Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (attivo dal 23/02/2016 al 01/01/2022)
Epithelial lacrimal gland tumors in dogs and cats: Is the human WHO classification appropriate for animals?
2021 C. Giudice, L. Nordio, M. Cadonici, M. Novella Perelli, M. Caniatti
Molecular and Immunohistochemical Expression of LTA4H and FXR1 in Canine Oral Melanoma
2021 L. Nordio, C. Bazzocchi, F. Genova, V. Serra, M. Longeri, G. Franzo, M. Rondena, D. Stefanello, C. Giudice
Preliminary Observations on Matrix Metalloproteinases in Canine Oral Melanoma: Association Of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 Immunohistochemical Expression with FXR1 and Clinical Outcome,
2019 L. Nordio, G. Franzo, M. Rondena, D. Stefanello, C. Giudice
2019 L. Nordio
MMP-9 immunohistochemical expression is correlated with histologic grade in feline diffuse iris melanoma
2018 L. Nordio, V. Stornelli, C. Giudice
A case of third eyelid hibernoma in a dog
2018 D. Multari, C. Giudice, M. Nuti, L. Nordio, C. Falzone
Expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 in feline diffuse iris melanoma : correlation with histological grade and mitotic index
2018 L. Nordio, V. Stornelli, C. Giudice
Immunohistochemical Expression of FXR1 in Canine Normal Tissues and Melanomas
2018 L. Nordio, A.T. Marques, C. Lecchi, A.M. Luciano, D. Stefanello, C. Giudice
Evidence of Vasculogenic Mimicry in a Palpebral Melanocytoma in a Dog
2018 L. Nordio, S. Fattori, M. Vascellari, C. Giudice
Lacrimal Gland Tumours in Dogs: A Histological and Immunohistochemical Study
2017 L. Nordio, N. Perelli, D. Multari, C. Giudice
Generation of a new mouse model of glaucoma characterized by reduced expression of the AP-2β and AP-2δ proteins
2017 M. Barzago, M. Kurosaki, M. Fratelli, M. Bolis, C. Giudice, L. Nordio, E. Cerri, L. Domenici, M. Terao, E. Garattini
Validation of anti-FXR1 antibodies in the canine species and application to an immunohistochemical study of canine oral melanomas
2017 L. Nordio, A.F. Tomas Marques
LTA4H and FXR1 Gene and Protein Expression in Canine Oral Melanoma
2017 L. Nordio, F. Genova, V. Serra, C. Bazzocchi, M.L. Longeri, D. Stefanello, M. Rondena, C. Giudice
Fibrosarcoma of the eyelid in two sibling Czech wolfdogs
2017 L. Nordio, S. Fattori, C. Giudice
Widespread extrahepatic expression of acute-phase proteins in healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) tissues
2017 A.T. Marques, L. Nordio, C. Lecchi, G. Grilli, C. Giudice, F. Ceciliani
LTA4H expression in canine oral melanomas: preliminary results
2016 L. Nordio, F. Genova, V. Serra, C. Bazzocchi, M.L. Longeri, D. Stefanello, C. Giudice