Nowadays, consumers are reorienting themselves more and more toward the consumption of food products characterized by additional quality traits. Since consumers cannot always personally verify the attributes of foodstuffs, these have to be guaranteed by a robust quality assurance process acting along the whole supply chain. An important worldwide increase of the demand for animal source foods is occurring, leading to the arising of a phenomenon known as the “livestock revolution”. However, animal food products are considered among the most frequently adulterated edible goods. Many compounds naturally present in animal products may represent important biomarkers related to considerable authenticity and quality issues. In the experimental part of this PhD thesis, chromatographic analytical techniques were developed and employed with the aim to identify and characterize chemical markers of integrity in animal products. This approach was employed on two levels: on a farm-scale, collecting raw material directly in the farms, and on a manufactory-scale, collecting transformed products, in order to relate their quality to the production process. Research was conducted on two different animal products: a) dairy products and b) fish products, particularly sturgeon meat and fish roes. a) Dairy products In Trial 1, the fatty acid (FA) composition of goat milk yielded in three Italian farms, chategorized based on the production system employed, was investigated by means of gas-chromatography and flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Results allowed to detect significant differences among milk collected in the three farms, particularly enhanced for many fatty acids, which amount varied in relation to the livestock system. Odd and branched chain fatty acids (OBCFA), linoleic acid (LA), α-linolneic acid (ALA), elaidic acid (EA), total n3 and n6 series FA were identified as the most significant factors in the characterization of samples coming from low- or high-input livestock systems in goat milk. In Trial 2, nutritional quality of goat cheese obtained by GC-FID analysis of the acidic profile was supplemented with animal welfare measurements performed in the farms involved in Trial 1 by means of a standardized protocol. The so-called extrinsic quality of goat cheese samples analysed, represented by the chemical profile determined by laboratory analysis, showed a significant higher quality in cheese collected from low-input farms, confirming the results obtained in Trial 1. On the contrary, welfare parameters (referred to as intrinsic quality) showed that no clear relationship was observable between the level of the animal welfare and the livestock systems analysed. The results of this trial indicated that the extrinsic and the intrinsic quality of low-input farms did not always match, suggesting that the information on the livestock system is not always enough in order to provide consumers with complete awareness of the total product quality. In Trial 3, fat quality in Alpine cow milk was characterized by means of GC-FID and related to the seasonal variations of diets. Two different feeding strategies were compared in two small mountain farms in Piedmont Alpine region, Italy. Particularly, during the summer season, one of the two farms was distinguished by the exclusive employment of Alpine pasture, assumed as the best way to improve the quality of FA profile in milk. Milk samples obtained by the exclusive employment of alpine grazing during summer (farm A) were represented by a FA profile of higher quality. However, during the summer season, milk obtained by the integrated strategy (farm B) resulted in a more homogeneous composition, with higher concentration of polyunsaturated FA (PUFA). These outcomes confirmed that the integrated strategy, even if related to a slightly lower ability in improving milk FA profile, could represent a valid and cost-effective alternative for mountain farmers to obtain an overall superior quality of milk, being not strictly linked to the grazing practice. b) Fish products – sturgeon meat and fish eggs In Trial 4, sturgeon raw eggs, caviar and meat obtained from different species reared in an Italian production plant were evaluated for their chemical composition, in order to improve their appreciation on the market and to detect any eventual distinctness related to the species. Fatty acids profile was investigated by GC-FID and multivariate statistics. Important differences in the deposition of individual fatty acids in sturgeon meat and ovas were detected, principally based on their different biological role. Particularly, interesting differences were observed in the different FA profile that characterized the phospholipid and the neutral lipid fractions in sturgeon roes. Finally, colour parameters were measured on sturgeon fillets, characterizing the species-specific properties of sturgeon meat. In Trial 5, quality, traceability and safety issues related to processed fish roe products from different species were investigated. FA was performed by GC-FID. Results showed a differentiation among eggs harvested from different fish species. Then, a discriminant model was applied including an external set of sturgeon roes samples, coming from Trial 4, that enabled a good discrimination among roes from sturgeon or other spescies. Additionally, food