Sfoglia per Autore
Strain partitioning and fabric evolution as a correlation tool: the example of the Eclogitic Micaschists Complex in the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (Monte Mucrone – Monte Mars, Western Alps, Italy)
2002 M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso
Tectono-metamorphic map of the Languard-Campo-Serie del Tonale nappes between upper Val Camonica and Valtellina (Central Italian Alps, Austroalpine domain)
2003 M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, F. Salvi, G. Gosso, D. Gazzola
Structural Map Of The Languard-Campo- Serie Del Tonale Nappes (Passo Del Mortirolo -Valtellina-Valcamonica Divide, Austroalpine Domain, Central Italian Alps)
2003 F. Salvi, G. Gosso, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, D. Gazzola
Prograde LWS-KY Transition During Subduction Of The Alpine Continental Crust Of The Sesia-Lanzo Zone : The Ivozio Complex
2004 M. Zucali, M.I. Spalla, G. Gosso, S. Racchetti, F. Zulbati
Explanatory notes to the map : metamorphic structure of the Alps transition from the Western to the Central Alps
2004 R. Bousquet, M. Engi, G. Gosso, R. Oberhaensli, A. Berger, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, B. Goffe
Map of deformation partitioning in the polydeformed and polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement in Valtellina and Valcamonica (Central Alps)
2004 G. Gosso, F. Salvi, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali
Deformation vs. metamorphic re-equilibration heterogeneities in polymetamorphic rocks : a key to infer quality P-T-d-t path
2004 M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali
jPT - java Mineral Formula Calculation and Pressure-Temperature tool
2004 M. Zucali
Neutron texture investigations of minerals, natural ice and fossils
2005 D. Chateigner, M. Zucali
Meso- and microstructural analysis of the Mont Morion Complex rocks (Dent-Blanche nappe, Italian Western Alps): pre-Alpine and Alpine evolution
2005 R. Splendore, G. Giordano, M. Roda, M. Zucali
Geomorphology and structure : a new genetic model for some glacial cirques in the Western Orobic Alps (Southern Alps, Italy)
2005 A. Ghiselli, A. Bini, M. Zucali
New structural and metamorphic data from margins of Oligocenic plutons intruding the Sesia-Lanzo Zone basement (Internal Western Alps; Italy). In: Sheared magmas in nature and experiment: bridging the brittle and ductile fields
2005 M.I. Spalla, D. Zanoni, M. Zucali, G. Gosso, L. Bado
Structural analysis of roches moutonnées in Western Orobic Alps (Lombardia)
2005 A. Ghiselli, A. Bini, M. Zucali
A critical assessment of the tectono-thermal memory of rocks and definition of tectono-metamorphic units : evidence from fabric and degree of metamorphic transformations
2005 M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, S. di Paola, G.G.M. Gosso
Contrasted tectono-metamorphic evolutions in the Austroalpine basement of the Alpine belt
2005 M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, F. Zulbati, G. Gosso
Quantitative P-T path reconstruction in pebbles from Permian conglomerates of Southern Alps : a key to individuate parent rocks and to constrain the timing of basins evolution
2006 M.I. Spalla, D. Zanoni, E. Spreafico, M. Zucali, G.G.M. Gosso
Analisi quantitativa delle tessiture di metadioriti, deformate durante la subduzione alpina: Falda Languard-Campo – Austroalpino, Alpi Centrali.
2006 M. Zucali, D. Chateigner
Evoluzione strutturale e metasmorfica pre- sin- e post-intrusiva nell'incassante dei plutoni oligocenici di Biella e Traversella
2006 D. Zanoni, L. Bado, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali, G. Gosso
Struttura e metamorfismo Alpino di una zona di taglio crostale : analisi meso e microstrutturale del Complesso del Mont Morion (Falda Dent Blanche, Alpi Occidentali, Italia)
2006 R. Splendore, M. Zucali, G. Giordano, M. Roda
Map of deformation partitioning in the polydeformed and polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement in Valtellina and Val Camonica, (Central Alps)
2006 G. Gosso, F. Salvi, M.I. Spalla, M. Zucali
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