Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
When the owner does not know: comparing puppies and adult dogs' showing behavior
2023 E. Prato-Previde, G. Pedretti, E. Terruzzi, P. Valsecchi
Approccio multidisciplinare per la messa a punto di un sistema di monitoraggio continuo in allevamenti caprini da latte mediante analisi delle vocalizzazioni (VOCAPRA)
2023 S. Mattiello, S. Celozzi, M. Battini, E. Prato Previde, M.V. Vena, L.A. Ludovico, G. Presti, S. Ntalampiras
Flat-Faced or Non-Flat-Faced Cats? That is the Question
2023 G.V. Berteselli, C. Palestrini, F. Scarpazza, S. Barbieri, E. Prato-Previde, S. Cannas
Why do goats bleat?
2022 S. Celozzi, M. Battini, S. Ntalampiras, L.A. Ludovico, G. Presti, M.V. Vena, E. Prato Previde, S. Mattiello
Humans and Goats: Improving Knowledge for a Better Relationship
2022 S. Celozzi, M. Battini, E. Prato-Previde, S. Mattiello
Comparing behavioural characteristics of Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs, German shepherds and Labrador retrievers in Italy and the Czech Republic
2021 A. Sommese, P. Valsechi, A. Pelosi, E. Prato-Previde
What’s in a Meow? A Study on Human Classification and Interpretation of Domestic Cat Vocalizations
2020 E. Prato-Previde, S. Cannas, C. Palestrini, S. Ingraffia, M. Battini, L.A. Ludovico, S. Ntalampiras, G. Presti, S. Mattiello
Food quantity discrimination in puppies (Canis lupus familiaris)
2020 M. E Miletto Petrazzini, F. Mantese, E. Prato-Previde
Automatic Classification of Cat Vocalizations Emitted in Different Contexts
2019 S. Ntalampiras, L.A. Ludovico, G. Presti, E. Prato Previde, M. Battini, S. Cannas, C. Palestrini, S. Mattiello
Effects of breed group and development on dogs’ willingness to follow a human misleading advice
2019 S. Barnard, C. Passalacqua, A. Pelosi, P.G. Valsecchi, E. Prato‑previde
Wolf-like or dog-like? A comparison of gazing behaviour across three dog breeds tested in their familiar environments
2019 V. Maglieri, E. PRATO PREVIDE ALBRISI COLOMBANI, E. Tommas, E. Palagi
What is it like to be a jealous dog? Commentary on Cook et al. on Dog Jealousy
2018 E. Prato-Previde, P. Valsecchi
Pet dogs' behavior when the owner and an unfamiliar person attend to a faux rival
2018 E. Prato-Previde, V. Nicotra, A. Pelosi, P. Valsecchi
Do dogs exhibit jealous behaviors when their owner attends to their companion dog?
2018 E. Prato‑previde, V. Nicotra, S. Fusar Poli, A. Pelosi, P. Valsecchi
Breed, sex, and litter effects in 2-month old puppies’ behaviour in a standardised open-field test
2017 S. Barnard, S. Marshall Pescini, A. Pelosi, C. Passalacqua, E. Prato-Previde, P. Valsecchi
Empathy toward animals and people : The role of gender and length of service in a sample of Italian veterinarians
2017 E.S. Colombo, F. Crippa, T. Calderai, E. Prato Previde
Empathy towards animals and belief in animal-human continuity in Italian veterinary students
2016 E.S. Colombo, A. Pelosi, E. Prato Previde
How good is this food? A study on dogs’ emotional responses to a potentially pleasant event using infrared thermography
2016 T. Travain, E. Colombo, L.C. Grandi, E. Heinzl, A. Pelosi, E. Prato Previde, P. Valsecchi
The importance of gestural communication : a study of human–dog communication using incongruent information
2016 B. D’Aniello, A. Scandurra, A. Alterisio, P. Valsecchi, E. Prato Previde
Suscitare e riconoscere le emozioni nel volto di un cane: efficacia degli antecedenti e ruolo dell’esperienza
2015 E.S. Colombo, A. Pelosi, E. Prato Previde