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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Weathering trends in the Norian through geochemical and rock magnetic analyses from the Pignola–Abriola section (Lagonegro Basin, Italy) 2024 Muttoni, Giovanni + Article (author) -
The Messinian salinity crisis onset in Albania: An integrated approach by bio-magnetostratigraphy and rock magnetic analyses 2024 Muttoni, Giovanni + Article (author) -
A geoarchaeological review of Balzi Rossi, Italy: A crossroad of Palaeolithic populations in the northwest Mediterranean 2024 A. ZerboniA. PeregoG. Muttoni + Article (author) -
Magnetostratigraphy of the Punta Grohmann section (Dolomites, Italy): improving the chronology of the Ladinian/Carnian boundary 2024 Maron, MatteoMuttoni, Giovanni + Article (author) -
Hominin population bottleneck coincided with migration from Africa during the Early Pleistocene ice age transition 2024 Muttoni, Giovanni + Article (author) -
Age and Depositional Environment of Whale-Bearing Sedimentary Succession from the Lower Pliocene of Tuscany (Italy): Insights from Palaeomagnetism, Calcareous Microfossils and Facies Analyses 2023 Marini, MMuttoni, G + Article (author) -
High-resolution magnetochronology detects multiple stages of Pleistocene tectonic uplift and deformation in the Po Plain of northern Italy 2023 Perini, SMuttoni, GZucali, MZerboni, A + Article (author) -
The Pleistocene tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the northern Po Plain (Italy) around the Castenedolo and Ciliverghe hillocks 2023 Muttoni G.Zerboni A. + Article (author) -
Early North African Acheulean techno-economic systems at Thomas Quarry I - L1 (Casablanca, Morocco) 2023 Muttoni, Giovanni + Article (author) -
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Campanian Stage at Bottaccione (Gubbio, Italy) and its Auxiliary Sections: Seaford Head (UK), Bocieniec (Poland), Postalm (Austria), Smoky Hill, Kansas (U.S.A), Tepayac (Mexico) 2023 Erba, ElisabettaFalzoni, FrancescaMaron, MatteoMuttoni, GiovanniPetrizzo, Maria RosePremoli-Silva, Isabella + Article (author) -
Chronology of the earliest peopling of the Ethiopian highlands at Melka Kunture pre-dating the 1.925 Ma base of the Olduvai subchron 2023 Muttoni G.Perini S. + Article (author) -
Magnetochronology of late Eocene turbidites (Ventimiglia Flysch Fm) from the western Alps foreland basin 2022 Marini MattiaMuttoni Giovanni + Conference Object -
Terrestrial records of deglaciation events during terminations V and IV in the central Apennines (Italy) and insights on deglacial mechanisms 2022 Muttoni, G + Article (author) -
Magnetobiochronology of ponded turbidites (Castagnola Fm.) from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin of NW Italy: implications for turbidite deposition 2022 Mattia MariniMatteo MaronFabrizio FellettiGiovanni MuttoniMaria Rose Petrizzo Conference Object -
SPHeritage: un progetto di ricerca per lo studio dei cambiamenti ambientali del passato attraverso il patrimonio culturale 2022 A. ZerboniI. BollatiL. FortiG. MuttoniM. PelfiniA. PeregoS. PeriniA. PezzottaA. Proietto + Article (author) -
Adria in Mediterranean paleogeography, the origin of the Ionian Sea, and Permo-Triassic configurations of Pangea 2022 Muttoni G. + Article (author) -
Latitudinal land–sea distributions and global surface albedo since the cretaceous 2022 Muttoni, G. + Article (author) -
Global Carboniferous brachiopod biostratigraphy 2022 Angiolini L.Muttoni G. + Book Part (author) -
First high resolution chronostratigraphy for the early North African Acheulean at Casablanca (Morocco) 2021 Giovanni MuttoniAndrea ZerboniSerena Perini + Article (author) -
A detailed record of the C34n/C33r magnetozone boundary for the definition of the base of the Campanian Stage at the Bottaccione section (Gubbio, Italy) 2021 Maron, MatteoMuttoni, Giovanni Article (author) -