Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Breast cancer patient perspective on opportunities and challenges of a genetic test aimed to predict radio-induced side effects before treatment : Analysis of the Italian branch of the REQUITE project
2021 L. Bellardita, R.R. Colciago, S. Frasca, M.C. De Santis, S. Gay, F. Palorini, E. La Rocca, R. Valdagni, T. Rancati, L. Lozza
PhoNeS : a novel approach to BNCT with conventional radiotherapy accelerators
2007 R. Bevilacqua, G. Giannini, F. Calligaris, D. Fontanarosa, F. Longo, G. Scian, P. Totaro, K. Vittor , E. Vallazza, M. Severgnini, R. Vidimari, G. Bartesaghi, V. Conti, V. Mascagna, C. Perboni, M. Prest, G. Gambarini, S. Gay, M.A. Valente, A. Mozzanica, A. Monti, A. Ostinelli, L. Azario, A. Fidanzio, A. Piermattei, O. Borla, E. Durisi, F. Fasolo, U. Nastasi, E. Perosino, A. Zanini, L. Tommasino
Dose distributions in phantoms irradiated in thermal columns of two different nuclear reactors
2007 G. Gambarini, S. Agosteo, S. Altieri, S. Bortolussi, M. Carrara, S. Gay, E. Nava, C. Petrovich, G. Rosi, M. Valente
Dose imaging with gel-dosemeter layers : optical analysis and dedicated software
2006 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, S.A. Gay, S. Tomatis
Dose imaging with gel dosimeters in phantoms exposed in reactor thermal columns designed for BNCT
2006 G. Gambarini, S. Agosteo, S. Altieri, S. Bortolussi, M. Carrara, S. Gay, M. Mariani, C. Petrovich, G. Rosi, E. Vanossi
In-phantom dosimetry for BNCT with fricke and normoxic-polymer gels
2006 G. Gambarini, S. Agosteo, M. Carrara, S. Gay, M. Mariani, L. Pirola, E. Vanossi
In-phamtom dosimetry for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)
2005 G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, C. Petrovich, G. Rosi, M. Valente
In-phantom imaging of absorbed dose : intercomparison of gel-dosimeter, gafchromic and radiographyc film reliability
2005 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, M. Cortesi, U. Danesi, S. Gay, M. Lualdi, R. Marchesini, L. Pirola, S. Tomatis
In-phantom imaging of all dose components in boron neutron capture therapy by means of gel dosimeters
2004 G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, C. Petrovich, L. Pirola, G. Rosi
Further developments and applications of layer gel dosimetry
2004 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, V. Colli, S.A. Gay, S. Tomatis
Characterisation of the TAPIRO BNCT thermal facility
2004 G. Rosi, G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, L. Scolari, O. Fiorani, A. Perrone, E. Nava, F. Fasolo, L. Visca, A. Zanini
Study of a method based on TLD detectors for in-phantom dosimetry in BNCT
2004 G. Gambarini, V. Klamert, S. Agosteo, C. Birattari, S. Gay, G. Rosi, and L. Scolari