Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Dosimetric Impact of Inter-Fraction Anatomical Changes in Carbon Ion Boost Treatment for High-Risk Prostate Cancer (AIRC IG 14300)
2021 S. Russo, R. Ricotti, S. Molinelli, F. Patti, A. Barcellini, E. Mastella, A. Pella, C. Paganelli, G. Marvaso, M. Pepa, S. Comi, M. Zaffaroni, B. Avuzzi, T. Giandini, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, G. Baroni, F. Cattani, M. Ciocca, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, E. Orlandi, R. Orecchia, B. Vischioni
Radiotherapy after testis-sparing surgery for seminoma in monorchid patients : safety and efficacy
2021 B. Avuzzi, A. Tittarelli, S. Andreani, B. Noris Chiorda, E. Seregni, S. Villa, S. Tana, R. Valdagni, R. Salvioni, D. Biasoni, M. Catanzaro, S. Stagni, N. Nicolai
Acute patient-reported intestinal toxicity in whole pelvis IMRT for prostate cancer : Bowel dose-volume effect quantification in a multicentric cohort study
2021 A. Bresolin, A. Faiella, E. Garibaldi, F. Munoz, D. Cante, V. Vavassori, J.M. Waskiewicz, G. Girelli, B. Avuzzi, E. Villa, A. Magli, B. Noris Chiorda, M. Gatti, L. Ferella, A. Maggio, V. Landoni, S. Aimonetto, C. Sini, T. Rancati, G. Sanguineti, R. Valdagni, N. Di Muzio, C. Fiorino, C. Cozzarini
Development of a method for generating SNP interaction-aware polygenic risk scores for radiotherapy toxicity
2021 N.R. Franco, M.C. Massi, F. Ieva, A. Manzoni, A.M. Paganoni, P. Zunino, L. Veldeman, P. Ost, V. Fonteyne, C.J. Talbot, T. Rattay, A. Webb, K. Johnson, M. Lambrecht, K. Haustermans, G. De Meerleer, D. de Ruysscher, B. Vanneste, E. Van Limbergen, A. Choudhury, R.M. Elliott, E. Sperk, M.R. Veldwijk, C. Herskind, B. Avuzzi, B. Noris Chiorda, R. Valdagni, D. Azria, M.-. Farcy-Jacquet, M. Brengues, B.S. Rosenstein, R.G. Stock, A. Vega, M.E. Aguado-Barrera, P. Sosa-Fajardo, A.M. Dunning, L. Fachal, S.L. Kerns, D. Payne, J. Chang-Claude, P. Seibold, C.M.L. West, T. Rancati
Predictors of patient-reported incontinence at adjuvant/salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy : Impact of time between surgery and radiotherapy
2021 F. Munoz, G. Sanguineti, A. Bresolin, D. Cante, V. Vavassori, J.M. Waskiewicz, G. Girelli, B. Avuzzi, E. Garibaldi, A. Faiella, E. Villa, A. Magli, B.N. Chiorda, M. Gatti, T. Rancati, R. Valdagni, N.G. Di Muzio, C. Fiorino, C. Cozzarini
Mixed-Beam Approach for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Carbon-Ion Boost Followed by Photon Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy: Preliminary Results of Phase II Trial AIRC-IG-14300
2021 G. Marvaso, B. Vischioni, M. Pepa, M. Zaffaroni, S. Volpe, F. Patti, F. Bellerba, S. Gandini, S. Comi, G. Corrao, D. Zerini, M. Augugliaro, C. Fodor, S. Russo, S. Molinelli, M. Ciocca, R. Ricotti, F. Valvo, T. Giandini, B. Avuzzi, R. Valdagni, O. De Cobelli, F. Cattani, E. Orlandi, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, R. Orecchia
Prediction of grade reclassification of prostate cancer patients on active surveillance through the combination of a three-mirna signature and selected clinical variables
2021 P. Gandellini, C.M. Ciniselli, T. Rancati, C. Marenghi, V. Doldi, R. El Bezawy, M. Lecchi, M. Claps, M. Catanzaro, B. Avuzzi, E. Campi, M. Colecchia, F. Badenchini, P. Verderio, R. Valdagni, N. Zaffaroni
Mixed-beam approach for high-risk prostate cancer : Carbon-ion boost followed by photon intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Dosimetric and geometric evaluations (AIRC IG-14300)
2020 S.G. Gugliandolo, G. Marvaso, S. Comi, M. Pepa, C. Romano, D. Zerini, M. Augugliaro, S. Russo, B. Vischioni, F. Valvo, T. Giandini, B. Avuzzi, R. Valdagni, D. Ciardo, O. De Cobelli, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, F. Cattani, R. Orecchia
A Deep Learning Approach Validates Genetic Risk Factors for Late Toxicity After Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy in a REQUITE Multi-National Cohort
