DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE ANIMALI (attivo dal 01/05/2007 al 27/04/2012)
Evaluation of polymorphism in rabbit FAS and C-KIT genes as a tool for the study of male fertility
2009 E. Milanesi, A. Carnevali, M.G. Mangiagalli, V. Signorini, F. Porcelli, V.T. Cesari, D. Meggiolaro
A possible role of Fas antigen in ejaculated spermatozoa of fertile bulls : an immunocytochemical quantitative approach
2006 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, A. Carnevali, P. Crepaldi, E. Savarese, B. Ferrandi
Fas ligand in bull ejaculated spermatozoa : a quantitative immunocytochemical study
2006 F. Porcelli, D. Meggiolaro, A. Carnevali, B. Ferrandi
Assessment of Fas and FasL immunoreactivity in ejaculated bull spermatozoa
2005 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, A. Carnevali, P. Crepaldi, M. Marilli, B. Ferrandi
Monitoraggio dello stato funzionale di membrana in spermatozoi suini contenuti in sistemi per il rilascio controllato
2005 A. Riccardi, M. Faustini, M.L. Torre, S. Stacchezzini, F. Porcelli, S. Scocca, E. Munari, V. Russo, G. Maffeo, U. Conte, D. Vigo
Immunocytochemical detection of Fas antigen in ejaculated spermatozoa of fertile bulls
2004 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, A. Carnevali, P. Crepaldi, E. Savarese, B. Ferrandi
Presence of CD95 antigen in ejaculated bull spermatozoa of fertile bulls
2004 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, A. Carnevali, P. Crepaldi, E. Savarese, M. Marilli, B. Ferrandi
Effect of lipid peroxidation on the immunocytochemical detection of a leukocyte antigenic determinant in fresh and cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa
2003 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, A. Lange Consiglio, A. Carnevali, P. Crepaldi, L. Molteni, B. Ferrandi
Indagini citochimiche quantitative sul metabolismo energetico dello spermatozoo di coniglio: effetti della perossidazione lipidica spontanea.
2003 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, E. Scanziani, A. Lange Consiglio, A. Carnevali, B. Ferrandi
Microdensitometric assay of enzymatic activities in parthenogenetically activated and in vitro fertilized bovine oocytes
2002 B. Ferrandi, F. Cremonesi, A. Lange Consiglio, A.M. Luciano, F. Gandolfi, S. Modina, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Metabolic changes of bull spermatozoa during epididymal maturation
2001 B. Ferrandi, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Energy metabolism in Ba++ encapsulated boar sperm stored at 18°C
2001 S. Stacchezini, A. Lange Consiglio, M. Torre, A. Pecile, M. Faustini, L. Maggi, F. Cremonesi, D. Porcelli, D. Vigo
Presence of a membrane antigen in the bovine spermatozoa during the lipid peroxidation: quantitative immunocytochemical approach
2000 D. Meggiolaro, F. Porcelli, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, V. Soler, L. Molteni, B. Ferrandi
Lipid peroxidation and sperm metabolism during incubation in media simulating the oviductal microenviroment
1995 B. Ferrandi, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Quantitative cytochemical study of some enzymatic activities in bovine oocytes after parthenogenetic activation
1995 F. Cremonesi, F. Porcelli, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, B. Ferrandi
Effects of spontaneous or promoted lipid peroxidation on bull spermatozoa metabolism after cryopreservation
1994 B. Ferrandi, A. Lange-Consiglio, F. Cremonesi, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Effetti della perossidazione lipidica sul metabolismo degli spermatozoi di toro: studio citochimico
1993 B. Ferrandi, F. Cremonesi, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Quantitative cytochemical study of some enzymatic activities in preovulatory bovine oocytes after in vitro maturation
1993 B. Ferrandi, F. Cremonesi, R. Geiger, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Cytophotometric assay of cytochrome oxidase, lactate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in human peroxidized spermatozoa
1992 B. Ferrandi, F. Cremonesi, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli
Effects of lipid peroxidation on chromatin in rabbit and mouse spermatozoa: a cytochemical approach
1992 B. Ferrandi, A. Lange-Consiglio, A. Carnevali, F. Porcelli