DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE FARMACOLOGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
Opposite effects of uracil and adenine nucleotides on the survival of murine cardiomyocytes
2008 A. Mazzola, E. Amoruso, E. Beltrami, D. Lecca, S. Ferrario, S. Cosentino, E. Tremoli, S. Ceruti, M.P. Abbracchio
Using peripheral blood mononuclear cells to determine proteome profiles in human cardiac failure
2008 A. Mazzola, R. Cianti, L. Bini, A. Armini, I. Eberini, G. Pompella, P.L. Capecchi, M. Natale, M.P. Abbracchio, F. Laghi-Pasini
Using Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to determine proteome profiles in human end-stage chronic heart disease
2007 P.L. Capecchi, A. Mazzola, R. Cianti, L. Bini, A. Armini, I. Eberini, G. Pompella, M.P. Abbracchio, F. Laghi Pasini
2-chloro-2’-deoxyadenosine-induced apoptosis of human cancer cells bearing a mutated p53 isoform: role of MAP kinases
2006 S. Ceruti, A. Mazzola, M.P. Abbracchio
Proteasome inhibitors potentiate etoposide-induced cell death in human astrocytoma cells bearing a mutated p53 isoform
2006 S.M. Ceruti, A. Mazzola, M.P. Abbracchio
Resistance of human astrocytoma cells to apoptosis induced by mitochondria-damaging agents: Possible implications for anticancer therapy
2005 S.M. Ceruti, A. Mazzola, M.P. Abbracchio
P2 receptors in human heart : upregulation of P2X6 in patients undergoing heart transplantation, interaction with TNFα and potential role in myocardial cell death
2005 C. Banfi, S. Ferrario, O. DE VINCENTI, S. Ceruti, M. Fumagalli, A. Mazzola, N. D'Ambrosi, C. Volontè, P. Fratto, E. Vitali, G. Burnstock, E. Beltrami, A. Parolari, G. Polvani, P. Biglioli, E. Tremoli, M.P. Abbracchio
Upregulation of A2A adenosine receptor expression by TNF-alpha in PBMC of patients with CHF: A regulatory mechanism of inflammation
2005 P.L. Capecchi, A. Camurri, G. Pompella, A. Mazzola, M. Maccherini, F. Diciolla, P.E. Lazzerini, M.P. Abbracchio, F. Laghi-Pasini
Regulation of A2B adenosine receptor functioning by tumour necrosis factor a in human astroglial cells
2004 M.L. Trincavelli, M. Marroni, D. Tuscano, S.M. Ceruti, A. Mazzola, N. Mitro, M.P. Abbracchio, C. Martini