DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Immune checkpoint inhibitors and Carbon iON radiotherapy In solid Cancers with stable disease (ICONIC)
2023 S. Cavalieri, V. Vitolo, A. Barcellini, S. Ronchi, A. Facoetti, C. Campo, C. Klersy, S. Molinelli, F. Agustoni, V.V. Ferretti, A. Silvestri, M. Platania, M.D. Vecchio, M. Durante, A. Helm, C. Fournier, F. Braud, P. Pedrazzoli, E. Orlandi, L. Licitra
Mixed-Beam Approach for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Carbon-Ion Boost Followed by Photon Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy: Preliminary Results of Phase II Trial AIRC-IG-14300
2021 G. Marvaso, B. Vischioni, M. Pepa, M. Zaffaroni, S. Volpe, F. Patti, F. Bellerba, S. Gandini, S. Comi, G. Corrao, D. Zerini, M. Augugliaro, C. Fodor, S. Russo, S. Molinelli, M. Ciocca, R. Ricotti, F. Valvo, T. Giandini, B. Avuzzi, R. Valdagni, O. De Cobelli, F. Cattani, E. Orlandi, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, R. Orecchia
Dosimetric Impact of Inter-Fraction Anatomical Changes in Carbon Ion Boost Treatment for High-Risk Prostate Cancer (AIRC IG 14300)
2021 S. Russo, R. Ricotti, S. Molinelli, F. Patti, A. Barcellini, E. Mastella, A. Pella, C. Paganelli, G. Marvaso, M. Pepa, S. Comi, M. Zaffaroni, B. Avuzzi, T. Giandini, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, G. Baroni, F. Cattani, M. Ciocca, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, E. Orlandi, R. Orecchia, B. Vischioni
Emergence of an Ising critical regime in the clustering of one-dimensional soft matter revealed through string variables
2020 F. Mambretti, S. Molinelli, D. Pini, G. Bertaina, D.E. Galli
Proton beam radiotherapy : report of the first patient treated at the Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (CNAO) [National Center of Oncologic Hadron Therapy]
2013 R. Orecchia, A. Srivastava, M.R. Fiore, V. Vitolo, P. Fossati, B. Vischioni, A. Iannalfi, J. Tuan, M. Ciocca, S. Molinelli, A. Mirandola, G. Vilches, A. Mairani, B. Tagaste, G. Baroni, S. Rossi, M. Krengli
Hodgkin's lymphoma emerging radiation treatment techniques : trade-offs between late radio-induced toxicities and secondary malignant neoplasms
2013 L. Cella, M. Conson, M.C. Pressello, S. Molinelli, U. Schneider, V. Donato, R. Orecchia, M. Salvatore, R. Pacelli
Dosimetric accuracy assessment of a treatment plan verification system for scanned proton beam radiotherapy: One-year experimental results and Monte Carlo analysis of the involved uncertainties
2013 S. Molinelli, A. Mairani, A. Mirandola, G. Vilches Freixas, T. Tessonnier, S. Giordanengo, K. Parodi, M. Ciocca, R. Orecchia
Dose prescription in carbon ion radiotherapy : a planning study to compare NIRS and LEM approaches with a clinically-oriented strategy
2012 P. Fossati, S. Molinelli, N. Matsufuji, M. Ciocca, A. Mirandola, A. Mairani, J. Mizoe, A. Hasegawa, R. Imai, T. Kamada, R. Orecchia, H. Tsujii