Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Electronic structure and phase stability of oxide semiconductors: performance of dielectric-dependent hybrid functional DFT, benchmarked against GW band structure calculations and experiments
2015 M. Gerosa, C.E. Bottani, L. Caramella, G. Onida, C.D. Valentin, G. Pacchioni
Defect calculations in semiconductors through a dielectric-dependent hybrid DFT functional : the case of oxygen vacancies in metal oxides
2015 M. Gerosa, C.E. Bottani, L. Caramella, G. Onida, C. Di Valentin, G. Pacchioni
Oxidation of carbynes : signatures in infrared spectra
2014 E. Cinquanta, N. Manini, L. Ravagnan, L. Caramella, G. Onida, P. Milani, P. Rudolf
Comment on “Charge-density wave and superconducting dome in TiSe2 from electron-phonon interaction”
2014 V. Olevano, M. Cazzaniga, M. Ferri, L. Caramella, G. Onida
Hydrostatic strain enhancement in laterally confined SiGe nanostripes
2013 G. M. Vanacore, M. Chaigneau, N. Barrett, M. Bollani, F. Boioli, M. Salvalaglio, F. Montalenti, N. Manini, L. Caramella, P. Biagioni, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, O. Renault, M. Zani, R. Sordan, G. Onida, R. Ossikovski, H.-J. Drouhin, A. Tagliaferri
Simulation of the oxidation pathway on Si(100) using high-resolution EELS
2012 C. Hogan, L. Caramella, G. Onida
Ab-initio long-wavelenght properties of metallic systems : iron and magnesium
2012 M. Cazzaniga, L. Caramella, N. Manini, P. Salvestrini, G. Onida
Norm conserving pseudopotentials for iron with semicore states
2010 L. Caramella, D. Tavella, G. Onida
Oxidation of dimers at the Si(100) surface studied by first-principles simulation of high-resolution EELS
2010 L. Caramella, C. Hogan, G. Onida, R. Del Sole
Ab initio intraband contributions to optical properties of metals
2010 M. Cazzaniga, L. Caramella, N. Manini, G. Onida
High-resolution electron energy loss spectra of reconstructed Si(100) surfaces : first-principles study
2009 L. Caramella, C. Hogan, G. Onida, R. Del Sole
Theoretical spectroscopy of realistic condensed matter systems
2009 L. Caramella
Dielectric response and electron energy loss spectra of an oxidized Si(100)-(2x2) surface
2008 L. Caramella, G. Onida, C. Hogan
Norm conserving pseudopotentials for iron with semicore states
2008 L. Caramella, D. Tavella, G. Onida
Optical properties of real surfaces : local-field effects at oxidized Si(100)(2×2) computed with an efficient numerical scheme
2007 L. Caramella, G. Onida, F. Finocchi, L. Reining, F. Sottile
Theory and computation of electronic excitations in condensed matter systems : the ETSF project
2006 G. Onida, N. Manini, E. Mulazzi, A. Bordoni, K. Gaal Nagy, A. Incze, L. Caramella, M. Cazzaniga, E. Ponzio, A. Miglio, M. Gatti