DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Implementation of techniques for computing optical properties in 0-3 dimensions, including a real-space cutoff, in ABINIT
2010 C. Motta, M. Giantomassi, M. Cazzaniga, K.E. Gaal Nagy, X. Gonze
New structural model for the Si(331)-(12×1) surface reconstruction
2009 C. Battaglia, K.E. Gaál-Nagy, C. Monney, C. Didiot, E. F. Schwier, M. G. Garnier, G. Onida, P. Aebi
Optical spectra and microscopic structure of the oxidized Si(100) surface : combined in situ optical experiments and first principles calculations
2009 K. Gaál-Nagy, A. Incze, G. Onida, Y. Borensztein, N. Witkowski, O. Pluchery, F. Fuchs, F. Bechsted, R. Del Sole
Elementary structural building blocks encountered in silicon surface reconstructions
2009 C. Battaglia, K. Gaál-Nagy, C. Monney, C. Didiot, E.F. Schwier, M.G. Garnier, G. Onida, P. Aebi
Ab-initio calculation of phonon dispersion curves : accelerating q-point convergence
2008 K.E. Gaal Nagy
Dielectric function of the Si(113)3x2 ADI surface from ab-initio methods
2008 K. Gaal-Nagy, G. Onida
Ab-initio calculation of the vibrational modes of SiH4, H2SiO, Si10H16, and Si10H14O
2008 K. Gaal Nagy, G. Canevari, G. Onida
First-principles study of silicon nanocrystals : structural and electronic properties, absorption, emission, and doping
2008 S. Ossicini, O. Bisi, E. Degoli, I. Marri, F. Iori, E. Luppi, R. Magri, R. Poli, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, F. Trani, M. Marsili, O. Pulci, V. Olevano, M. Gatti, K.E. Gaal Nagy, A. Incze, G. Onida
All-optical determination of initial oxidation of Si(100) and its kinetics
2008 N. Witkowski, K. Gaál-Nagy, F. Fuchs, O. Pluchery, A. Incze, F. Bechstedt, Y. Borensztein1, G. Onida, R. Del Sole
Ab initio calculations of the optical properties of the Si(113) 3×2 adatom-dimer-interstitial surface
2007 K.E. Gaal Nagy, G. Onida
Dielectric function of the Si(113)#x2ADI surface from ab-initio methods
2006 G. Katalin, G. Onida
Theory and computation of electronic excitations in condensed matter systems : the ETSF project
2006 G. Onida, N. Manini, E. Mulazzi, A. Bordoni, K. Gaal Nagy, A. Incze, L. Caramella, M. Cazzaniga, E. Ponzio, A. Miglio, M. Gatti
Phonons in the beta-tin, Imma, and sh phases of Silicon from ab initio calculations
2006 Katalin Gaal-Nagy, Dieter Strauch
Transition pressures and enthalpy barriers for the cubic diamond->beta-tin transition in Si and Ge under non-hydrostatic conditions
2006 Katalin Gaal-Nagy, Dieter Strauch
Ab initio study of the enthalpy barriers of the high-pressure phase transition from the cubic-diamond to the β-tin structure of silicon and germanium
2004 Katalin Gaál-Nagy, Andreas Bauer, Pasquale Pavone, Dieter Strauch
Ab initio study of the beta-tin->Imma->sh phase transitions in silicon and germanium
2004 G. Katalin, P. Pasquale, S. Dieter
Ab-initio study of the Imma phase in silicon
2004 Katalin Gaal-Nagy, Dieter Strauch