DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA INORGANICA, METALLORGANICA E ANALITICA "Lamberto Malatesta" (attivo dal 23/06/1992 al 26/04/2014)
Recent progress for hydrogen production from ammonia and hydrous hydrazine decomposition: A review on heterogeneous catalysts
2023 P. Adamou, S. Bellomi, S. Hafeez, E. Harkou, S.M. Al-Salem, A. Villa, N. Dimitratos, G. Manos, A. Constantinou
Effects of oxygen functionalities on hydrous hydrazine decomposition over carbonaceous materials
2023 S. Bellomi, I. Barlocco, S. Tumiati, P. Fumagalli, N. Dimitratos, A. Roldan, A. Villa
Enhanced stability of sub-nanometric iridium decorated graphitic carbon nitride for H2 production upon hydrous hydrazine decomposition
2023 S. Bellomi, I. Barlocco, X. Chen, J.J. Delgado, R. Arrigo, N. Dimitratos, A. Roldan, A. Villa
A Career in Catalysis: Laura Prati
2023 S. Campisi, M. Stucchi, N. Dimitratos, A. Villa
Selective decomposition of hydrazine over metal free carbonaceous materials
2022 I. Barlocco, S. Bellomi, S. Tumiati, P. Fumagalli, N. Dimitratos, A. Roldan, A. Villa
On the role of bismuth as modifier in AuPdBi catalysts: Effects on liquid-phase oxidation and hydrogenation reactions
2021 S. Campisi, S. Capelli, M. Ferri, A. Villa, E. Dann, A. Wade, P.P. Wells, N. Dimitratos
Dual-Site-Mediated Hydrogenation Catalysis on Pd/NiO: Selective Biomass Transformation and Maintenance of Catalytic Activity at Low Pd Loading
2020 S. Campisi, C.E. Chan-Thaw, L.E. Chinchilla, A. Chutia, G.A. Botton, K.M.H. Mohammed, N. Dimitratos, P.P. Wells, A. Villa
DFT-Assisted Spectroscopic Studies on the Coordination of Small Ligands to Palladium: From Isolated Ions to Nanoparticles
2020 S. Campisi, C. Beevers, A. Nasrallah, C.R.A. Catlow, C.E. Chan-Thaw, M. Manzoli, N. Dimitratos, D.J. Willock, A. Roldan, A. Villa
Steam reforming of ethanol over Ni/MgAl2O4 catalysts
2019 A. Di Michele, A. Dell'Angelo, A. Tripodi, E. Bahadori, F. Sànchez, D. Motta, N. Dimitratos, I. Rossetti, G. Ramis
High pressure CO₂ photoreduction using Au/TiO₂ : Unravelling the effect of co-catalysts and of titania polymorphs
2019 E. Bahadori, A. Tripodi, A. Villa, C. Pirola, L. Prati, G. Ramis, N. Dimitratos, D. Wang, I. Rossetti
Sonochemical synthesis of Ni-Based catalysts for Ethanol Steam Reforming
2018 A. Di Michele, A. Dell’Angelo, N. Dimitratos, G. Ramis, I. Rossetti
Surface Probing by Spectroscopy on Titania-Supported Gold Nanoparticles for a Photoreductive Application
2018 M. Compagnoni, A. Villa, E. Bahdori, D. Morgan, L. Prati, N. Dimitratos, I. Rossetti, G. Ramis
CO2 Photoconversion to Fuels and Chemicals under High Pressure
2016 M. Compagnoni, A. Olivo, F. Galli, A. Villa, C. Pirola, L. Prati, M. Signoretto, N. Dimitratos, I.G. Rossetti
Base-free glycerol oxidation: studying the effects of structural and acid properties of support in bimetallic catalysts
2013 S. Campisi, K.M.H. Mohammed, A. Villa, N. Dimitratos, P. Wells, J. Evans, R. Catlow, L. Prati
Support acid-base properties as a tool for directing selectivity in the Au-Pt catalyzed base-free glycerol oxidation
2013 S. Campisi, K.M.H. Mohammed, A. Villa, N. Dimitratos, P. Wells, J. Evans, R. Catlow, L. Prati
Pd on carbon nanotubes for liquid phase alcohol oxidation
2010 A. Villa, D. Wang, N. Dimitratos, D. Su, V. Trevisan, L. Prati
Effect of Au in Cs2.5H1.5PVMo11O40 and Cs2.5H1.5PVMo11O40/Au/TiO2 catalysts in the gas phase oxidation of propylene
2007 N. Dimitratos, C. Della Pina, E. Falletta, C.L. Bianchi, V. Dal Santo, M. Rossi
Gold on titania : effect of preparation method in the liquid phase oxidation
2006 N. Dimitratos, A. Villa, C.L.M. Bianchi, L. Prati, M. Makkee