Dipartimento di Chimica
Photocatalytic selective oxidation of ammonia in a semi-batch reactor: Unravelling the effect of reaction conditions and metal co-catalysts
2021 E. Bahadori, F. Conte, A. Tripodi, G. Ramis, I. Rossetti
Photochemical vs. photocatalytic azo-dye removal in a pilot free-surface reactor: Is the catalyst effective?
2020 E. Bahadori, M. Rapf, A. Di Michele, I. Rossetti
Design of efficient photocatalytic processes for the production of hydrogen from biomass derived substrates
2020 G. Ramis, E. Bahadori, I. Rossetti
Photoreforming of glucose over CuO/TiO2
2020 E. Bahadori, G. Ramis, D. Zanardo, F. Menegazzo, M. Signoretto, D. Gazzoli, D. Pietrogiacomi, A. Di Michele, I. Rossetti
Matching nanotechnologies with reactor scale up and industrial exploitation
2020 E. Bahadori, G. Ramis, I. Rossetti
Visible and UV-light removal of inorganic N-containing pollutants from waste waters
2019 I. Rossetti, A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, G. Ramis
Modelling of photoreactors for water treatment
2019 I. Rossetti, E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, G. Ramis
Modelling of photoreactors for water treatment
2019 I. Rossetti, E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, G. Ramis
Photocatalytic reactors and processes for the abatement of harmful N-containing pollutants from waste and drinking waters
2019 I.G. Rossetti, E. Bahadori, M. Compagnoni, A. Tripodi, G. Ramis
Design of multibed reactors for ammonia synthesis plants
2019 I. Rossetti, A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, G. Ramis
Hydrogen, ethylene and power production from bioethanol : are we ready for the renewable market?
2019 I. Rossetti, A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, G. Ramis
Photoreactors design for fuels production
2019 G. Ramis, E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, I. Rossetti
Steam reforming of ethanol over Ni/MgAl2O4 catalysts
2019 A. Di Michele, A. Dell'Angelo, A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, F. Sànchez, D. Motta, N. Dimitratos, I. Rossetti, G. Ramis
Feasibility assessment, process design and dynamic simulation for cogeneration of heat and power by steam reforming of diluted bioethanol
2019 A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, G. Ramis, I. Rossetti
Photoreactors Design for Hydrogen Production
2019 G. Ramis, E. Bahadori, I. Rossetti
Innovative high pressure photoreactors for the photoreduction of CO2
2019 I. Rossetti, A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, G. Ramis
H2 production through photoreforming of carbohydrates
2019 G. Ramis, E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, I. Rossetti
Unconventional Photoreactors Design : Towards High Pressure and High Temperature for Renewable Fuels Production
2019 G. Ramis, E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, I. Rossetti
High pressure CO₂ photoreduction using Au/TiO₂ : Unravelling the effect of co-catalysts and of titania polymorphs
2019 E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, A. Villa, C. Pirola, L. Prati, G. Ramis, N. Dimitratos, D. Wang, I. Rossetti
Photoreactors design for hydrogen production
2019 G. Ramis, E. Bahadori, I. Rossetti