DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA (attivo dal 01/07/1979 al 26/04/2012)
Dosimetry in HDR brachytherapy with Fricke-gel layers and Fricke-gel catheters
2010 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, A. Negri, M. Invernizzi, C. Tenconi, A. Scotti, L. Pirola, M. Borroni, S. Tomatis, C. Fallai
Fast-neutron dose evaluation in BNCT with Fricke gel layer detectors
2010 G. Gambarini, G. Bartesaghi, J. Burian, M. Carrara, M. Marek, A. Negri, L. Pirola, L. Viererbl
Fast Neutron Dose Evaluation in BNCT with Fricke Gel Detectors
2008 G. Bartesaghi, J. Burian, M. Carrara, G. Gambarini, M. Marek, A. Negri, L. Pirola, L. Viererbl
Dose measurements with gel dosimeters in epithermal neutron beams at international BNCT facilities
2008 G. Gambarini, G. Bartesaghi, A. Negri, L. Pirola, M. Carrara, J. Burian, M. Marek, L. Viererbl
Study of reliability of TLDs for the photon dose mapping in reactor neutron fields for BNCT
2008 G. Gambarini, F. Gallivanone, M. Carrara, S. Nagels, L. Vogtlander, G. Hampel, L. Pirola
Optical analysis of gel dosimeters : comparison of Fricke and normoxic polymer gels
2007 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, M. Mariani, L. Pirola, S. Tomatis, M. Valente, E. Vanossi
In-phantom dosimetry for BNCT with fricke and normoxic-polymer gels
2006 G. Gambarini, S. Agosteo, M. Carrara, S. Gay, M. Mariani, L. Pirola, E. Vanossi
In-phantom imaging of absorbed dose : intercomparison of gel-dosimeter, gafchromic and radiographyc film reliability
2005 G. Gambarini, M. Carrara, M. Cortesi, U. Danesi, S. Gay, M. Lualdi, R. Marchesini, L. Pirola, S. Tomatis
In-phantom imaging of all dose components in boron neutron capture therapy by means of gel dosimeters
2004 G. Gambarini, V. Colli, S. Gay, C. Petrovich, L. Pirola, G. Rosi
Study of light transmittance from layers of Fricke-xylenol-orange-gel dosimeters having different composition and analysed with variuos modalities.
2004 G. Gambarini, C. Birattari, M. Mariani, R. Marchesini, L. Pirola, P. Prestini, M. Sella, S. Tomatis
Fricke-gel dosimetry in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
2002 G. Gambarini, C. Birattari, C. Colombi, L. Pirola, G. Rosi
A methodology for biokinetic studies using stable isotopes : results of repeated molybdenum investigations on a healthy volunteer
1997 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, A. Giussani, A. Ottolenghi, L. Pirola, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner
Proton activation analysis of stable isotopes for molybdenum metabolism study in humans
1995 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, G. Gambarini, A. Giussani, A. Ottolenghi, L. Pirola, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner
Effects of tracer amounts in tellurium biokinetics studies
1994 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, G. Gambarini, A. Giussani, A. Ottolenghi, L. Pirola, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner
Proton nuclear activation in stable tracer technique for ruthenium metabolism studies
1994 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, G. Gambarini, A. Giussani, A. Ottolenghi, L. Pirola
Irradiation chamber for the simultaneous nuclear activation of several targets
1994 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, G. Gambarini, A. Giussani, N. Molho, L. Pirola
Stable and radioactive tracers in Ru biokinetic studies
1994 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, G. Gambarini, A. Giussani, N. Molho, L. Pirola, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner
Use of stable tracers for assessment of biokinetic parameters of tellurium metabolism in animals
1993 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, G. Gambarini, A. Giussani, N. Molho, L. Pirola, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner
Response to a single oral test of molybdenum stable isotopes for absorption studies in humans
1993 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, N. Molho, L. Pirola, G. Gambarini, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner
Use of stable Ru in assessing Ru clearance : experiments in animals
1993 M.C. Cantone, D. De Bartolo, N. Molho, L. Pirola, G. Gambarini, C. Hansen, P. Roth, E. Werner