Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Immune checkpoint inhibitors and Carbon iON radiotherapy In solid Cancers with stable disease (ICONIC)
2023 S. Cavalieri, V. Vitolo, A. Barcellini, S. Ronchi, A. Facoetti, C. Campo, C. Klersy, S. Molinelli, F. Agustoni, V.V. Ferretti, A. Silvestri, M. Platania, M.D. Vecchio, M. Durante, A. Helm, C. Fournier, F. Braud, P. Pedrazzoli, E. Orlandi, L. Licitra
Development and implementation of proton therapy for hodgkin lymphoma: Challenges and perspectives
2021 P. Loap, L. De Marzi, A. Mirandola, R. Dendale, A. Iannalfi, V. Vitolo, A. Barcellini, A.R. Filippi, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, Y. Kirova, E. Orlandi
Hadrontherapy for Thymic Epithelial Tumors: Implementation in Clinical Practice
2021 P. Loap, V. Vitolo, A. Barcellini, L. De Marzi, A. Mirandola, M.R. Fiore, B. Vischioni, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, N. Girard, Y. Kirova, E. Orlandi
Current situation of proton therapy for hodgkin lymphoma: From expectations to evidence
2021 P. Loap, A. Mirandola, L. De Marzi, R. Dendale, A. Iannalfi, V. Vitolo, A. Barcellini, A.R. Filippi, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa, Y. Kirova, E. Orlandi
Biological Rationale and Clinical Evidence of Carbon Ion Radiation Therapy for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: A Narrative Review
2021 P. Loap, B. Vischioni, M. Bonora, R. Ingargiola, S. Ronchi, V. Vitolo, A. Barcellini, L. Goanta, L. De Marzi, R. Dendale, R. Pacelli, L. Locati, V. Calugaru, H. Mammar, S. Cavalieri, Y. Kirova, E. Orlandi
Proton beam radiotherapy : report of the first patient treated at the Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (CNAO) [National Center of Oncologic Hadron Therapy]
2013 R. Orecchia, A. Srivastava, M.R. Fiore, V. Vitolo, P. Fossati, B. Vischioni, A. Iannalfi, J. Tuan, M. Ciocca, S. Molinelli, A. Mirandola, G. Vilches, A. Mairani, B. Tagaste, G. Baroni, S. Rossi, M. Krengli