Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Observed snow depth trends in the European Alps: 1971 to 2019
2021 M. Matiu, A. Crespi, G. Bertoldi, C.M. Carmagnola, C. Marty, S. Morin, W. Schöner, D. Cat Berro, G. Chiogna, L. De Gregorio, S. Kotlarski, B. Majone, G. Resch, S. Terzago, M. Valt, W. Beozzo, P. Cianfarra, I. Gouttevin, G. Marcolini, C. Notarnicola, M. Petitta, S.C. Scherrer, U. Strasser, M. Winkler, M. Zebisch, A. Cicogna, R. Cremonini, A. Debernardi, M. Faletto, M. Gaddo, L. Giovannini, L. Mercalli, J. Soubeyroux, A. Sušnik, A. Trenti, S. Urbani, V. Weilguni
A multi-century meteo-hydrological analysis for the Adda river basin (Central Alps). Part II : Daily runoff (1845–2016) at different scales
2021 R. Ranzi, E.M. Michailidi, M. Tomirotti, A. Crespi, M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri
A multi-century meteo-hydrological analysis for the Adda river basin (Central Alps). Part I: Gridded monthly precipitation (1800–2016) records
2021 A. Crespi, M. Brunetti, R. Ranzi, M. Tomirotti, M. Maugeri
Drought variability and trend over the Lombardy plain from meteorological station records
2020 C. Gandolfi, A. Facchi, A. Crespi, M. Rienzner, M. Maugeri
Spatio-temporal variability and trends of drought indices over lombardy plain (Northern Italy) from meteorological station records (1951–2017)
2020 A. Crespi, A. Borghi, A. Facchi, C. Gandolfi, M. Maugeri
Variability of orographic enhancement of precipitation in the Alpine region
2019 A. Napoli, A. Crespi, F. Ragone, M. Maugeri, C. Pasquero
High‐resolution monthly precipitation climatologies over Norway (1981–2010): Joining numerical model data sets and in situ observations
2019 A. Crespi, C. Lussana, M. Brunetti, A. Dobler, M. Maugeri, O.E. Tveito
2019 A. Crespi
High-Resolution Monthly Precipitation Fields (1913–2015) over a Complex Mountain Area Centred on the Forni Valley (Central Italian Alps)
2018 A. Golzio, A. Crespi, I.M. Bollati, A. Senese, G.A. Diolaiuti, M. Pelfini, M. Maugeri
Detection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
2018 R. Ranzi, M. Tomirotti, E.M. Michailidi, M. Brunetti, A. Crespi, M. Maugeri
Analisi delle tendenze di lungo termine nel regime degli afflussi meteorici e dei deflussi dell’Adda a Lecco (1845-2014) = Long term rainfall and runoff trends of the Adda river in Lecco (1845-2014)
2018 R. Ranzi, B. Bacchi, M. Tomirotti, C. Castioni, M. Brunetti, A. Crespi, M. Maugeri
1845–2016 gridded dataset of monthly precipitation over the upper Adda river basin : a comparison with runoff series
2018 A. Crespi, M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri, R. Ranzi, M. Tomirotti
1961-1990 high-resolution monthly precipitation climatologies for Italy
2018 A. Crespi, M. Brunetti, G. Lentini, M. Maugeri
Nuove carte termometriche e pluviometriche per l'Italia
2017 B. M., A. Crespi, L. G., M. Maugeri
Analisi geofisica integrata per la caratterizzazione della micrometeorologia ipogea
2016 L. Palazzolo, A. Crespi, M. Maugeri, G. Badino
Analisi delle tendenze di lungo termine nel regime degli afflussi meteorici e dei deflussi dell’Adda a Lecco (1845-2014)
2016 R. Ranzi, M. Tomirotti, F. Goatelli, M. Brunetti, A. Crespi, M. Maugeri
Temperature and precipitation climatologies for Italy and downscaling of the italian secular records onto a high-resolution grid
2016 B. M., A. Crespi, M. Maugeri
1961-1990 high-resolution monthly precipitation climatologies for Italy
2016 A. Crespi, M. Maugeri, M. Brunetti
1961-1990 high-resolution monthly precipitation climatologies for Italy
2016 A. Crespi, M. Brunetti, M. Maugeri
Implementing constrained multi-time approach with bootstrap analysis in ME-2: An application to PM2.5 data from Florence (Italy)
2016 A. Crespi, V. Bernardoni, G. Calzolai, F. Lucarelli, S. Nava, G. Valli, R. Vecchi