Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali
Modelling the timing of migration of a partial migrant bird using ringing and observation data: a case study with the Song Thrush in Italy
2023 R. Ambrosini, S. Imperio, J.G. Cecere, A. Andreotti, L. Serra, F. Spina, N. Fattorini, A. Costanzo
Spatiotemporal overlap between the european brown hare and its potential predators and competitors
2021 A. Viviano, E. Mori, N. Fattorini, G. Mazza, L. Lazzeri, A. Panichi, L. Strianese, W.F. Mohamed
Occurrence, distribution and pollution pattern of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in surface water of the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway) : Environmental contamination, seasonal trend and climate change
2021 N. Ademollo, F. Spataro, J. Rauseo, T. Pescatore, N. Fattorini, S. Valsecchi, S. Polesello, L. Patrolecco
Pushed to the edge : Environmental factors drive ecological responses of Aphanius fasciatus when in sympatry with invasive Gambusia holbrooki
2021 F. Monti, M. Marcelli, P. Fastelli, N. Fattorini
Land cover and weather jointly predict biometric indicators of phenotypic quality in a large herbivore
2021 C. Vannini, N. Fattorini, S. Mattioli, S. Nicoloso, F. Ferretti
The scale-dependent effectiveness of wildlife managementc: a case study on British deer
2020 N. Fattorini, S. Lovari, P. Watson, R. Putman
Multi-model inference analysis of toxicological responses and levels of heavy metals in soft tissue of land snail Cornu aspersum caged in proximity to an industrial setting
2020 L. Sturba, N. Fattorini, G. Liberatori, M.L. Vannuccini, F. Nannoni, G. Protano, A. Tursi, I. Corsi