Dipartimento di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e di Studi Interculturali (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 17/03/2022)
Dimensions of framing: representation, cognition, interaction
2023 P. Catenaccio, G. Garzone, M. Reisigl
Ethics in Professional and Corporate Discourse : Linguistic Perspectives
2021 G.E. Garzone, P. Catenaccio
Debating evolutions in science, technology and society : Ethical and ideological perspectives
2020 J. Archibald, G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio
Representing and re-defining expert knowledge for the layman. Self-help medical manuals in late 19th century America
2019 G.E. Garzone, P. Catenaccio
Discursive Representations of Controversial Issues in Medicine and Health = La rappresentazione discorsiva di questioni controverse in ambito medico e sanitario
2019 G. Garzone, M.C. Paganoni, M. Reisigl
Discursive Representations of Controversial Issues in Medicine and Health
2019 G. Garzone, M.C. Paganoni, M. Reisigl
Multilingualism and immigration in the educational system: The case of Italian schools
2019 P. Catenaccio, G. Garzone
Codificare il ‘diritto alla città’ in un contesto multiculturale e plurilingue : la traduzione della Carta montrealese dei diritti e delle responsabilità
2017 P. Catenaccio, G.E. Garzone
Il genere "ricetta" in lingua inglese : dalla tradizione ai food blog tra stabilità ed evoluzione
2017 G. Garzone
Parole per mangiare : discorsi e culture del cibo
2017 I. Bajini, M.V. Calvi, G. Garzone, G. Sergio
Food, culture, language and translation
2017 G.E. Garzone
Engaging with Professional Practice across Domains through the Lens of Applied Linguistics
2017 P. Catenaccio, G.E. Garzone, S. Sarangi
Specialised and professional discourse across media and genres
2017 G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio, K. Grego, R. Doerr
Professional Practice across Domains : Linguistic and Discursive Perspectives
2017 P. Catenaccio, G. Garzone, S. Sarangi
Perspectives on specialised and professional communication in times of rapid sociotechnical evolutions: an introduction
2017 G.E. Garzone, P. Catenaccio, K.S. Grego
Polyphony and dialogism in legal discourse: focus on syntactic negation
2016 G.E. Garzone
Approaches to teaching LSP: an Introduction
2016 G. Garzone, D. Heaney, G. Riboni
Communicating medicine popularizing medicine
2016 F. Daniele, G.E. Garzone
Building shared values through rewriting: the case of the Montréal City Charter of Rights and Responsibilities
2016 G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio
Language for Specific Purposes : Research and Translation across Cultures and Media
2016 G. Garzone, D. Heaney, G. Riboni