safety of fish roes products was investigated, proving a general good hygienic level for the products analysed. On the overall, results obtained by this trial suggested fish roes as safe food products, which can also provide human nutrition a valuable content of essential fatty acids. In Trial 6, a multiple headspace solid phase microextraction (MHS-SPME) followed by GC and mass spectrometry detection (MS) was firstly developed and subsequently employed to identify and quantitatively estimate the presence of volatile compounds (VOCs) in white sturgeon caviar during 4 months of ripening. The method allowed the detection and the quantitative estimation of twenty-five VOCs, mainly represented by aldehydes and alcohols, already know as main representative of fish and seafood volatilome, without any severe alteration of the matrix before the analysis and in a short time. Mainly, an increase of the amount of total aldehydes was observed in 4 months of ripening; moreover, the arise of 3-hydroxy-2-butanone was observed at the last sampling time. In Trial 7, a HS-SPME-GC-MS method was applied to evaluate the evolution of the volatile profile in white sturgeon caviar treated with different preservative mixtures in an extended storage time (up to 14 months). Results obtained for the VOCs profile were matched with microbiological analysis. Multivariate statistics allowed the identification of different clusters based on the time of ripening and the preservative treatment used. Particularly, samples added just with salt were characterized by the highest viable counts and the greatest presence of VOCs driven by spoilage processes, strongly enhanced by the prolonged ripening time, pushed beyond the optimal maturation time generally considered in caviar production plants. In Trial 8, a ultra high performance liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) method was developed and optimized in order to characterize the non volatile metabolome of white sturgeon caviar during the ripening. Both the optimization of the method and data analysis were performed by chemometrics techniques. Results showed a strong evolution of the non volatile compounds present in the aqueous phase of sturgeon eggs during the first 4 months of ripening and then a partial stabilization. Most of the compound tentatively identified were associated to a high nutritional value, comprising protein and non protein amino acids, phospholipids species made of long chain and unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Moreover, the presence of chemical species related to fundamental impact on the characteristic umami taste in food, such as glutamic acid and nucleotides, were detected.
I consumatori moderni sono sempre più orientati al consumo di prodotti alimentari caratterizzati da proprietà riferibili alla cosidetta qualità aggiunta. Poichè, però, essi non sono sempre in grado di verificare personalmente le caratteristiche dei prodotti che acquistano, queste devono essere garantite da un processo di assicurazione di qualità robusto e affidabile, in grado di agire efficacemente lungo tutta l'intera catena di approvvigionamento. A livello globale, attualmente, si sta verificando un importante aumento della domanda di alimenti di origine animale, fenomeno noto come ‘livestock revolution’. Al contempo, i prodotti di origine animale sono tra i prodotti più frequentemente coinvolti nei casi di frode e adulterazione alimentare. Alcuni composti naturalmente presenti negli alimenti di origine animale possono essere considerati importanti bio-marcatori, ovvero indicatori di caratteristiche di autenticità e qualità. Nella parte sperimentale di questa tesi di dottorato, sono state sviluppate e impiegate tecniche analitiche di cromatografia con l'obiettivo di identificare e caratterizzare marcatori di integrità in prodotti di origine animale. L’approccio analitico è stato adottato su due livelli: a livello primario, campionando la materia prima direttamente nelle aziende agricole, e su scala manifatturiera, campionando i prodotti già trasformati, sul mercato, in maniera tale da mettere in relazione la qualità finale con il processo produttivo. La ricerca è stata condotta su due tipologie diverse di prodotti di origine animale: a) prodotti lattiero-caseari e b) prodotti ittici, in particolare carne di storione e uova di pesce. a) Prodotti lattiero-caseari Nella Prova 1 è stata studiata la composizione in acidi grassi (AG) del latte di capra prodotto in tre diversi allevamenti italiani, classificati in base al sistema produttivo impiegato, mediante gas-cromatografia e rivelazione a ionizzazione di fiamma (GC-FID). I risultati hanno permesso di evidenziare differenze significative tra i campioni di latte raccolto nei tre allevamenti, differenze particolarmente accentuate per la quantità di alcuni acidi grassi, variabili in relazione al sistema zootecnico impiegato nella corrispettiva azienda. Gli acidi grassi a catena dispari e ramificata (OBCFA), l'acido linoleico (LA), l'acido alfa-linolenico (ALA), l'acido elaidico (EA), gli acidi grassi totali delle serie n3 e n6 sono stati identificati come i fattori più significativi nella caratterizzazione dei campioni di latte di capra provenienti da sistemi di allevamento a basso o alto input. Nella Prova 2, le informazioni sulla qualità nutrizionale