Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Short-term air pollution exposure is a risk factor for acute coronary syndromes in an urban area with low annual pollution rates : results from a retrospective observational study (2011—2015).
2020 M. Gestro, V. Condemi, L. Bardi, L. Tomaino, E. Roveda, A. Bruschetta, U. Solime, F. Esposito
Meteorological factors, air pollutants, and emergency department visits for otitis media: a time series study
2017 M. Gestro, V. Condemi, L. Bardi, C. Fantino, U. Solimene
Meteorosensitivity in a group of patients affected by multiple sclerosis and hospitalized in a rehabilitation facility : an observational study
2017 L. Freti, V. Condemi, M. Mazza, M. Di Nicola, L. Janiri, A. Antonietti, M. Gestro, U. Solimene
Association with meteo-climatological factors and daily emergency visits for renal colic and urinary calculi in Cuneo, Italy : a retrospective observational study, 2007-2010
2015 V. Condemi, M. Gestro, E. Dozio, B. Tartaglino, M.M. CORSI ROMANELLI, U. Solimene, R. Meco
Le onde di calore : profili epidemiologici, soggetti a rischio, problematiche e misure di sanità pubblica
2015 V. Condemi, M. Gestro, U. Solimene
Biometeorologia e bioclimatologia medica: una nuova frontiera di ricerca
2014 V. Condemi, M. Gestro, U. Solimene
Plasma myeloperoxidase in patients with erectile dysfunction of arteriogenic- and non-arteriogenic origin : association with markers of endothelial dysfunction
2013 E. Dozio, A. Barassi, M.G. Marazzi, E. Vianello, G.M. Colpi, U. Solimene, G.L. Melzi D'Eril, M.M. Corsi Romanelli
Studies on the potential antioxidant properties of Senecio stabianus Lacaita (Asteraceae) and its inhibitory activity against carbohydrate-hydrolysing enzymes
2012 R. Tundis, F. Menichini, M.R. Loizzo, M. Bonesi, U. Solimene, F. Menichini
Natural zeolites chabazite/phillipsite/analcime increase blood levels of antioxidant enzymes
2012 G. Dogliotti, A.E. Malavazos, S. Giacometti, U. Solimene, M. Fanelli, M.M. Corsi, E. Dozio
Inhibiting insulin resistance mechanisms by DTS phytocompound : an experimental study on metabolic syndrome-prone adipocytes
2012 R. Catanzaro, A. Lorenzetti, F. Allegri, H. Yadav, U. Solimene, A.K. Kumaraju, E. Minelli, C. Tomella, A. Polimeni, F. Marotta
Improving sperm quality and spermatogenesis through a bioactive marine compound : an experimental study
2012 A. Lorenzetti, F. Marotta, H. Yadav, G. Celep, E. Minelli, P. Carrera Bastos, S. Jain, A. Polimeni, U. Solimene
Protective effect of an oral natural phitonutrient in recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasi: a 12-month study
2011 A. Kumari, M.P. Bishier, Y. Naito, A. Sharma, U. Solimene, S. Jain, H. Yadaw, E. Minelli, C. Tomella, F. Marotta
La Talassoterapia - il mare che cura
2011 U. Solimene, F. Padrini, M.T. Lucheroni
La Terra è salute
2011 G. Bruttomesso, M. Fanelli, U. Solimene
Le acque del benessere termale
2011 U. Solimene, R. Delsignore, M. Vitale, F. Iseppi, C.J. Pecci
Effect of immersion in CO2-enriched water on free radical release and total antioxidant status in peripheral arterial occlusive disease
2011 G. Dogliotti, E.R. Galliera, E. Iorio, M. De Bernardi Di Valserra, U. Solimene, M.M. Corsi Romanelli
Asymmetric dimethylarginine: relationship with circulating biomarkers of inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk in uncomplicated obese women
2011 E. Dozio, A.E. Malavazos, G. Dogliotti, S. Goggi, E. Galliera, U. Solimene, P. Magni, E. Costa, L. Morricone, M.M. Corsi Romanelli
Beneficial modification of functional renal parameters in 5/6 nephrectomized rats by nutraceutical : in view of a kidney-protective intervention
2011 M. Harada, H. Sweed, R. Catanzaro, A. Kumari, A. Bomba, E. Minelli, A. Polimeni, U. Solimene, F. Marotta
La Talassoterapia: Il mare che cura
2011 U. Solimene, F. Padrini, M.T. Luccheroni
A climatotherapy reference model based on analisys of two emergency room data banck
2010 V. Condemi, U. Solimene, R. Meco