A rapid method for determining arachidonic: eicosapentaenoic acid ratios in whole blood lipids : correlation with erythrocyte membrane ratios and validation in a large Italian population of various ages and pathologies
2010 A.M. Rizzo, G. Montorfano, M. Negroni, L. Adorni, P. Berselli, P. Corsetto, K. Wahle, B. Berra
Long chain PUFAs are differently metabolized in breast cancer cells and affect differently cell proliferation
2008 P. Corsetto, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, P. Berselli, B. Berra, A.M. Rizzo
Validation of whole blood AA/EPA ratio for the ascertainment of long chain PUFA state of the body : observational studies in different populations
2008 B. Berra, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, P. Berselli, P. Corsetto, A.M. Rizzo
Blood and Oxidative Stress (BOS) : Soyuz mission "Eneide"
2007 A.M. Rizzo, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, S. Zava, B. Berra
Xenopus laevis embryos : biochemical evaluations in simulated microgravity
2007 B. Berra, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, S. Zava, A.M. Rizzo
Blood and oxidative stress (BOS) : Soyuz mission "Eneide"
2007 A.M. Rizzo, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, P. Berselli, P. Corsetto, B. Berra
Geriatric depression syndrome is ameliorated by integration with long chain omega-3 fatty acids
2007 B. Berra, M. Rondanelli, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, P. Berselli, P. Corsetto, A.M. Rizzo
Antioxidant metabolism in Xenopus laevis embryos is affected by stratospheric balloon flight
2007 A.M. Rizzo, Federica Rossi, Stefania Zava, Gigliola Montorfano, Laura Adorni, Vittorio Cotronei, Alba Zanini, Bruno Berra
Antioxidant metabolism of Xenopus laevis embryos during the first days of development
2007 A.M. Rizzo, L. Adorni, G. Montorfano, F. Rossi, B. Berra
Plasma, red blood cells phospholipids and clinical evaluation after long chain omega-3 supplementation in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2007 M. Germano, D. Meleleo, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, B. Berra, A.M. Rizzo
Observational studies on mood, cognitive dysfunctions and related disorders : effects of omega-3 supplementation
2006 A.M. Rizzo, L. Adorni, G. Montorfano, M. Negroni, B. Berra
Effect of omega-3 supplementation on cognitive functions in healthy and pathological subjects
2006 B. Berra, L. Adorni, G. Montorfano, M. Negroni, D. Meleleo, M. Germano, A.M. Rizzo
Blood and oxidative stress (BOS) : Soyuz Mission "Eneide"
2006 A.M. Rizzo, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, B. Berra
A new biomarker in cancer patients : the arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid (AA/EPA) ratio
2006 M.C. Garassino, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, B. Berra, A.M. Rizzo
Xenopus laevis embryos : an animal model to study the effects of space stress and possible countermeasures (ASSC-MoMa)
2006 A.M. Rizzo, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, S. Zava, B. Berra
Potential use of arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio for monitoring the supplementation with n-3 fatty acids in health and disease
2005 B. Berra, A.M. Rizzo, L. Adorni, M. Negroni, G. Montorfano
Effects of space radiations on Xenopus laevis embryos during stratospheric ballon flight
2003 A.M. Rizzo, F. Rossi, S. Zava, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, V. Cotronei, B. Berra
Skin lipid abnormalities in Gaucher's disease
2000 B. Berra, L. Adorni, R. Ciuffo, G. Montorfano, S. Rapelli, S. Zava
Experimental models to study glycoconjugate modifications in malignant transformation
1997 S. Rapelli, E. Sottocornola, E. Monteggia, I. Colombo, G. Montorfano, L. Adorni, B. Berra