del formaggio di capra ottenuta mediante analisi GC-FID del profilo acidico sono state integrate con parametri ottenuti dalla valutazione del benessere animale negli allevamenti coinvolti nella Prova 1, mediante un protocollo standardizzato. La cosiddetta qualità estrinseca dei campioni di formaggio di capra analizzati, rappresentata dal loro profilo chimico determinato mediante analisi di laboratorio, ha mostrato una qualità significativamente più elevata nei formaggi raccolti da allevamenti a basso input, confermando i risultati ottenuti nella Prova 1. Al contrario, i parametri di benessere (cui si fa riferimento con qualità intrinseca) hanno mostrato che non esisteva una chiara relazione tra il livello di benessere animale ed i sistemi di allevamento analizzati nella prova. I risultati di questa sperimentazione suggeriscono che la qualità estrinseca e quella intrinseca del formaggio di capra prodotto in allevamenti a basso input non sempre coincidono, a prova del fatto che fornire informazioni sul sistema produttivo impiegato non è sempre uno strumento sufficiente per dotare i consumatori di una piena consapevolezza nei confronti della qualità complessiva del prodotto che acquistano. Nella Prova 3, la qualità del grasso del latte vaccino di montagna è stata caratterizzata mediante GC-FID e correlata alla variazione stagionale della composizione chimica della dieta fornita alle bovine. Sono state confrontate due strategie alimentari impiegate in due piccole aziende agricole di montagna della regione alpina piemontese, in Italia. In particolare, durante la stagione estiva, i due allevamenti si distinguevano per l'esclusivo impiego dell'alpeggio in una delle due aziende, considerato come la migliore strategia per ottimizzare la qualità del profilo acidico del latte. I campioni di latte ottenuti con l'impiego esclusivo dell'alpeggio durante l'estate (allevamento A) si sono caratterizzati per un profilo in AG generalmente di qualità superiore. Tuttavia, durante la stagione estiva, il latte raccolto nell’azienda dove si impiegava una strategia di alimentazione integrata (allevamento B) ha mostrato possedere una composizione più omogenea, con una concentrazione in media più alta di acidi grassi polinsaturi (PUFA). Questi risultati hanno confermato che la strategia integrata, anche se associata ad una capacità leggermente inferiore di migliorare il profilo in AG del latte, può rappresentare una valida ed economica alternativa per gli allevatori di montagna per ottenere un latte di qualità, pur non essendo strettamente vincolati alla pratica del pascolo. b) Prodotti ittici – carne di storione e uova di pesce Nella Prova 4 è stata analizzata la composizione chimica di uova, caviale e carne di diverse specie di storione provenienti da uno stabilimento di acquacultura italiano, al fine di migliorarne l'apprezzamento sul mercato e di identificare eventuali differenze relazionate alla specie di provenienza. Il profilo in AG è stato analizzato mediante GC-FID e l’analisi dei dati è stata effetuata mediante tecniche di statistica multivariata. Sono state evidenziate importanti differenze nella deposizione dei singoli acidi grassi nei campioni di uova e di carne di storione analizzati, in linea con la funzione biologica ricoperta. In particolare, una differenza significativa nel profilo acidico è stata osservata comparando le frazioni lipidiche dei fosfolipidi e dei lipidi neutri nelle uova. Infine, sui filetti di storione sono stati misurati i parametri di colore, caratterizzandone le proprietà e le caratteristiche specie-specifiche. Nella Prova 5, sono stati studiati aspetti di qualità, tracciabilità e sicurezza relativi ai prodotti trasformati di uova di pesce di diverse specie. L'analisi degli acidi grassi è stata eseguita mediante GC-FID. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato differenze tra uova provenienti da diverse specie ittiche. Conseguentemente, l’applicazione di un modello discriminante che includeva un set esterno di campioni di uova di storione, analizzati nella Prova 4, ha permesso di distinguere le uova di diverse specie dal caviale di storione. Inoltre, sono stati misurati parametri di sicurezza alimentare dei prodotti campionati, dimostrando un buon livello generale di igiene. Nel complesso, i risultati ottenuti da questa sperimentazione hanno permesso di indicare i prodotti a base di uova di pesce come alimenti sicuri e in grado di fornire alla nutrizione umana un prezioso contenuto di acidi grassi essenziali. Nella Prova 6, è stata inizialmente sviluppata una tecnica analitica basata su microestrazioni multiple in fase solida su spazio di testa (MHS-SPME) seguita da GC e spettrometria di massa (MS), conseguentemente applicata per identificare e stimare la quantità dei principali composti volatili (VOCs) presenti nel caviale di storione bianco, durante 4 mesi di maturazione. Il metodo ha permesso di identificare la presenza, e di stimare la quantità, di 25 composti volatili, rappresentati principalmente da aldeidi e alcoli, già noti in letteratura come responsabili del flavour del pesce e dei frutti di mare, senza incorrere in alterazioni significative della matrice prima delle analisi e in un tempo relativamente breve. Principalmente, è stato rilevato un aumento significativo della concentrazione di aldeidi totali in 4 mesi di maturazione; inoltre, si