Post-translational modifications and expanded polyglutamine toxicity in neurons
2009 M. Pennuto, I. Palazzolo, A. Poletti
2008 I. Palazzolo
The role of the polyglutarnine tract in androgen receptor
2008 I. Palazzolo, A. Gliozzi, P. Rusmini, D. Sau , V. Crippa, F. Simonini, E. Onesto, E. Bolzoni, A. Poletti
Aggregation and proteasome: the case of elongated polyglutamine aggregation in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
2007 P. Rusmini, D. Sau, V. Crippa, I. Palazzolo, F. Simonini, E. Onesto, L. Martini, A. Poletti
Analysis of the “in vitro” aggregation properties of the androgen receptor containing an expanded polyglutamine tract
2007 I. Palazzolo, E. Bolzoni, P. Rusmini, A. Gliozzi, A. Relini, M. Beeg, M. Salmona, A. Poletti
Akt blocks ligand binding and protects against expanded polyglutamine androgen receptor toxicity
2007 I. Palazzolo, B.G. Burnett, J.E. Young, P.L. Brenne, A.R. La Spada, K.H. Fischbeck, B.W. Howell, M. Pennuto
Mutation of the SOD1 in ALS : a gain of a loss of function
2007 D. Sau, S. De Biasi, L. Vitellaro-Zuccarello, P. Riso, S. Guarnieri, M. Porrini, S. Simeoni, V. Crippa, E. Onesto, I. Palazzolo, P. Rusmini, E. Bolzoni, C. Bendotti, A. Poletti
Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Athrophy : the effect of ligand on mutant androgen receptor aggregation and degradation
2006 E. Onesto, P. Rusmini, I. Palazzolo, F. Simonini, V. Crippa, D. Sau, A. Poletti
Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD1) and alteration of nuclear ROS protection in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
2006 D. Sau, S. Guarnieri, P. Riso, P. Rusmini, V. Crippa, E. Onesto, I. Palazzolo, F. Simonini, S. De Biasi, C. Bendotti, M. Porrini, A. Poletti
Modultion of the Androgen Receptor promoter :a potential therapeutic approach to Kennedy's disease
2006 F. Simonini, G. Vismara, M. Bignamini, V. Crippa, P. Rusmini, D. Sau, E. Onesto, I. Palazzolo, A. Poletti
The involvement of cellular degradative systems in the Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
2006 P. Rusmini, F. Simonini, D. Sau, V. Crippa, E. Onesto, I. Palazzolo, A. Poletti
Protein aggregation and impairment of Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway in a cellular model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2006 V. Crippa, D. Sau, P. Rusmini, E. Onesto, I. Palazzolo, F. Simonini, C. Bendotti, S. De Biasi, A. Poletti
A new approach to downregulate this neurotoxic androgen receptor in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
2005 F. Simonini, G. Vismara, M. Bignamini, I. Palazzolo, V. Crippa, P. Rusmini, D. Sau, A. Poletti
The role of the cytoplasmic aggregates in the spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
2005 P. Rusmini, D. Sau, V. Crippa, I. Palazzolo, I. Santoro, F. Simonini, A. Poletti
The involvement of the proteasome system in the clearance of aberrant proteins in Polyglutamine-related neurodegenerative diseases
2005 P. Rusmini, D. Sau, V. Crippa, F. Simonini, I. Palazzolo, A. Poletti
Controllo dell'espressione del recettore degli androgeni: una possibile applicazione per l'Atrofia Muscolare Spinale e Bulbare
2005 F. Simonini, M. Bignamini, V. Crippa, E. Onesto, I. Palazzolo, D. Sau, P. Rusmini, A. Poletti
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: the role of cytoplasmic aggregates
2005 P. Rusmini, D. Sau, V. Crippa, I. Palazzolo, I. Santoro, F. Simonini, A. Poletti
Mutant SOD1 and alteration of ubiquitin proteasome pathway in a cellular model of Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
2005 V. Crippa, D. Sau, P. Rusmini, F. Simonini, I. Palazzolo, A. Poletti
Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy: the meaning of cytoplasmic aggregates
2005 P. Rusmini, F. Simonini, I. Palazzolo, A. Poletti
Dual role of testosterone in motoneuronal survival in SBMA
2005 P. Rusmini, D. Sau, V. Crippa, F. Simonini, I. Palazzolo, T.U. Marron, A. Poletti