Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Characterization and comparison of natural and Zachery-treated turquoise: new data
2023 V. Diella, M. Cantaluppi, R. Bocchio, E. Possenti, I. Adamo, G. Della Ventura, L. Mancini, N. Marinoni
New insights for gem-quality mn-bearing diopside-omphacite, violane variety, from saint marcel (Val D’Aosta, Italy): Its trace elements and spectroscopic characterization
2021 V. Diella, R. Bocchio, F. Caucia, N. Marinoni, A. Langone, E. Possenti
Garnets from Val d’Ala Rodingites, Piedmont, Italy: An Investigation of Their Gemological, Spectroscopic and Crystal Chemical Properties
2019 V. Diella, R. Bocchio, N. Marinoni, F. Caucia, M.I. Spalla, I. Adamo, A. Langone, L. Mancini
The spessartine–almandine garnet from Val Codera pegmatite, Central Alps, Italy : a new insight on the crystallochemistry and a 3D image analysis of its inclusions
2018 V. Diella, R. Bocchio, N. Marinoni, A. Langone, I. Adamo, N. Rotiroti
Mineralogical characterization of the gem-variety pink clinozoisite from Val Malenco, Central Alps, Italy
2017 R. Bocchio, V. Diella, I. Adamo, N. Marinoni
Nephrite jade from Val Malenco, Italy: Review and update
2013 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio
Nephrite jade from Val Malenco, Sondrio, Italy: review and new data
2012 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, N. Saggiomo, L. Prosperi
Gem-quality zoisites from Merelani (Northeastern Tanzania): review and new data
2012 R. Bocchio, I. Adamo, V. Bordoni, F. Caucia, V. Diella
The mineralogical-gemmological characterization of andradite garnet (demantoid variety)
2010 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, V. Diella, A. Pavese, G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti
Tanzanite and other zoisites from Merelani (NE Tanzania): new gemmological and chemical data
2010 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, V. Bordoni, F. Caucia, V. Diella
The profile of trace elements, including the REE, in gem-quality green andradite from classic localities
2010 R. Bocchio, I. Adamo, V. Diella
Characterization of peridot from Sardinia, Italy
2009 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, A. Pavese, L. Prosperi
Demantoid from Val Malenco, Italy: Review and Update
2009 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, V. Diella, A. Pavese, P. Vignola, L. Prosperi, V. Palanza
Andradite variety demantoid from Val Malenco, Sondrio, Italy
2009 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, V. Diella, A. Pavese, P. Vignola, V. Palanza
Aquamarine from the Masino-Bregaglia Massif, Central Alps, Italy
2009 R. Bocchio, I. Adamo, F. Caucia
The gemmological characterization of peridot from Sardinia (Italy)
2008 I. Adamo, R. Bocchio, L. Prosperi
Caratterizzazione di berilli in pegmatiti del plutone di Val Masino-Bregaglia (Alpi Centrali)
2008 F. Caucia, R. Bocchio, I. Adamo, E. Tarantola
Barium-rich phengite in eclogites from the Voltri Group (northwestern Italy)
2007 R. Bocchio
Gems corals Xray diffraction, solid state NMR, elemental analysis
2006 R. Bocchio, S. Bracco, A. Brajkovic, A. Comotti, R. Rolandi
Biotiti e cloriti nelle diverse facies del granito di Baveno-Mottarone (Verbania)
2006 V. Caironi, R. Bocchio, L. Ottolini