è osservata la comparsa del chetone 3-idrossi-2-butanone all’ultimo tempo di campionamento incluso nella prova. Nella Prova 7, la tecnica di HS-SPME-GC-MS è stata applicata per valutare l'evoluzione del profilo volatile nel caviale di storione bianco addizionato con diverse miscele di conservanti in un tempo di conservazione prolungato (fino a 14 mesi). I risultati ottenuti per il profilo dei VOCs sono stati uniti con parametri di microbiologia prima di effettuare l’analisi dei dati. Le tecniche di statistica univariata e multivariata applicate hanno permesso di identificare diversi gruppi di campioni, in base al tempo di maturazione e alla miscela di conservanti utilizzata. In particolare, i campioni di caviale purosale sono risultati essere queli caratterizzati, nel lungo termine, dalle più alte cariche microbiologiche e dalla maggiore concentrazione di VOCs, la cui formazione è stata relazionata con i processi di deterioramento, fortemente esaltati dal tempo di maturazione prolungato, spinto ben oltre il tempo di maturazione ottimale generalmente utilizzato negli impianti di produzione di caviale. Nella Prova 8, è stato sviluppato e ottimizzato un metodo di cromatografia liquida ad alta prestazione e spettrometria di massa ad alta risoluzione (UHPLC-HRMS) per caratterizzare il metaboloma non volatile del caviale di storione bianco durante la maturazione. Sia l'ottimizzazione del metodo che l'analisi dei dati utilizzata per l’interpretazione dei risultati sono state eseguite mediante tecniche di chemiometria. I risultati hanno mostrato una forte evoluzione dei composti non volatili presenti nella fase acquosa delle uova di storione durante i primi 4 mesi di maturazione, seguita poi da una parziale stabilizzazione. La maggior parte dei composti tentativamente identificati erano composti caratterizzati da un alto valore nutritivo, tra cui aminoacidi proteici e non proteici, specie fosfolipidiche di acidi grassi a catena lunga e insaturi, e vitamine. Inoltre, è stata rilevata la presenza di specie chimiche note per il fondamentale impatto generato sul caratteristico gusto umami negli alimenti, tra cui acido glutammico e nucleotidi.
DEVELOPMENT OF COMBINED ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES TO DETECT QUALITY AND AUTHENTICITY ATTRIBUTES IN ANIMAL PRODUCTS / A. Lopez ; tutor: V. M. Moretti ; coordinatore: F. Ceciliani. Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali, 2022 May 12. 34. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2021.
A. Lopez
Nowadays, consumers are reorienting themselves more and more toward the consumption of food products characterized by additional quality traits. Since consumers cannot always personally verify the attributes of foodstuffs, these have to be guaranteed by a robust quality assurance process acting along the whole supply chain. An important worldwide increase of the demand for animal source foods is occurring, leading to the arising of a phenomenon known as the “livestock revolution”. However, animal food products are considered among the most frequently adulterated edible goods. Many compounds naturally present in animal products may represent important biomarkers related to considerable authenticity and quality issues. In the experimental part of this PhD thesis, chromatographic analytical techniques were developed and employed with the aim to identify and characterize chemical markers of integrity in animal products. This approach was employed on two levels: on a farm-scale, collecting raw material directly in the farms, and on a manufactory-scale, collecting transformed products, in order to relate their quality to the production process. Research was conducted on two different animal products: a) dairy products and b) fish products, particularly sturgeon meat and fish roes. a) Dairy products In Trial 1, the fatty acid (FA) composition of goat milk yielded in three Italian farms, chategorized based on the production system employed, was investigated by means of gas-chromatography and flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Results allowed to detect significant differences among milk collected in the three farms, particularly enhanced for many fatty acids, which amount varied in relation to the livestock system. Odd and branched chain fatty acids (OBCFA), linoleic acid (LA), α-linolneic acid (ALA), elaidic acid (EA), total n3 and n6 series FA were identified as the most significant factors in the characterization of samples coming from low- or high-input livestock systems in goat milk. In Trial 2, nutritional quality of goat cheese obtained by GC-FID analysis of the acidic profile was supplemented with animal welfare measurements performed in the farms involved in Trial 1 by means of a standardized protocol. The so-called extrinsic quality of goat cheese samples analysed, represented by the chemical profile determined by laboratory analysis, showed a significant higher quality in cheese collected from low-input farms, confirming the results obtained in Trial 1. On the contrary, welfare parameters (referred to as intrinsic quality) showed that no clear relationship was observable between the level of the animal welfare and the livestock systems analysed. The results of this trial indicated that the extrinsic and the intrinsic quality of low-input farms did not always