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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 147
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Strain partitioning and fabric evolution as a correlation tool: the example of the Eclogitic Micaschists Complex in the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (Monte Mucrone – Monte Mars, Western Alps, Italy) 2002 M. ZucaliM.I. SpallaG. Gosso Article (author) -
Tectono-metamorphic map of the Languard-Campo-Serie del Tonale nappes between upper Val Camonica and Valtellina (Central Italian Alps, Austroalpine domain) 2003 M.I. SpallaM. ZucaliF. SalviG. Gosso + Article (author) -
Structural Map Of The Languard-Campo- Serie Del Tonale Nappes (Passo Del Mortirolo -Valtellina-Valcamonica Divide, Austroalpine Domain, Central Italian Alps) 2003 F. SalviG. GossoM.I. SpallaM. Zucali + Map -
Prograde LWS-KY Transition During Subduction Of The Alpine Continental Crust Of The Sesia-Lanzo Zone : The Ivozio Complex 2004 M. ZucaliM.I. SpallaG. Gosso + Article (author) -
Explanatory notes to the map : metamorphic structure of the Alps transition from the Western to the Central Alps 2004 G. GossoM. I. SpallaM. Zucali + Article (author) -
Map of deformation partitioning in the polydeformed and polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement in Valtellina and Valcamonica (Central Alps) 2004 G. GossoM. I. SpallaM. Zucali + Map -
Deformation vs. metamorphic re-equilibration heterogeneities in polymetamorphic rocks : a key to infer quality P-T-d-t path 2004 M.I. SpallaM. Zucali Article (author) -
jPT - java Mineral Formula Calculation and Pressure-Temperature tool 2004 M. Zucali Multimedia Object (author) -
Neutron texture investigations of minerals, natural ice and fossils 2005 M. Zucali + Article (author) -
Meso- and microstructural analysis of the Mont Morion Complex rocks (Dent-Blanche nappe, Italian Western Alps): pre-Alpine and Alpine evolution 2005 R. SplendoreM. RodaM. Zucali + Article (author) -
Geomorphology and structure : a new genetic model for some glacial cirques in the Western Orobic Alps (Southern Alps, Italy) 2005 A. GhiselliA. BiniM. Zucali Book Part (author) -
New structural and metamorphic data from margins of Oligocenic plutons intruding the Sesia-Lanzo Zone basement (Internal Western Alps; Italy). In: Sheared magmas in nature and experiment: bridging the brittle and ductile fields 2005 M. I. SpallaD. ZanoniM. ZucaliG. Gosso + Article (author) -
Structural analysis of roches moutonnées in Western Orobic Alps (Lombardia) 2005 A. GhiselliA. BiniM. Zucali Article (author) -
A critical assessment of the tectono-thermal memory of rocks and definition of tectono-metamorphic units : evidence from fabric and degree of metamorphic transformations 2005 M.I. SpallaM. ZucaliG.G.M. Gosso + Book Part (author) -
Contrasted tectono-metamorphic evolutions in the Austroalpine basement of the Alpine belt 2005 M. I. SpallaM. ZucaliG. Gosso + Conference Object -
Quantitative P-T path reconstruction in pebbles from Permian conglomerates of Southern Alps : a key to individuate parent rocks and to constrain the timing of basins evolution 2006 M. I. SpallaD. ZanoniM. ZucaliG.G.M. Gosso + Book Part (author) -
Analisi quantitativa delle tessiture di metadioriti, deformate durante la subduzione alpina: Falda Languard-Campo – Austroalpino, Alpi Centrali. 2006 M. Zucali + Article (author) -
Evoluzione strutturale e metasmorfica pre- sin- e post-intrusiva nell'incassante dei plutoni oligocenici di Biella e Traversella 2006 D. ZanoniM.I. SpallaM. ZucaliG. Gosso + Article (author) -
Struttura e metamorfismo Alpino di una zona di taglio crostale : analisi meso e microstrutturale del Complesso del Mont Morion (Falda Dent Blanche, Alpi Occidentali, Italia) 2006 SPLENDORE, RAFFAELEM. ZucaliM. Roda + Article (author) -
Map of deformation partitioning in the polydeformed and polymetamorphic Austroalpine basement in Valtellina and Val Camonica, (Central Alps) 2006 G. GossoF. SalviM.I. SpallaM. Zucali Book Part (author) -
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