Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie per la Salute, la Produzione Animale e la Sicurezza Alimentare (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/01/2022)
Quantification of cortisol and its metabolites in human urine by LC-MSn: applications in clinical diagnosis and anti-doping control
2022 F. Arioli, M. Cristina Gamberini, R. Pavlovic, F. DI CESARE, S. Draghi, G. Bussei, F. Mungiguerra, A. Casati, M. Fidani
Determination of α-and β-boldenone sulfate, glucuronide and free forms, and androstadienedione in bovine urine using immunoaffinity columns clean-up and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis
2015 L. Chiesa, R. Pavlovic, G. Dusi, E. Pasquale, A. Casati, S. Panseri, F. Arioli
Pseudoendogenous origin of prednisolone in pigs from the food chain
2015 F. Arioli, E. Pasquale, S. Panseri, L. Bonizzi, G.F. Labella, A. Casati, S. Foschini, L. Chiesa
Presence of prednisolone in complementary feedstuffs for bovine husbandry
2014 L. Chiesa, R. Pavlovic, M. Fidani, S. Panseri, E. Pasquale, A. Casati, F. Arioli
Investigation on the origin of prednisolone in urine and adrenal glands of cows
2013 L. Bertocchi, G. Dusi, V. Ghidelli, T. Hathaway, C. Nassuato, A. Casati, M. Fidani, G. Pompa, F. Arioli
Presence of endogenous prednisolone in human urine
2013 M. Fidani, M.C. Gamberini, G. Pompa, F. Mungiguerra, A. Casati, F. Arioli
Investigations on the origin of prednisolone in cow urine
2012 G. Dusi, F. Arioli, V. Ghidelli, A. Casati, T. Hathaway, G. Pompa, L. Bertocchi
Prednisolone and prednisone neo-formation in bovine urine after sampling
2012 F. Arioli, A. Casati, M. Fidani, M. Silvestri, G. Pompa
Investigation of the presence of endogenous prednisolone in equine urine by high-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry and high-resolution mass spectrometry
2012 M. Fidani, G. Pompa, F. Mungiguerra, A. Casati, M.L. Fracchiolla, F. Arioli
Investigation of the origin of prednisolone in cow urine
2011 G. Pompa, F. Arioli, A. Casati, M. Fidani, L. Bertocchi, G. Dusi
Preliminary observations of the presence of prednisolone in dairy cattle urine samples
2010 L. Bertocchi, G. Dusi, F. Vismara, S. Daga, F. Arioli, A. Casati, G. Pompa
Investigation on possible transformations of cortisol, cortisone and cortisol glucuronide in bovine faecal matter using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
2010 F. Arioli, M. Fidani, A. Casati, M.L. Fracchiolla, G. Pompa
Evaluation of boldenone formation and related steroids transformations in veal faeces by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
2008 F. Arioli, M.P. Gavinelli, M.L. Fracchiolla, A. Casati, M. Fidani, E. Ferrer, G. Pompa
Studi preliminari di stabilità in vitro di boldenone (ALFA e BETA), testosterone ed epitestosterone glucuronati in feci bovine
2008 F. Arioli, A. Casati, M.P. Gavinelli, M.L. Fracchiolla, G. Pompa
Simultaneous measurement of boldenone (alpha and beta), ADD, testosterone, epitestosterone and AED in bovine faeces
2008 M. Gavinelli, F. Arioli, M.L. Fracchiolla, A. Casati, G. Pompa
Determinazione simultanea di Boldenone (alfa e beta), ADD, Testosterone, Epitestosterone e AED in feci bovine
2007 M.P. Gavinelli, F. Arioli, M.L. Fracchiolla, A. Casati, G. Pompa