2020 M. Massi, F. Gasperoni, F. Ieva, A. Paganoni, P. Zunino, A. Manzoni, N. Franco, L. Veldeman, P. Ost, V. Fonteyne, C. Talbot, T. Rattay, A. Webb, P. Symonds, K. Johnson, M. Lambrecht, K. Haustermans, G. De Meerleer, D. de Ruysscher, B. Vanneste, E. Van Limbergen, A. Choudhury, R. Elliott, E. Sperk, C. Herskind, M. Veldwijk, B. Avuzzi, T. Giandini, R. Valdagni, A. Cicchetti, D. Azria, M. Jacquet, B. Rosenstein, R. Stock, K. Collado, A. Vega, M. Aguado-Barrera, P. Calvo, A. Dunning, L. Fachal, S. Kerns, D. Payne, J. Chang-Claude, P. Seibold, C. West, T. Rancati
T2w-MRI signal normalization affects radiomics features reproducibility
2020 E. Scalco, A. Belfatto, A. Mastropietro, T. Rancati, B. Avuzzi, A. Messina, R. Valdagni, G. Rizzo
Predicting Late Fecal Incontinence Risk After Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer : New Insights From External Independent Validation
2018 A. Cicchetti, B. Avuzzi, F. Palorini, F. Ballarini, C. Stucchi, G. Fellin, P. Gabriele, V. Vavassori, C.D. Esposti, C. Cozzarini, C. Fiorino, T. Rancati, R. Valdagni
Development of a Ready-to-Use Graphical Tool Based on Artificial Neural Network Classification : Application for the Prediction of Late Fecal Incontinence After Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy
2018 M. Carrara, E. Massari, A. Cicchetti, T. Giandini, B. Avuzzi, F. Palorini, C. Stucchi, G. Fellin, P. Gabriele, V. Vavassori, C. Degli Esposti, C. Cozzarini, E. Pignoli, C. Fiorino, T. Rancati, R. Valdagni
Texture analysis of T1-w and T2-w MR images allows a quantitative evaluation of radiation-induced changes of internal obturator muscles after radiotherapy for prostate cancer
2018 E. Scalco, T. Rancati, I. Pirovano, A. Mastropietro, F. Palorini, A. Cicchetti, A. Messina, B. Avuzzi, R. Valdagni, G. Rizzo
Italian cultural adaptation of the Memorial Anxiety for Prostate Cancer scale for the population of men on active surveillance
2018 M.F. Alvisi, C. Repetto, T. Rancati, F. Badenchini, T. Magnani, C. Marenghi, S. Villa, N. Nicolai, R. Salvioni, B. Avuzzi, R. Valdagni, L. Bellardita, N. Bedini, D. Biasoni, D. Bosetti, M. Catanzaro, M. Colecchia, L. De Luca, P. Dordoni, M. Maffezzini, J. Menichetti, S. Morlino, B. Paolini, S. Stagni, A. Tesone, S. Villa
Evaluation of mediators associated with the inflammatory response in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy
2018 N. Bedini, A. Cicchetti, F. Palorini, T. Magnani, V. Zuco, M. Pennati, E. Campi, P. Allavena, S. Pesce, S. Villa, B. Avuzzi, S. Morlino, M.E. Visentin, N. Zaffaroni, T. Rancati, R. Valdagni
Eleven-year management of prostate cancer patients on active surveillance : what have we learned?
2017 C. Marenghi, M. Alvisi, F. Palorini, B. Avuzzi, F. Badenchini, N. Bedini, L. Bellardita, D. Biasoni, D. Bosetti, A. Casale, M. Catanzaro, M. Colecchia, L. De Luca, S. Donegani, P. Dordoni, R. Lanocita, M. Maffezzini, T. Magnani, J. Menichetti, A. Messina, S. Morlino, B. Paolini, T. Rancati, S. Stagni, A. Tesone, T. Torelli, E. Tulli Baldoin, M. Vaiani, S. Villa, S. Villa, N. Zaffaroni, N. Nicolai, R. Salvioni, R. Valdagni
An accurate method to quantify breathing-induced prostate motion for patients implanted with electromagnetic transponders
2017 T. Giandini, C. Panaino, B. Avuzzi, S. Morlino, S. Villa, N. Bedini, G. Carabelli, S. Frasca, A. Romanyukha, A. Rosenfeld, E. Pignoli, R. Valdagni, M. Carrara
Multi-variable models of large International Prostate Symptom Score worsening at the end of therapy in prostate cancer radiotherapy
2016 F. Palorini, T. Rancati, C. Cozzarini, I. Improta, V. Carillo, B. Avuzzi, V. Casanova Borca, A. Botti, C. Degli Esposti, P. Franco, E. Garibaldi, G. Girelli, C. Iotti, A. Maggio, M. Palombarini, A. Pierelli, E. Pignoli, V. Vavassori, R. Valdagni, C. Fiorino
Lifestyle interventions to improve the quality of life of men with prostate cancer: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
2016 J. Menichetti, S. Villa, T. Magnani, B. Avuzzi, D. Bosetti, C. Marenghi, S. Morlino, T. Rancati, H. Van Poppel, R. Salvioni, R. Valdagni, L. Bellardita
Baseline status and dose to the penile bulb predict impotence 1 year after radiotherapy for prostate cancer
2016 C. Cozzarini, T. Rancati, F. Badenchini, F. Palorini, B. Avuzzi, C. Degli Esposti, G. Girelli, I. Improta, V. Vavassori, R. Valdagni, C. Fiorino