match, suggesting that the information on the livestock system is not always enough in order to provide consumers with complete awareness of the total product quality. In Trial 3, fat quality in Alpine cow milk was characterized by means of GC-FID and related to the seasonal variations of diets. Two different feeding strategies were compared in two small mountain farms in Piedmont Alpine region, Italy. Particularly, during the summer season, one of the two farms was distinguished by the exclusive employment of Alpine pasture, assumed as the best way to improve the quality of FA profile in milk. Milk samples obtained by the exclusive employment of alpine grazing during summer (farm A) were represented by a FA profile of higher quality. However, during the summer season, milk obtained by the integrated strategy (farm B) resulted in a more homogeneous composition, with higher concentration of polyunsaturated FA (PUFA). These outcomes confirmed that the integrated strategy, even if related to a slightly lower ability in improving milk FA profile, could represent a valid and cost-effective alternative for mountain farmers to obtain an overall superior quality of milk, being not strictly linked to the grazing practice. b) Fish products – sturgeon meat and fish eggs In Trial 4, sturgeon raw eggs, caviar and meat obtained from different species reared in an Italian production plant were evaluated for their chemical composition, in order to improve their appreciation on the market and to detect any eventual distinctness related to the species. Fatty acids profile was investigated by GC-FID and multivariate statistics. Important differences in the deposition of individual fatty acids in sturgeon meat and ovas were detected, principally based on their different biological role. Particularly, interesting differences were observed in the different FA profile that characterized the phospholipid and the neutral lipid fractions in sturgeon roes. Finally, colour parameters were measured on sturgeon fillets, characterizing the species-specific properties of sturgeon meat. In Trial 5, quality, traceability and safety issues related to processed fish roe products from different species were investigated. FA was performed by GC-FID. Results showed a differentiation among eggs harvested from different fish species. Then, a discriminant model was applied including an external set of sturgeon roes samples, coming from Trial 4, that enabled a good discrimination among roes from sturgeon or other spescies. Additionally, food safety of fish roes products was investigated, proving a general good hygienic level for the products analysed. On the overall, results obtained by this trial suggested fish roes as safe food products, which can also provide human nutrition a valuable content of essential fatty acids. In Trial 6, a multiple headspace solid phase microextraction (MHS-SPME) followed by GC and mass spectrometry detection (MS) was firstly developed and subsequently employed to identify and quantitatively estimate the presence of volatile compounds (VOCs) in white sturgeon caviar during 4 months of ripening. The method allowed the detection and the quantitative estimation of twenty-five VOCs, mainly represented by aldehydes and alcohols, already know as main representative of fish and seafood volatilome, without any severe alteration of the matrix before the analysis and in a short time. Mainly, an increase of the amount of total aldehydes was observed in 4 months of ripening; moreover, the arise of 3-hydroxy-2-butanone was observed at the last sampling time. In Trial 7, a HS-SPME-GC-MS method was applied to evaluate the evolution of the volatile profile in white sturgeon caviar treated with different preservative mixtures in an extended storage time (up to 14 months). Results obtained for the VOCs profile were matched with microbiological analysis. Multivariate statistics allowed the identification of different clusters based on the time of ripening and the preservative treatment used. Particularly, samples added just with salt were characterized by the highest viable counts and the greatest presence of VOCs driven by spoilage processes, strongly enhanced by the prolonged ripening time, pushed beyond the optimal maturation time generally considered in caviar production plants. In Trial 8, a ultra high performance liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) method was developed and optimized in order to characterize the non volatile metabolome of white sturgeon caviar during the ripening. Both the optimization of the method and data analysis were performed by chemometrics techniques. Results showed a strong evolution of the non volatile compounds present in the aqueous phase of sturgeon eggs during the first 4 months of ripening and then a partial stabilization. Most of the compound tentatively identified were associated to a high nutritional value, comprising protein and non protein amino acids, phospholipids species made of long chain and unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Moreover, the presence of chemical species related to fundamental impact on the characteristic umami taste in food, such as glutamic acid and nucleotides, were detected.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 10/11/2023
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