Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia
PillarX: A Microfluidic Device to Profile Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters Based on Geometry, Deformability, and Epithelial State
2022 B.J. Green, M. Marazzini, B. Hershey, A. Fardin, Q. Li, Z. Wang, G. Giangreco, F. Pisati, S. Marchesi, A. Disanza, E. Frittoli, E. Martini, S. Magni, G.V. Beznoussenko, C. Vernieri, R. Lobefaro, D. Parazzoli, P. Maiuri, K. Havas, M. Labib, S. Sigismund, P.P.D. Fiore, R.H. Gunby, S.O. Kelley, G. Scita
Role of the nuclear membrane protein Emerin in front-rear polarity of the nucleus
2020 P. Nastaly, D. Purushothaman, S. Marchesi, A. Poli, T. Lendenmann, G.R. Kidiyoor, G.V. Beznoussenko, S. Lavore, O.M. Romano, D. Poulikakos, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, A.A. Mironov, A. Ferrari, P. Maiuri
IRSp53 controls plasma membrane shape and polarized transport at the nascent lumen in epithelial tubules
2020 S. Bisi, S. Marchesi, A. Rizvi, D. Carra, G.V. Beznoussenko, I. Ferrara, G. Deflorian, A. Mironov, G. Bertalot, F. Pisati, A. Oldani, A. Cattaneo, G. Saberamoli, S. Pece, G. Viale, A. Bachi, C. Tripodo, G. Scita, A. Disanza
Mechano-biological model of glioblastoma cells in response to osmotic stress
2019 G. Pozzi, S. Marchesi, G. Scita, D. Ambrosi, P. Ciarletta
Is cell migration a selectable trait in the natural evolution of cancer development?
2019 A. Disanza, S. Bisi, E. Frittoli, C. Malinverno, S. Marchesi, A. Palamidessi, A. Rizvi, G. Scita
DEPDC1B coordinates de-adhesion events and cell-cycle progression at mitosis
2014 S. Marchesi, F. Montani, G. Deflorian, R. D'Antuono, A. Cuomo, S. Bologna, C. Mazzoccoli, T. Bonaldi, P. Difiore, F. Nicassio
Recessive Cancer Genes Engage in Negative Genetic Interactions with Their Functional Paralogs
2013 M. D’Antonio, R. Guerra, M. Cereda, S. Marchesi, F. Montani, F. Nicassio, P.P. Di fiore, F. Ciccarelli
2011 S. Marchesi