche nei confronti dei rumori nei cani : Risultati preliminari = Efficacy of L-Theanine on noise phobias in dogs : Preliminary results
2015 M. Michelazzi, G.V. Berteselli, Z. Talamonti, S. Cannas, E. Scaglia, M. Minero, C. Palestrini
Efficacy of a diet containing caseinate hydrolysate on signs of stress in dogs
2010 C. Palestrini, M. Minero, S. Cannas, G.V. Berteselli, E. Scaglia, S. Barbieri, E. Cavallone, M.L. Puricelli, F. Servida, P.E. Dall’Ara
Feline behavioural problems: an epidemiological study in a cat population
2009 G. Berteselli, S. Cannas, M. Michelazzi, L. Volontè, C. Palestrini